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RE: Washington State DSHS Facing Lawsuit For Ignoring The Torturing, Beating, and Sexual Abuse of Siblings

in #news6 years ago

DCF, no matter what name it goes by in a given jurisdiction, has been failing the kids and families they're supposed to be protecting across the board.

I'm glad some of the former victims are starting to speak out. Part of the problem is that, in the past, few were willing to do so to the point of taking it to court, which meant that little if anything was done.

And, ironically, it goes the other way as well, where foster and adoptive parents, and even natural parents who were doing a great job have been targeted by outsiders, accused of abuses that even the kids refute, and for which there is zero evidence, and yet the kids are taken away anyway.

And, as we know, some kids die in the system.

I had a friend in California who went through a nightmare when someone - they never found out who - accused both natural parents of child abuse, and the authorities came in like stormtroopers and snatched the kids, without investigating, or giving the parents ANY recourse.

Their kids were traumatized, and then shuffled through a series of foster homes for the next SIX MONTHS, after which DCF admitted that they had acted too hastily, and they finally got their kids back.

Keep in mind that the kids were taken by force, ripped out of their homes AND their schools, away from family AND friends, for no good reason. No one investigated AT ALL prior to removing the kids from their home.

Their youngest daughter, who was five at the time, wound up with PTSD and had horrifying nightmares for years. Their oldest daughter went from straight As and honor roll to Cs and Ds, before through counseling, she was finally able to get back on track.

Their two boys fared the best, but they were twins, and were thus kept together, so they had each other for support. It was still hard on them, but not nearly as hard as it was for their sisters; the two girls were placed into separate foster homes where they didn't know a soul.

It damned near cost them their home, between legal fees to get their kids back, and missed work and lost wages due to the time they were spending to fight the case.

Our entire legal system surrounding children and family is broken, has been for decades, and definitely needs fundamental changes.


A system that destroys the emotional state of those it is meant to protect is a failure!!
Thank God former victims are speaking up, with enough support, these harmful systems will be stopped.
A system that should be trusted to protect our children, now beat, rape, abuse, and kill our children, We must put an end to this trauma.

Absolutely. I try and post what I can to show that we are, in fact, fighting back.

Thank you for that.
It is important to keep these cases coming to light, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

Sadly, I have heard and seen many similar stories in California. And once all of the dust settles, those families are at the brink of losing everything and never compensated back to where they were before the corrupted system got their paws on them...for nothing.

So they don't just stop at hurting the families emotionally and mentally, they frustrate them financially too.
A system that was meant to be of their best's a shame

The entire system, across the nation, needs to change, and needs FAR better checks and balances.

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