Sierra Leone just ran the first blockchain-based election

in #news7 years ago

From TechCrunch

The citizens of Sierra Leone went to the polls on March 7 but this time something was different: the country recorded votes at 70% of the polling to the blockchain using a technology that is the first of its kind in actual practice.

The tech, created by Leonardo Gammar of Agora, anonymously stored votes in an immutable ledger, thereby offering instant access to the election results.

“Anonymized votes/ballots are being recorded on Agora’s blockchain, which will be publicly available for any interested party to review, count and validate,” said Gammar. “This is the first time a government election is using blockchain technology.”

“Sierra Leone wishes to create an environment of trust with the voters in a contentious election, especially looking at how the election will be publicly viewed post-election. By using blockchain as a means to immutably record ballots and results, the country hopes to create legitimacy around the election and reduce fall-out from opposition parties,” he said.

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Well I certainly didn't expect Sierra Leone to be the first country to do this. Congratulations Sierra Leone you are blazing a trail that I'm sure many will follow.

How much time will it take for this arbitrary fact to become a $2,000 question on Jeopardy?

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That is really awesome. Hope more follow quickly. The voter fraud has got to be stopped and Block Chains just might do it.

😥 ★Nice Post!; 😥

The elections anymore are just getting worried. I really think they are set up and our vote doesn't even matter any more, they already know who the winner is. Great post and keep sharing your work with the community

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