Summing Up the Corporate/Government/Oligarchical Control Structure: How Social Media Sites, Think Tanks, Corporations, Gatekeepers and The Government Control Minds And Are Steering The Chaos

in #news6 years ago (edited)


Above Image Tom Retterbush

Clarity of Signal Opinion (quick summation)– derived from factual information (provided in my CoS Steemit posts) related to the current narrative which is being perpetuated regardless of truth or reality. All information herein will run in juxtaposition to the current MSM propaganda which steers humanity away from the truth but still cannot escape the reality which clashes with its own deceptive narratives, therefore changing future realities and further exposing the elite mafia control system.

This post will quickly delve into the aspects of the current perception control structure and how we got to the dark place/corrupt system we are in now. I won’t go back too far historically as much of the systems main characteristics were formed over the last three centuries and many people are well-aware of these aspects of the elites control structure.

Instead I will start at the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which Bill Clinton signed off on. The Act provided CIA-infiltrated corporate control over mass media and officially removed factual news reporting from the public sphere, hence the reason the mainstream propaganda channels are now so ridiculously unbelievable and airing multiple differing narratives that continue to spiral into more and more bizarre ‘reporting’. Not that that really matters as both mainstream narratives are perpetuated in unison (Hegelian Dialectic- Control both sides so as to orchestrate the outcome) to divide and conquer as well as distract the public from the crimes of the billionaire globalist oligarchical mafia and their Government/MIC/Media puppets that rule over the global centers of power, and through such power centers, the now thoroughly downtrodden and negatively affected people of the world.

I theorize that the controllers of human perceptions will attempt to converge these differing narratives back to the center in the near future to match their desired goals, based upon which way they decide most closely matches their desired public perception results. Alas, the madness will continue unless, of course, the public wakes up in a large way to this propaganda barrage and starts to understand how the elite orchestrate it all via Order from Chaos, as is their motto, publicly displayed for all to see, just as are their other elite order symbols. Hence the real reason they are normalizing it now and placing it directly into the public’s consciousness. They know they cannot hide it any longer, plus by constantly doubling down they believe they can gain more power and further cement their gains (controls over humanity).

Public perceptions are clearly being controlled and the ensuing confusion related to such is driving misinformed, dark-energy driven portions of the public into a media orchestrated frenzy. Simply put, players are getting played. This is, of course, intentional and is currently the most efficient way that the elitist rulers (the global mafia) can coverup their worldwide crimes and keep the corrupt system they put together (using the lifeblood of millions of people) in place. Throughout the past few centuries they and their ancestors created a worldwide display of symbolic statutes, war monuments, carefully planned cities, elaborate ceremonies, events and all-around bad energy distribution all over this world and they are not going to so easily give it all up, after all it’s made them very, very rich and powerful, and simply walking away from it all, they would lose complete control and have to face real human justice for their horrific, globally carried-out crimes…. their massive thievery of human and world resources, their wars that rip people apart (quite literally), their financing of proxy terrorist groups in Syria, (FSA, White Helmets, Al-Qaeda, ISIS) and Nazis in Ukraine who still, to this very day, kill the civilian population in the post 2014 coup breakaway regions while their media covers it up and projects blame onto Russia.


Thus, they will fight to save themselves to the very end and destroy society and others in the process of trying to hang onto their ill-gotten spoils that they have convinced themselves were justly earned. Hence the reason they keep the public immersed in such dark energy propaganda. All the rabbit holes lead to dark energy and thus should be carefully avoided. If one explores them thoroughly then one can see they all lead to the same place. That place is understanding that the power structure is corrupt….rotten to its very core. Positive energy and creativity are what every individual should focus on and promote for themselves, their children and families. That is the one thing the murderous corrupt global cabal would prefer the public not become truly and fully aware of.

2001’s terrorist events were, of course, their doing. The Zionist portion of the global elite carried it out, along with the US Deep State, the Skull and Bones Freemasonry portion of the pyramid. They are all in it together. It’s all for Israel at the moment…..and beyond that….complete control over all humanity….for Israel itself is also simply a ruse, something to be used for furthering control, occupying the Middle East, conducting censorship, enabling politicians to take away citizen’s rights, control news reporting and public perception. Israel is their deception mechanism to keep all the balls in the air, it is what keeps them all unified and on point in their narratives. Why? Because the CFR controlled media IS predominantly Zionists working towards common goals. It works to their advantage to have a golden untouchable goose egg like Israel. Saudi Arabia is also a Zionist controlled entity which also played a lead role in 9/11, and used as a fake opposing foil against Israel, set up by the British in the WW2 era. This is plainly obvious for those with eyes wide open, those with perceptions that aren’t controlled by their incessant, blanketed propaganda, their Yahoo ‘news’ streams of ridiculousness and perpetrated hate mongering. Once again, I point out that it is all conducted in accordance to the Hegelian Dialect (Problem-Reaction-Solution), a centuries old Roman and British chaos and control tactic/strategy. Hell, its use dates further back than the civilizations of Abkhazia for that matter, as does the use of false flags/deception to gain advantage in conflicts.

The Hegelian Dialectic is taught by their families and at their elite secret clubs and societies, across-the-board think tanks and set-up institutions. Their CIA controlled media created many of these false perceptions of reality for them and continually sow the ongoing global chaos. Their late-night talks show hosts (court jesters), superficial pop stars and comedians muddy the waters and perpetuate the divisiveness, the negativity, the rabbit holes they want people going down. That’s the real role they are playing. Hence the real reason their cloaked Zionist masters promoted them to such lucrative roles and positions in the first place. Fame and the ability to trend is simply for those who are chosen by the controllers.

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They control You Tube and Google, Facebook, Reddit, Yahoo, Amazon…..all the biggest sites on the Internet. These superficial ‘stars’ serve their purposes, whether knowingly or not. Their radio is corporatized and plays like a boring repetitively endless ground hog day episode which is meant to lure the masses into sleep, blind hypnosis, faux patriotism and conformity to the system. Their music artists are not in actually “artists” but are instead carefully chosen marionettes pumping out endless symbolic propaganda/dumbing down of the continually brainwashed masses. Real musical talent and new musical acts are kept buried well below the surface, rarely, if ever, seeing the full public light of day. This is all part of the continual disruption/dumbing down of society. They don’t want the cream to rise to the top, they want the crap.


Trump is in bed with Schwarzman, Blackstone Group, the Rothschilds, and these individuals and corporations are in bed with the Saudi Arabia’s Investment Fund, a country that is the main exporter of terrorism which is also in bed with the Israeli Zionist/terrorist support regime. A regime whose agents have infiltrated the US government and are now extracting $38 billion in US taxpayers hard earned money for free healthcare and education uniquely for Israeli citizens, as well as for weapons deals and huge kickbacks in Congress, thinks tanks and the continually expanding MIC/Surveillance state. Other huge American corporations are in bed with the Saudis and even Trump’s so-called adversaries such as John and Tony Podesta are massively in bed with the Saudis, same as the Clinton Foundation is in bed with the Saudis and Qatar to the tune of millions of dollars, as revealed by Wikileaks (QAnon will not be telling their followers that one). They are all intertwined. It truly is a spectre such as the organization in the James Bond movies, an octopus with its swirling, diabolical tentacles in every aspect of human life.

Look deeper into Blackstone and one sees that it recently acquired a controlling stake in Thompson-Reuters, the largest news agency in the world. Then, in mid 2018, it fired 2,300 staff and downsized the propaganda machine to more easily streamline information (propaganda) dissemination. The controllers are cementing control and the mainstream media distracts from all the corruption and lies and buries it. They are streamlining their global propaganda apparatus to control human thought worldwide. They are protecting their assets.

Look at other ties to Blackstone, including Franklin Templeton and the Soros Foundation who invested billions into Ukraine right before the 2014 coup. That targeted, victimized country has had billions in utilities and infrastructure that the Ukrainian public paid for now sold off to the globalist corporate sharks in collusion with the IMF for pennies on the dollar while the Ukrainian citizenry has struggled in horrific poverty for the past five years since the US/NATO orchestrated coup which was led by violent neo-Nazi fascists. Look at the Carlyle Group and look at its BOD, their connections to the American Enterprise Institute and Booz, Allen, Hamilton, the controlling US surveillance state. And then look at how AEI and Brookings hang out and high five in the dimly lit club rooms of Sea Island along with both underhanded Democrats and Republicans, silicon valley CEO’s and leading hedge fund investors. This global mafia criminality is right out in the open.

Blackstone’s current billions in investment profits are the product of Schwarzman being behind Trump. Hence the reason the financial media pumped up Blackstone since the 2016 “s”election. Look to see that Nathanial Rothschild also sits on the BOD of Blackstone and that it was Wilbur Ross (now US Commerce Secretary) and the Rothschild’s that bailed out Trumps failing casino’s and real estate holdings in the early 1990’s. Look into how The Rothschild’s were the recipients of over ten billion of stolen Yukos oil money (poor Russian peoples money) transferred from oil oligarch Khodorodvsky to one Jacob Rothschild. All this easy-to-prove information shows clearly there is an easily verifiable well-connected global mafia operating against the global citizenry.

Incidentally, the Blackstone Group was established from the remnants (Lehman Brothers) of Kuhn Loeb Bank which provided the financing to Trotsky, Lenin and Warburg for the Bolshevik Revolution during the WW1 era. They put Russia under 70 years of communism and immense suffering.

Other deals between Blackstone and the Soros Foundation include the April 2018 Spanish real estate buy up of ridiculously cheap Hispania real estate after EU ECB controlled (global oligarch enacted) austerity crushed the Spanish economy and EU real estate market over the last decade. Thus, its business as usual behind the scenes as the divide and conquer show goes on in the US and western countries, conducted exclusively for public consumption. Gotta keep the focus on the right hand pulling the rabbit out of the hat while the left hand performs the trick and gets away with the real charade.

Their wars in the Middle East were carried out based on easily provable lies…..the lies have been well- proven regarding what they did in Iraq and Libya. Their lies about Ukraine (supported fascist Azov Nazis) and Syria (supported al-Qaeda, FSA, White Helmets and ISIS) and Libya (supported LIFG/al-Qaeda) continue to be exposed. All their wars are purely evil in nature, but their Yemen war should be the most obvious for those that still refuse to wake up to the reality of all the evil things they are doing. They are all in in Yemen, enriching themselves from spilt blood, endless starvation, massive weapons sales, supporting the Saudi dictatorship that they and their predecessors created. The mainstream media mouthpieces fully know this…..they have always known it. As I state….Zionists rule the roost. They are very dark minded and ritualistic, even occultist, in their presentations/ awards ceremonies. They built the Internet, they provided all these young upstarts that have become social media and Internet search engines (info providers). Their Thinks tanks (Rand, Brookings, AEI, Carlyle Group, and others plan and carry out these agendas while hobnobbing and high fiving each other behind those closed doors at Sea Island where they share the stage, and at the Bilderberger Conference’s where they foment, conspire, share and cement their plans.

Cass Sunstein and Philip Zeiklow played lead roles in all this post 9/11 madness. Sunstein as propaganda and censorship czar behind the curtain, his buddy Zeiklow covering up the truth about what really went down on September 11th, 2001. Its all about keeping up appearances and shaping public perceptions. If the American people ever woke up to the truth about their crimes then Israel would be wiped off the map, not by Iran, but by the people of the USA. Freemasons also play a lead role in all this. They act as the system protectors and controllers for the top tier elite. Their symbolism shows they operate in accordance with the entire global power structure. They are in branches of control over the entire system. Their October 2017 tertiary ceremonial ritual in London is a must-watch for all concerned citizens so that people can realize that what they do is actually quite ritualistic in nature and very dark-minded as they openly mock the public with their world changing and perception-shaping accomplishments.

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Their overthrow of Libya led to slavery returning to that country for the first time in over a century. The Libyan war and Syrian war gave them the refugees that they needed to break down society in Europe. Hence the reason they push so hard now to be able to keep them coming in, to lessen wages and keep the public spinning….just barely getting by, to keep the people fighting each other. They use immigration in the US in the same manner, as a divide and conquer ruse. It’s all order from chaos……as is their motto. Their EU project really is for a United States of Europe. It’s simply an extension of the Kalergi Plan. They have plans for the same in Oceania. A United States of Oceania. Their Ukraine war led to the rise of Nazism back in Europe, all the while they scream bloody murder about typical US citizens being right-wing Nazis because they voted for Trump (another one of their puppets by the way) in their glossy media mags and sites like Huffington Post and Daily Beast.

Their gatekeepers keep people stuck in the fake left/right paradigm. Those gatekeepers……like Lionel Nation, David Seaman, Stefan Molyneax, Alex Jones, Truthout, Pierre Omidyar, Amy Goodman, Ken Roth, Sean Hannity, Chris Mathews….they are all over the map……and placed there to make sure different thinking groups of people get stuck in various boxes where thinking outside the box is not allowed. They put in place walls of accepted thought (sheep pens)to make sure that the water doesn’t find its own way.

Hollywood’s movies, the music industries video performances and ceremonies/events really are filled with occultist, ritualistic programming. The symbolism is everywhere and easy to see, and they are making it more and more mainstream. They are normalizing it everywhere. Its in kids cartoons like Teen Titans Go and video games like Fortnite. Many childrens cartoons are saturated with it. Marvel movies are filled with it. Netflix is heavily pushing it. Its blatantly obvious for those with the integrity to see it for what it really is. Agenda’s are being pushed for divisiveness, to sow chaos, to create confusion. Its is all a show…..a giant global performance. They even put the 8 year old daughter of a terrorist, a little girl named Bana Albed, in the center of their ceremony at their Oscars in 2018. They put it right in the public’s face….in their MeToo performance (another one of their distractions by the way). They don’t care about you or me. This is about them….and their power and control over us. It always was.

The censorship agenda across social media and the Internet is their work. They created Pizzagate. They created the mocking of Pizzagate. They created the censorship associated with Pizzagate. They created QAnon. Alex Jones works for them. He is playing a lead role in the censorship agenda. They control Trump and the Deep State. They are the organ grinders behind the curtain making the monkey dance. They (Bellingcat/the Atlantic Council) created the fake pictures and videos of MH-17 that they used to blame the Russian government. All those planes coming down between 2014 and 2017 were not coincidences. They were, and still are, unexplained anomalies on the Grand Chessboard.
Israel and the UK are the foreign powers that actually control US foreign policy, NATO, the Atlantic Council, etc.

Blaming Russia for that which they do is all part of the overall psy-op carried out in collusion with their Council on Foreign Relations controlled media apparatus. Russia is another part of the global charade, another layer of the onion, as is China, but they are not playing the lead role this time around. The Zionists took over Russia after WW1 and still have huge sway there. The opposing actions on the Grand Chessboard are necessary for problem-reaction-solution to occur as they all continue to move the world towards a one world government where they have complete control. In the Great Game they allow all the actors to play their natural roles, hence deriving more energy for the overall grand performance…..not positive energy by the way, after all they are the embodiment of evil. They kill people in these wars they create. They keep the publics energy levels in a dark place. They are attempting to usurp the new wave of rising consciousness. They are attempting to deter it and misdirect it into a wave that washes away.

Their social media sites are now directly in bed with the Atlantic Council (NATO) and other controlling organizations who are monitoring what the public is allowed to see and perceive. Government affiliated thought control is factually proven to currently exist on these social media networks. Their work is carried out under the guise of combating misinformation and hate, but alas their wars and support for terrorists prove that they have no problem at all with horrific human suffering. The fact the social media giants allow them to police content and the posted opinions of users means that these social media sites are also complicit in this grand charade. The stories we were told about boys in basements tinkering around coming up with iMacs, Facebooks, PayPals and Snopes are likely all misinformation, meant to foment the narrative that these are just simple, benign organizations. Ever notice that everyone started off in a basement, as a newspaper boy who worked his way up, as the child of WW2 Jewish immigrants who suffered in a concentration camp at the hands of the Nazis?


These are common narratives on Wikipedia where thought is also CIA/Mossad/MI5 controlled. Look at Wikipedia’s entry on the White Helmets in Syria, and then go find a video (if you can find an uncensored one) showing them for who they really are. They are terrorists, paid for by western governments and Gulf State monarchies……the very same people that tell the public that they are fighting terrorists in response to the 9/11 attacks. Netflix also promotes these White Helmet terrorists as hero’s and is constantly pushing an anti-happy family, destructive agenda that is further leading to the ruin of American society. The US CFR controlled media is in complete disinformation mode on the White Helmets. They are all implicated in their support for them. They are all deceiving the public. They are against We The People. Thus, they should not be given any credibility on anything they report on and disseminate information-wise. Smart people should move away from their incessant propaganda and cut the cable. Simply put, don’t feed the beast.


Look at Wikipedia’s portrayal of events in Ukraine where the 2014 violent coup is portrayed as a people’s revolution, same as the Zionist elite and their media portrayed the post WW1 Bolshevik uprising that led to 70 years of communism and suffering as a ‘People’s Revolution’ at that time in history. They even have their publication companies like Simon and Shuster, Macmillan Publishing, Scholastic and others providing the false narratives on Syria and Ukraine. These narratives are being printed in children’s schoolbooks and new encyclopedias. Up is down and down is up.

The controllers create and perpetuate the deceptive narratives. They banned Christianity in Russia under communism while declaring that Russia was atheist. Who benefits? Simply put, it was, once again, those tricky Zionists/bankers (predominantly Jews) who pit one side against another so that they may benefit. The folks no one is allowed to speak truthfully of. Do such and the censorship hammer will come down on those corporate controlled platforms. They are doing the same in the US now where they are destroying the family unit that was for a time built upon decent morality and real human values. They are pushing agenda’s that weaken the traditional male/female cohesive family. They are trying to weaken and feminize males in particular while pushing a false feminist agenda that turns women into men and detracts from a woman’s natural feminine qualities that make healthy-minded women and great moms that can raise a child in a healthy-minded manner.

They are messing with the very fabric of humanity. They are dividing people upon gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, skin color, political affiliations…..and they are clearly even using children to do this. Everything is a weapon to them and information is the key to who wins out in this Big Game for control over humanity. Time to make sure your own information is coming from a good place. The one thing the controllers don’t want is everyone coming together. That is the thing they fear the most. Thus, they use our fears against us to keep this from happening. We have to see this in order to change the corrupt system. Either we realize this or we live our lives as lies. Its up to us.

This is all just my opinion. I don’t post as much as I used to because I believe most of this has become quite obvious for those who choose to see and be honest with themselves and others. Going back through my many posts here at Steemit will prove what I have typed above to be true beyond a reasonable doubt. Hence the reason I collated all that info in the first place, as a record of much of the current insanity. Hopefully the information in all those posts will help concerned people realize what we are up against.


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