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RE: Restaurant Owner at the Center of Pizzagate, James Alefantis, Answers Questions About Pizzagate Outside Comet Pizza

in #news8 years ago

"I think emails are permissible as evidence in court my friend. ;)"

The emails literally say nothing of relevance to the claims though. You need a special 4chan decoder to turn them into something else and that point they are no longer evidence they are a 4chan fabrication. I'm not saying emails aren't a valid form of evidence in general, I'm saying these specific wikileaks emails don't support the claim pizzagaters are alleging.

I think if you slow down and weigh each claim one by one you see a pattern of poor evidence gathering or out right fabrication of evidence. The willingness of proponents for pizzagate to accept anything without question as legitimate evidence wreaks of mental illness.

Just look at the photos in this post being twisted. A little girl and her sister played a game and she had her hands taped. That is a completely sweet and innocent moment. My brother and I used to play a game called "escape" when we were kids. We would take turns tying and sometimes even taping each other to a chair as best we could, then see if the other could pull a Houdini and escape.

Then there is the baby with money in it's mouth. Let's not pretend we all haven't seen photos like the one below and laughed.

I find the pizzagaters that take issue with those instagram photos to be more twisted and suspect than James Alefantis.


Then you weren't reading James Alefantis captions under some pictures if you think the only suspicious thing is visual. "Must have", "most expensive accessory", "want that", "child keeps asking for the sword", "Yum ... baby", "hotard", "why does daddy like the butt", who is writing such vile shit in context of children?

Also what did he meant when he wrote "murder" under picture of empty walk in freezer? Why is Tony Podesta and James friends of Serbian artist who creates vile almost child porn like "art" showing victims of pedophlia ( as she admits in 2007 interview) in suggestive poses, why does she have access to private profile of James on INstagram, why was she liking him for years before Pizzagate? What's the connection between both? This does not warrant investigation? You must be blind or a shill to think that way. "Completely innocent picture" LMAO

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