Now Playing on DTube: US Financed Right Sector Nazis in Ukraine Take Over Radio Station And Beat Helpless Civilian's - (Posted for Posterity)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

This highly revealing video was cached by myself at Live Leak on my "California Stars" channel in October 2016. From 2014 - 2016 I was closely following the war in Ukraine on You Tube and cacheing a large amount of videos in relation to such. This particular video highlights the brutality of the Right Sector fascist battalions that took power in February 2014 and currently still operate across Ukraine. This video is posted for posterity for the historical record due to the current censorship that is taking place across You Tube, Live Leak and other large social media platforms. (For those unaware, some Live Leak moderators have also been censoring important videos that I have previously tried to upload which makes me worried for videos that I have cached there for posterity, thus, I am now trying to use Dtube as a public back up.)

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This assault on a radio station in Dneipertrovsk was conducted by the Right Sector Ukrainian private National Guard who are still, to this very day, directly financed by the United States and a number of billionaire Ukrainian oligarchs. Their leader is Igor Kolomoisky who is the chief financier of the fascist, Nazi battalions in Ukraine. He is also the employer of Hunter Biden, the son of the Vice President of the United States. Hunter is employed by Burisma Holdings which is extracting natural gas from Ukraine and is owned by Mr. Kolomoisky through a Cypriot offshore shell holding. Kolomoisky is also the owner of Ukraines 'Privat Bank" which receives 1 of ever 4 dollars of IMF funding. In an article in summer 2015, Harpers magazine revealed that Igor Kolomoisky embezzled over $1.8 billion in IMF funds to offshore accounts in Cyprus. This information has predominantly been covered up (intentionally ignored/supressed) by western media outlets.

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Additional related information on Igor Kolomoisky and the Right Sector Nazi National Guard battalions in Ukraine:


Dnipro-1’s headquarters are on the ground floor of the Dnipropetrovsk administration building. Upstairs sits the regional governor, Igor Kolomoisky. The arrangement is no accident: Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine’s most controversial billionaires, funds the paramilitary, which returns the favour in these troubled times by boosting the banking and industrial tycoon’s personal security and political clout.

All the signs are of a flourishing military enterprise. Young men with Kalashnikovs and pistols and several well dressed women working on laptops fill the anteroom to Bereza’s office.

Dnipro-1 has 700 men — “officially,” Bereza says with an enigmatic smile.

“Unofficially, it’s 7,000.”


Questions over the far right leanings of some volunteer groups and allegations of involvement in the murder of civilians cast a long shadow. One of the most controversial is the Azov Battalion, which uses the Wolfsangel insignia — an ancient design that was resurrected in Hitler’s Germany. The Azov has been linked to Oleg Lyashko, a politician accused of neo-Nazi sympathies.

Right Sector, an ultra-nationalist party, also has its own battalion of several hundred men on the frontlines, even if the government refuses to register or pay them. Dasha Slutskovska, a 29-year-old volunteer from the battalion in Dnipropetrovsk, conceded that Right Sector has an image problem — they are relentlessly portrayed in Russia’s state-controlled media as fascists.

More at link above....

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Naked Capitalism provides the low down on Kolomoisky’s offshore gas company Burisma Holdings which hired the US Vice Presidents son Hunter Biden……..

R. Hunter Biden Should Declare Who Really Owns His New Ukrainian Employer, Burisma Holdings

Posted on May 21, 2014 by Richard Smith


Here’s last week’s big announcement, adorned by a photograph of an American with a faintly alarming rictus; oh yes, oh dear me, yes: Hunter Biden joins the team of Burisma Holdings: Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer, has expanded its Board of Directors by bringing on Mr. R Hunter Biden as a new director.

R. Hunter Biden will be in charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and will provide support for the Company among international organizations. On his new appointment, he commented: “Burisma’s track record of innovations and industry leadership in the field of natural gas means that it can be a strong driver of a strong economy in Ukraine. As a new member of the Board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the Company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.”

Additional excerpt on Kolomoiskys nefarious past.

Bogolyubov and Kolomoisky fostered strong reputations as corporate raiders in the mid-2000s, becoming notorious for a series of hostile takeovers. Hostile takeovers Ukrainian style, that is, which often included the active involvement of Privat’s quasi-military teams. These schemes included, among others, a literal raid on the Kremenchuk steel plant in 2006, in which hundreds of hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws forcibly took over the plant. More recently, Aerosvit Airlines, which according to the media was controlled by Mr. Kolomoisky, declared bankruptcy in 2012, stranding thousands of Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad. The Financial Times, when reporting on Kolomoisky’s recent conflict with UK company JKX Oil & Gas, stated in no uncertain terms, that “in Ukraine they [Kolomoisky and Bogolyubov] are called ‘The Raiders’”. Privat Group has been involved in several court cases and arbitration proceedings in the US, UK, and Sweden. In 2009, a US court made clear its distrust of Privat representatives: “the Court has become increasingly skeptical of these gentleman [at Privat] and the credibility of their statements.”

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HEART OF EMPIRE — August 13, 2015, 11:32 am
Undelivered Goods
How $1.8 billion in aid to Ukraine was funneled to the outposts of the international finance galaxy

Kolomoisky had built his multibillion dollar financial base partly thanks to his mastery of “raiding,” the local version of mergers and acquisitions, involving methods that would make even the most hardened Wall Street financier turn pale. According to Matthew Rojansky, director of the Kennan Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, who has made a special study of the practice, “there are actual firms in Ukraine . . . registered with offices and business cards, firms [that specialize in] various dimensions of the corporate raiding process, which includes armed guys to do stuff, forging documents, bribing notaries, bribing judges.” In April 2014, as the separatists advanced, Kolomoisky mobilized his workforce into a 20,000-man private army in two battalions, Dnipro-1 and Dnipro-2, and stemmed the tide. According to Wilson Center director Rojansky, Kolomosiky is “perceived as the bulwark and the reason why the whole Novorossiya project [Putin’s plan to absorb most of eastern Ukraine] broke down at the border of the Donbass.”

As the largest bank, Kolomoisky’s PrivatBank stood to garner the largest share of the international aid. Published estimates put this share as high as 40 percent. Despite the torrent of cash, the banks’ situation did not improve; nine months into the program, the IMF announced: “As of end January 2015 . . . the banking system’s capital adequacy ratio stood at 13.8 percent, down from 15.9 percent at end-June.” Where had the money gone?

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More at link above.....

Full Clarity of Signal post on subject, including important rare information related to the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17:

An explanation of my research posts on the War in Ukraine and my Live Leak accounts which feature over 350 videos which have now amassed over 5 million views.

Link to collaborative Clarity of Signal post with Australia's "Watchdog Media Institute" which has compiled the largest video trove of first person videos related to the Ukraine war.

Between 2013 and 2017, the Watch Dog Media Institute compiled and archived the largest known video volumes of first-person video related to the Ukraine war, as well as the largest and most substantial amount of all mainstream media footage related to such.

These volumes have been aptly and poetically titled “Roses Have Thorns”, and are accessible at the CoS/Watchdog Media You Tube page linked above. These chronological video volumes include 17 videos totaling over 32 hours of first-person and MSM video clips related to the war. This downloaded and archived footage has been thoroughly sorted over the past two years and placed into a 5 hour video timeline that reveals the true and terrible nature of the Ukraine war and its horrific effects on the civilian population. The video at the link above is the most revealing video in existence highlighting what actually took place in Ukraine in 2014-2015. The post also features additional rarely seen information related to MH-17 and Ukraine's radar facilities.

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More at link....

Additional extensive evidence showing that Ukraine's military is comprised of fascist pro-Nazi battalions.

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EU Fascism Embraced: Over 20 Highly Revealing Videos Highlight US and EU Support for Fascist Pro-Nazi Military Battalions in Ukraine

Proof that the US government continues to finance the fascist battalions in Ukraine -




Last June, Congress passed a resolution intended to block American military funding for Ukraine from being used to provide training or weaponry for the Azov Battalion. Congress is reported to have recently repealed its ban on a Ukrainian militia accused of being neo-Nazi, opening the way for American military assistance.

Last June, Congress passed a resolution intended to block American military funding for Ukraine from being used to provide training or weaponry for the Azov Battalion, an independent unit that had been integrated into the former Soviet Republic’s national guard and was taking part in operations against Russian- backed rebels. Called a “neo-Nazi paramilitary militia” by Congressmen John Conyers Jr. and Ted Yoho, who cosponsored the bipartisan amendment, the battalion has been a source of controversy since its inception.

With the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel symbol on its unit flash – which resembles a black swastika on a yellow background – and founders drawn from the ranks of the paramilitary national socialist group called “Patriot of Ukraine,” the group would have been a fringe phenomenon in any Western nation, but with its army unequipped to face the separatist threat in the east, Kiev actually integrated Azov into its military forces.

According to a report in The Nation, the Pentagon lobbied the House Defense Appropriations Committee to remove the Conyers-Yoho amendment from the 2016 defense budget, claiming it was unnecessary as such funding was already prohibited under another law.

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On December 23, 2017 it was reported by UPI that the United States plans to send anti-tank missiles to Ukraine.

Excerpt: Dec. 23 (UPI) -- The United States plans to arm Ukraine with anti-tank missiles in its fight against Russian-backed separatists, senior State Department officials said.

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