13 Russians Indicted as Mueller Reveals Effort to Aid Trump Campaign

in #news6 years ago (edited)

From The New York Times

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department charged 13 Russians and three companies on Friday in a sprawling indictment that unveiled a sophisticated network designed to subvert the 2016 election and to support the Trump campaign. It stretched from an office in St. Petersburg, Russia, into the social feeds of Americans and ultimately reached the streets of election battleground states.

The Russians stole the identities of American citizens, posed as political activists and used the flash points of immigration, religion and race to manipulate a campaign in which those issues were already particularly divisive, prosecutors said.

Some of the Russians were also in contact with “unwitting individuals associated with the Trump campaign,” according to court papers. Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel leading the investigation, made no accusation that President Trump or his associates were knowingly part of the conspiracy.

“The indictment alleges that the Russian conspirators want to promote discord in the United States and undermine public confidence in democracy,” Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general overseeing the inquiry, said in a brief news conference. “We must not allow them to succeed.”

The 37-page indictment — handed up by a federal grand jury in Washington — amounted to a detailed rebuttal of Mr. Trump, who has sowed doubts that Russia interfered in the election and dismissed questions about its meddling as “fake news.”

Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/16/us/politics/russians-indicted-mueller-election-interference.html

Shit just got real. It's time for the Trump supporters to wake up.

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I love Trump's tweet on this, basically stating that since it started before he announced he was running there couldn't have been any collusion.

Because there's no chance at all they talked him into running, right? Or offered him aid after he decided to? And we're still supposed to ignore Bannon talking about their meetings with Russia? And Flynn's plea deal. And Papadopolous' plea deal. Oh, and now Robert Gates pending plea deal.

But, you know, "fake news." His supporters will never believe it. It's the "deep state."



Not a Trump supporter but you need to go back and read that Mueller made no accusation the President Trump or his associates were knowingly part of the conspiracy .

Yet. Two or three of his people have already made plea deals.

And? How good are following this or are you just getting your info from a nicely edited version from CNN? This is big I’m glad they are investigating and Trump is not the problem, so far as you have seen the FBI are dirty they are just part of the story. And NO not a Trump supporter.

Wow, thanks for putting in the effort to prove what I said in my first comment!

It's really funny how you think everyone but Trump is dirty but claim not to be a Trump supporter.

Never said he wasn’t dirty, the problem with the Russians is not with just Trump. There are other factors you are missing.
New info: The FBI is under investigation for its alleged abuse of power under the Obama administration to obtain warrants to surveil members of the Trump campaign.

Oh so we're making whataboutism official now?

I wonder who decided this investigation was necessary?


See that’s the difference between you and me. I don’t vote I will not vote for the same shit just because it had a D or R in front of their name. I can see though the Bull 💩 You are the problem when you think your team is different.

just got real. It's time for the Trump supporters to wake up.

I am not sure what it is exactly that you want us to wake up to. The economy is booming, the issues that I voted for are getting done, and we are seeing a shift in a positive way for the first time in 9 years.
Unemployment is at an all time low.
Patriotism is a politically correct once again.
The applications for welfare are at an all time low.
Our national security is safer than it has ever been.
Companies that were leaving the country are coming back.
People are more optimistic than they have been in a long time (Stock Market)
I am awake and it feels pretty good to be alive right now.

If it is true that Russians had interest in promoting Trump for financial reasons, that is a lot different than Hillary using the FBI to spy on the Trump folks. If the Russians had volunteered to help the Democrat party I guaranty there would not be a single story.

I just read an article:

He has taken a surprisingly tough line with Russia. Trump approved a $47 million arms package for Ukraine, sent troops to Poland’s border with Russia and imposed new sanctions on Moscow for violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

If President Trump was colluding with the Russians, sounds to me like he just peed in the Russian sugar bowl.

I can’t roll my eyes hard enough. As if we all didn’t see this coming. I’m excited to see how this blows up on a global scale we are going to see a major shift in policy right quick after this trans-continental disaster.

The American politics had never been so turbulent in the past I guess apart from the time when Kennedy was assassinated. Hopefully, this great nation will protect its value and good for the people prevails.

The indictment is a great read. Take a look at it.

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