Snope's Deceptive Reporter On The White Helmets Terrorist Ruse In Syria Used By ABC 20/20 As Source For Las Vegas Mass Shooting Timeline Inconsistencies

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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This post will cover the use of Snope's employee Bethania Palma as an information source by ABC's 20/20 during their October 27th, 2017 timeline story on the Las Vegas mass shooting event at Mandalay Bay on October 1st, 2017. Her appearance on the show was used to mitigate and dispel conspiracy theories.

Earlier this year, I, Clarity of Signal, put together a large expose on Bethania Palma revealing her to be a non-credible information source in regards to the White Helmets terrorist ruse (scam) being carried out by western and Gulf State powers in Syria.

There is extensive evidence proving that the White Helmets are actually al-Qaeda/ISIS associated terrorists that have been aided and promoted by western media, governments and Hollywood. The group was even given an Oscar by Hollywood elitists in the Motion Picture Academy. Bethania Palma's Snope's article played a lead role in covering this murderous conspiracy up so that the American people would remain unaware of who the White Helmet's actually are. Her Snope's article on the White Helmets is easily provable as non-factual due to overwhelming evidence that shows the White Helmets to be terrorists, evidence derived from their own Facebook accounts, and thus, her appearance on ABC's 20/20 should also be called into question due to her previous dubious activities in relation to the White Helmets terrorist group posing as fake humanitarian rescuers.

The link to the ABC 20/20 video in which she appears is here:
Her first appearance occurs at the 26min 5sec mark.

The post I put together revealing her previous deceptive activities on behalf of Snope's is here:

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The extensive proof that the White Helmets are terrorists is here:

The fact that ABC's 20/20 has decided to use her as key source on the Las Vegas mass shooting raises additional questions in relation to the media culpability when it comes to muddying the waters and covering up what really happened in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017.

More proof the White Helmets are terrorists, as proven from their own Facebook postings:

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Note in the ABC 20/20 video (at the 28:40 mark) Bethania Palma states the lower floor shooter theory is easy to debunk because there was no other broken windows. Yet no mention is made of how easy it is to quickly open and close the windows of the hotel with a special tool as proven here:

Video Showing Mandalay Bay Windows Being Easily Replaced Days After Las Vegas Mass Shooting


The White Helmets are Al Qaeda's PR arm. It is disgusting the way in which these murderous terrorists have received accolades in the West. Their veneration (and substantial monetary support) proves the West's complicity in the destruction of Syria. Probably not all that surprising they received such praise in Hollywood given the news coming out showing Hollywood is full of pedophiles, rapists and sexual predators. I guess they really are a good match for the White Helmets terrorists.

Yep, and the fact that ABC has chosen to use one of their lead Snope's propagandists for the White Helmets when it comes to the Las Vegas false flag event is quite telling.

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