GREY-STATE : A film to enlighten us, a director murdered.

in #news8 years ago

Gray state.

If you were to watch the official concept trailer, you would see the corruption of the state reach a crescendo, and the degradation of the american citizen deplore to its lowest depths.


This was to be a film depicting the probability of martial law and other systemic collapse, and what exactly would go down.

Those who stayed and “panicked” would be those who were killed first.

They would stay because they would somehow still believe that the system cares about them, even though the signs have been there all along that it doesn't.

They would stay because they were under mind control: they would march into the streets in protest because they have been roused into anger by a multitude of under cover CIA and FBI agents (people like Alex Jones), who told part of the truth, enough to get them angry and marching, only so that they would fall into the snare of the militarized state.

They would hold the false assumption, planted in their heads by the heavily militarized state, that they can stand together in solidarity.

But this is not true. The state is too powerfully and endlessly funded.

Needless to say, this movie would have shed light on what is happening by government and intelligence organizations trying to make the masses angry and have them riot so that the militarization of police can become even more expanded and martial law can be declared, completely destroying those who oppose them and closing the final chapter of tyranny that leads to their iron throne of dictatorship.

Protests such as BLACK LIVES MATTER (and others) are funded by people like George soros, who are also a part of this and attend bilderberg meetings.

These black lives matter protests have done nothing except cause more black people to be murdered by police.

All aggressive protesting does is provide state and federal government with an excuse to increase its military force - because they can pose the protest as "potentially dangerous threats"

The director of this movie, David Crowley, was an Iraq military veteran and he probably knew a thing or two about militarized action...

He was found in his home murdered along with his wife and daughter.

Authorities are calling this an “apparent murder - suicide” , which is an obvious clue that they were murdered by the state to shut them up.

It is obvious because it provides the perfect excuse to cover up his murder - no suspect.

But can we really believe that this mentally healthy man with a stable, happy life would murder his loving wife and 5 year old daughter before killing himself?


indeed, neighbors say that he and his family seemed “picture perfect”

Here is further evidence on his murder

So why was he murdered?

He was murdered because his production would have been too powerful, it would have warned too many people about plans of the state.

SO what they did was murder him and his family so that neither his wife nor daughter could speak out, and they replaced his movie gray state, shown here

With this completely different movie shown here

As you can see, the latter documentary is just people talking, and is nothing like the original trailer. The names are also different.

The original gray state has been replaced with “gray state the rise, rough cut documentary”

The original movie was supposed to be a MOVIE, funded by a branch-group of holly wood,
However the second is a documentary.

So, why replace it?

Well as this christian man says, it is a tactic called bait and switch.

So why should all of this matter to you?

David crowley's film would have represented the truth of who really owns and operates the united states of america. It would have shown the american people just how deeply enslaved they are, and also how enslaved we are on a global scale.

We are owned by those who have more power over us and who use the looming threat of death to control us.

It would have woken people up to the reality of government. It would have shown them what government really is: the real government is what is called the shadow government, and their job is to rule over and GOVERN us.

But although this movie would have shed light on what is being planned and how it would all go down, it still would not have been a threat to the establishment.

I say this because in our society most of us are under mind control.

Mind control is not some far fetched tin-foil hat conspiracy...

It is a very real and tangible thing that happens on a multitude of levels.

We are mind controlled in so many least, those of us who allow ourselves to be by living in a perpetual state of ignorance....

Of course you will be mind controlled if you do not even know what you believe or how to recognize truth.

The real reason he was murdered was 1) because he was learning too much and becoming too much of a threat, and 2) to make a point

The point to be made is that anyone who challenges this establishment can just be killed...and their entire family.

It is a gruesome message.

But never-the-less it is one that we need to look at.

we need to realize that if we want to thrive as a people in unity, we have to enlighten these greedy slave-shepherds.

They will have their karma, but it is not up to us to go out into the street and protest, when it could mean our death.

There are more intelligent tactics at play, and in order to defeat this virus running rampant on our planet, we have to outsmart it.


Very good. I wouldn't watch the documentary it was replaced with. I heard it puts you in a trance.

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