[io9] Disney May Buy Fox, Which Could Change Everything About the Marvel Cinematic Universe ((DEAL IS OFF! SEE COMMENTS FOR UPDATE TO STORY AND LINK))

in #news7 years ago (edited)

 CNBC is reporting that Disney is in talks to buy 21st Century Fox, an entertainment arm within the larger Fox company that is reportedly looking to focus its efforts more on news and sports. If the deal were to go through, it could have potentially huge ramifications for a number of Marvel characters.
According to CNBC, the buzz around the talks is that a deal will come to fruition due to Fox being rather bullish about its desire to let go of its purely entertainment branch. If and when Disney is back in possession of the rights that 21st Century Fox currently holds, it would mean that Marvel Studios could finally bring a number of classic Marvel properties like the X-Men and the Fantastic Four into its shared cinematic universe. 

Source: https://io9.gizmodo.com/if-disney-buys-fox-it-could-change-everything-about-th-1820186640

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The thought of this makes me giddy lol

Holy crap would this be amazing!!! Folding all those fox owned properties into Marvel Studios would be a dream.

Me and a friend have been texting back and forth about this right now. This might be way bigger than all the comic book movies... is that Disney would own all the Fox properties, if you think of all the movies and TV shows, plus all the Marvel and Star Wars, and already owning ABC, ESPN, plus I'm sure many other things I don't even know of that Disney owns... oh yeah, and all the Disney stuff themselves.

I believe Disney is going to take over "media", goodbye Netflix and Hulu, Disney streaming was already going to happen, imagine with them owning so many major things.

But back to comic books. A proper Fantastic Four movie with great family feeling and amazing CGI will have to happen. All the mutants out there, I guarantee Disney money could get Hugh Jackman back as Wolvie one last time among so many other things. Deadpool Spidey cartoon series. X-Men vs Avengers.

This is all too much, is there such thing a monopoly with media like this? Because Disney has to be approaching some kind of weird territory.

As I was replying to this post I was trying to find a link for something I was typing above and was stopped by this link that answered my question but brought about some bad news:

posted 31 minutes ago https://www.cbr.com/disney-fox-deal-reportedly-dead/

REPORT: The Disney/Fox Deal Was Real, But Is Now Dead

According to Bloomberg, while the original report in so far as the talks did take place, the discussion stalled several weeks ago. Bloomberg cited its own unnamed source, who confirmed CNBC’s details, but added, “the two sides aren’t talking anymore.”

As a result, the deal is now effectively dead, though it should be noted that in Hollywood, deals do have a tendency to be resurrected after being officially announced as dead; the current deal between Sony and Marvel to share Spider-Man went through that very news cycle. The fact that Disney and Fox were in talks in the first place would indicate that there remains a chance, however slight, that the studios might yet come to an agreement.

After a deal was made between Sony and Marvel Studios to share Spider-Man, fans hoped Marvel and Fox could work out a similar deal to allow for the X-Men and Fantastic Four to join the Avengers on the big screen. Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige has repeatedly reaffirmed that while fans should never say never, the chances of it happening seemed — and continue to be — slim.

The deal would not have included the Fox broadcast network, as a company cannot legally own two broadcast networks, and Disney already owns ABC.

Well, I’ll keep hoping! It had never occurred to me that Fox might spin off a unit like that. As long as it’s a serious possibility the chance remains!
I’m kind of curious... let’s say Warner Brothers purchased Fox entertainment... hypothetically would they have the ability to make a Batman/Wolverine movie??? I wonder if there are any clauses against stuff like this...

I do wonder how far this goes. Because since Fox does show Gotham and Lucifer, does that mean Marvel could publish a book of these things if they are based off the television properties.

Screw the Batman Wolverine movie, let's get that Dark Claw animated series out for real

I totally forgot about Dark Claw! Ha! Perfect example.
I’m almost certain your Gotham & Lucifer example is something that couldn’t happen - as the rights are only transferred for certain media such as movies or television. Any kind of printed material, even adapting the show, would be licensed separately.

That makes sense to me, I guess why Marvel keeps dicking over Fox with little to no X-Men toys anymore, specifically movie tied in at least. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davegonzales/2015/05/31/marvel-is-killing-x-men-and-fantastic-four-merchandising/#39003462b512

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