
Wrong there's also something calles crowd-funding.
Which millions of people will use to support him and he'll earn cash with solar and tesla.
Aside from 300,000 Model 3 preorders : $35k * 10,500,000,000 USD and I'm sure that the numbers of preorders will rise up to a total of one billion after 2 decades because people start to see and belive in the supportiy of electric cars and pro-consumerism!

I myself promised to never buy a car, no matter how cheap and powerful it is from these corrupt companies!
And I'm doing better than ever! I have more money left at the end of the month than ever!

You know what happend to VW? Diesel cars and the gas / fumes (what is it called?) that corrupt cars produce when they burn fossil fuel.
VW took a hardfork hit after the news revealed their corruptness and recently 1.5weeks ago I saw 2 pictures on television which shows me now that all car companies except tesla are a bunch of @$$h0les filled with corruptness and anti-consumerism no latter what they say!

I wanted to belive that maybe one company in the car buisness (fossil fuel) is not corrupt but after I saw these 2 pictures which showed all companies that are very likely and most fake the thing that messures how pollute the fumes / gas produced by the car are (I don't know the correct word).

And Elon Musk looks like a decent guy, he risked his own money multiple times, he proved all companies and haters wrong, he flies into space and even mars.
Yes I trust this guy and no I will not drive a fossil fuel car


tesla fails!

He could very will be nice and smart. But just stop sponging off the taxpayer.

His business model is based upon subsidies. Take the subsidies away, and his products become expensive and unsellable!

Nobody on the stockmarket will fund a company that loses money. Elon Musk cons idiot politicians into propping up a financially unviable business.

Lets keep this civil and polite okay :)
You know the old times when the market predict tesla to be the least likely to success? (72%) Look where they are now.

Yiu can't just rip-off arguments, first you said take government-funding away (why its legal) then you say take subsides away?

His ideas are what we need, future ideas become true in the real world.
To bo honest before Elon Musk and the recent strong hype it felt like (and it still does) I'm a multi-continentional slave.
A slave to infrastructure to gramar to surveys.
I felt like I wasn't needed in society because the big dogs will do and corrupt anything they want and the government protects them at any cost until a bigger dog appears.

But with elon musks pro-consumerism and inventions (+spacex) I feel like I can temporary free myself and eventionaly forever.
Governments are gonna cry and find any law to brake in order to prevent SpaceX from transporting us slaves going to an @$$h0le-free new fresh planet :). But don"t take my word on that project its extremly hard and its something only elon musk could do with time and money!
Seriosly though I will put a little bit of money aside so one day maybe I will be able to free myself from this slave-like planet.

Sorry if this slave stuff sounds weird, I will edit it if it is weird.

Plus I forgot to mention, when tesla almost failed in ~2010(?) he took a loan and saved his company AND paid the money PLUS interest back! So the US citizens profit from that loan where as toyota and ford were not able to pay off the loan!
Need more

The batteries Musk produces cause more pollution than fossil fuel cars.

Go do some research. Musk is a con artist.

Wrong the batteries are made in a solar giga factory.

Fossil Fuel cars alone produce more air pollution than anything else not only because the companies faked the gas pollution counter thing but also because the shoot more cr@p into the atmosphere.

I don't know where you get your sources, mine however came directly from elon musk and he himself said that Tesla are powered by and will be forever solar only!
The batteries are clean and the factory itself is a giant solar panel, so no dirty corrupt energy needed.

You're a brainwashed teenager. Go do some research.

Those lithium batteries create more pollution.

Thanks for insulting me

Please do some more research.

Elon Musk is a con. His battery packs and electric vehicle actually produce more pollution than internal combustion vehicles.

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