(Extremely Graphic) Police Shoot Innocent Dogs Everyday, It has become the Normal.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Here we have an abundance of videos of Police Officers Killing innocent people's dogs. This Video Recntly of The Hawthorne had many people argueing over weather the Officer was justified could they have choosen, pepper spray or tazors or other choices? We all have opinions on individual stories but fail to realize; What we see is a normal occurance everday and this is a mere tip of an iceburg that most stroies never make it to any media. Many good people have lost thier loved ones becasue of a system that trains fear into our Officers and rarely tries to cooperate in a logical fashion working with Animal Control in many cases should have been a part of procedures and as you will see some animal control still ended in unnecessary deaths because of Police with fear of Dogs. It is Not acceptable to defend every situation with Endagerment to the lives of an Officer when some stories are of small ankle biters many people could kick away or even grab by neck and control, where is your excuses in these stories ahead. My heart bleeds for so many to have to go through something so tragic, so stressful that some Officers think it's a simple and easy replacement. That only shows the lack of emotion, lack of sympathy or empathy, These Officers will go home without any loss of sleep. How sickening and frustrating, are we mere animals?


This has just been getting worse and worse over past 10 years. Cops need to lose firearms they can not control them selves. Next thye will shot kids for having cap guns or water guns

I agree. This has a bad taste to how we all should perceive some laws. Many have been getting away with this discrimination for years and it's only since cameras that people are starting to see and demand Change.

Yup i saw this first hand about 12 years ago when a a friend of mine got raded and her dog got shot for doing nothing and the officer had no charges and to top it off it was not even her address on the warrent so they kicked wtong door in a shot her dog.

OMG, that's fricken horrible. That just goes to show you that these accounts from any news stories tells us it's a tip of a probable Iceberg and there probably many more not ever heard of. Really sorry to hear that dude, I can only imagine and they can never replace thier dog like some cops think.

Ya it is an on gpung issue that i am glad is starting to come to light. lucky they shot her in back leg and she did live but was never same dog again.

There is massive problems with the police and the power they THINK they have over every day

Well thats good he had shitty aim. Thats why it always so important to carry a phone for recording, I beleive.

Yes every tine i see cops and a citizen i record now. We have some power trips in my city. And i am lucky and live in canada the usa is far far worse

Me too, I'm from Edmonton Alberta. I have stories, even though I have never had a criminal record or a beleif in breaking most laws that are made just. Unjust Laws on the other hand... I have stories from my teens into adulthood of bad cops I have met and later my children. So I strongly beleive in arming yourself with knowledge and keeping a reliable witness with you, like a phone.

Nice !! i upvote and follow you :) @covey

Thank you egzonagaj, it's nice to meet you.

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