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RE: Ghostbusters 3 Coming, Female Reboot Tossed Aside

in #news6 years ago

I am also apparently one of the few that found a lot to like in the all female lead Ghostbusters reboot that we saw. I get why people had a problem with it, I just don’t get why they had such a huge problem with it.

I agree so much with you here. I would go as far as to say I was kind of excited when the 101 comics had come out to show love to both worlds, and a little saddened when I was first hearing about this third movie not including them. Now that I hear what is going on, I just kind of hope they give cameos' to the gals too is all.


Cameos of the girls in the third movie would be awesome but after reading up on Jones' reaction, I am not sure that is going to happen. At least not with her involved and if they do it with the other three but not Jones then it is going to open another can of worms with other fans.|

I get why Jones is upset but going about it with a rant on social media is probably not the best way to go in this situation. It may have been better received had she waited till the second "official" sequel was released, verified they were not at least referenced in some way, if not gotten cameos, then go on a tirade.

Doing it like she has done now has shot herself, if not the others from the female version, in the foot for any future involvement. Unless this tirade is a marketing gimmick by the studios to hopefully bolster sales or something?

It is a slippery slope for sure. I mean, some of the original guys, that were living, were fine with the all female version, they cameoed in it. If they had a problem with it then they should have turned down the cameo role and been done.

The fact that Sony lost so much on the female version may lead to it being completely ignored just to wash it out of canon and act like it never happened. That would be a shame if you ask me. If nothing else, I would love to see someone like Netflix pick up the female cast version and continue it either as a television style show or a series of movies, if not a mini series like they did Stranger Things.

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