Now Playing on DTube: The Odessa Massacre - Still No Prosecutions For US Supported Right Sector Nazis In Ukraine Who Killed Over 50 Ethnic Russian Civilians in 2014

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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Warning: Highly Graphic material:

Posted for Posterity (Historical Record) Video moved over from my California Stars Live Leak account linked here :

On May 3, 2014 over 50 ethnic Russian civilians were brutally massacred in Odessa, Ukraine by Right Sector fascists that came via train from Kiev to Odessa to conduct group assaults on anti-fascist dissenters. These violent groups were funded by the Soros Foundation, the US government through USAID, the EU and other western governments, as well as a number of Ukrainian oligarchs, including Igor Kolomoisky, Rinat Akhmetov, Petro Poroshenko and Andriy Paruiby. Western media was complicit in covering up the atrocities conducted by the Right Sector who carried out the murders. No one has ever been prosecuted for these atrocities.

Additional information related to such is provided below:

Link to my Clarity of Signal large body of work on the Ukrainian war and the war crimes/atrocities of the Right Sector Nazi National Guard Battalions (Material at link has now achieved over 5 million views)

Proof that the US government funded the Kiev media on the day of the Odessa massacre.

Link to the official US government website for USAID. That US government site officially states that USAID INCREASES SUPPORT FOR MEDIA AND PRESS FREEDOM IN UKRAINE
For Immediate Release
Friday, May 2, 2014
USAID Press Office

This support takes place on May 2, 2014- the day before the Odessa look at what the Kiev Post publishes on May 3,2014, the very next day...

Headline at link reads:
Police say pro-Russians accidentally set fatal Odessa fire with Molotov cocktails (LIVE UPDATES, VIDEO)
Print version
May 3, 2014, 6:45 p.m. | Ukraine — by Kyiv Post

Link to my work archiving the Odessa Remembrance Service and items related to such:

Full story on the Odessa Massacre in detail is here, along with pictures of the corpses showing how they died - (Highly Graphic)

Link to video of Right Sector fascist rally held directly after the massacre out front of the Trade Unions Bldg while victims were still inside smoldering.

Rally at Odessa Trade Union Bldg. 05/02/2014

At the 5:44 mark in the video....the speaker can be clearly heard calling the victims inside the Trade Union bldg "Colorado Beetles"...this is Right Sector language used to dehumanize the victims and imply they must be stamped out...a typical fascist technique to refer to victims as "animals or insects" thereby dehumanizing them. It was used heavily during the Rwanda genocide when referring to victims as "Cockroaches".

At the exact 6:10 mark hands are raised with closed fists as they emit a unified shout. Once again typical pro nazi behavior.

At the 6:14 mark...they once again raise fists and shout a different unified shout (unified shouting implies they have been indoctrinated to learn these shouts which is typical, once again, of fascist groups (nazi's).

Please keep in mind that the ceremony is taking place right after the siege and burning of the building....the victims are still inside in various poses of death. This is easily proven by the fact that the pictures at the NSNBC link above are taken the very next day. So it is relatively easy to ascertain that while these neo-nazi's, which the US and western governments supported, are holding their "Victory" rally, and are not concerned or remorseful for the people they just killed....people who include a pregnant woman as shown by the photo evidence linked above and a woman who is missing her pants with her legs spread (highly likely she was raped before she was murdered).

Link to extensive evidence of Soros connections to the Ukraine coup:

Unknown hackers hacked into the database of the Soros Foundation and posted more than 2500 files of the organization on the Internet. The documents published on the website cover the period from 2008 to 2016 and related to different aspects of the activity of the billionaires organisation.

Ukraine is also mention in the papers of the organisation, and quite frequently – 370 times. Among the files there are documents concerning the organisation of Euromaidan, a shorthand report of activist meetings with the representatives of the “Resurrection” Fund and US ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, as well as materials about a planned George Soros meeting with the leader of “Svoboda” Oleg Tyahnybok and others. It “unexpectedly” turns out that the insinuation of “Kremlin Propaganda”, that Euromaidan was not a spontaneous release of the people to the streets in a uniform rush, but was directed by western organizations, is at least partly confirmed.

Many documents concern the delivery of grants to the Ukrainian mass media, organizations, and certain journalists. For example, in one document it is proposed to allocate $500,000 a year for “technical assistance” to such media as the TV channel Hromadske and websites such as “Crimea, Realities and Ostrov”.

Link to official DC Leaks on Soros:

One of the key emails on Ukraine that shows Soros collusion with specific on board media outlets including the Guardian and the Huffington Post. These are from the official DCLeaks Soros files on Ukraine. This is just one of the 370 emails on Ukraine. Keep in mind that Soros invested over $1 billion into the country along with investment group Franklin Templeton who were invested for $8 billion also right before the coup. These blood money investments pay huge once the IMF starts to allocate funds for the targeted country and pumps 1 of every 4 dollars into Privat Bank owned by Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky who finances and controls the Right Sector Nazis that overthrew the government. Then the peoples state assets were confiscated and sold off to pay off the IMF and the oligarchs that brought the coup in the first place. Its all a nice little blood money scam with ole Georgie Boy, Franklin Templeton, the Blackstone Group and their Geneva friends like Christine Lagarde of the IMF supplying the front while EU stooges fronting NATO like Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Carl Bildt provide the protection while robbing the tax payers of their hard earned money to fund it all and transition the money through the whole target country laundry cycle and into their own bank accounts.

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Title of Portfolio: The Ukraine debate in Western Europe, $750,000

Portfolio Owner: Donal Mac Fhearraigh

Staff commitment: Donal 40%, Vlad 40%, Goran 10%, Jordi 10%


The emergence of a New Ukraine carries with it the opportunity to reinvigorate the European project and reaffirm its ideals of union, solidarity, democracy, and peace. A strong, successful Ukraine protects against a democratic backslide in the east of the continent. However, this is complicated by the reluctance of some EU actors to accept the Maidan revolution as democratic and the Ukrainian government as legitimate. These actors have their own agendas -related to geopolitical and economic considerations with Russia – and will therefore be difficult to influence.

But for other groups and individuals, on the political left and across various social movements, one can detect confusion regarding the state of affairs in Ukraine. This has been fueled by a combination of ignorance about the facts on the ground, Russian propaganda, incoherent information by the Ukrainian government, and anti-American sentiment. This second group of actors includes key opinion-makers, some traditional mainstream players (such as trade unions and some political parties), emerging groups that are re-shaping Europe’s political map (in particular in southern Europe with M5S in Italy, Podemos in Spain, Syriza in Greece), and a wide range of liberal NGOs in western Europe.


· To stimulate debate and doubt in those democratic left movements, parties and audiences of Western Europe where a negative perception of the transformation of Ukraine is hegemonic, or very preponderant.

· To discredit the idea that the independence and integrity of Ukraine is an ideological cause of the Right.

· To influence the way information about Ukraine is heard and perceived in Southern Europe, especially among the group of doubters (see above). Specifically, we would like to facilitate the exchange of information with a skeptical or cautious European audience to show the degree of debate within Ukraine about its current reforms and that there are different visions for the future of Ukraine.

Expected impacts: (expected impacts in the field of the 2015 activities)

Media impact: Greater presence of voices from Ukraine’s civil society in left leaning and alternative press. More direct reporting by Ukrainian journalists on the ground facilitated by translating articles and also from OSF journalist-fellows inside Ukraine.

Left-wing “pro-Maidan” opinion formers’ voices amplified in the debate on Ukraine, e.g. organize a conference on the New Ukraine in partnership with the political science/international affairs department in the leading universities in each of Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Greece. These conferences to include a variety of voices from the new Ukraine.

Stronger grassroots-to-grassroots and CSO-to-CSO networks fostered between European and Ukraine civil society through activist exchange workshops; greater understanding of the complexities of Ukraine’s current political transition by EU actors and more nuanced appreciation of European perspectives by their counterparts in Ukraine.

Russia’s line on Ukraine will be subjected to a greater degree of scrutiny and skepticism by the left-wing actors involved in this project, relating to the European anti-fascist movement will be a key entry point in this debate.

Underwrite 2 conferences.

Tentative budget: $150K

Media: Build on existing relationships, for example with the Guardian to increase coverage of voices from the New Ukraine – e.g. Maidan: One year on. Work with the alternative press (e.g. Eurozine, Huffington Post, Street Press, Internazionale) as key influencers for the audience we are targeting, for example by funding translations of articles by Ukrainian journalists.

Fund individual and organizational grants for investigative reporting with long-stay grants in Ukraine, as well as journalist exchanges, to allow for deeper reporting of stories and for journalists to build their own contacts (instead of relying on Moscow-based reports).

Targeted round of newsroom briefings by authoritative experts on Ukraine.

Outputs: up to 10 grants for journalists.

Tentative budget: $100K

Set up a CSO coalition Friends of Maidan who will engage in informal and regular advocacy about the situation in Ukraine in their respective countries and expose potential allies to diverse views on Ukraine.

Output: Coalitions in the five target research countries and one EU level aimed at GUE/NGL groups.

Tentative Budget: $175k

Soros finances humanitarian organizations while at the same he finances propaganda campaigns that promote and lead to coups and war. The manipulation of a simple photo by the Soros funded Human Rights Watch highlights the point. The original picture was taken on the day of the Odessa Massacre in May 2014, a horrific event where 45 ethnic Russian protesters were burned to death by the Right Sector who arrived by buses and trains from Kiev. Yet, the Soros funded HRW used the very same pic in an anti-Russian campaign and even Tweeted it on their Twitter feed.

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Additional important videos related to Odessa Massacre are here:

HD vid of Odessa from the moment the Right Sector organized and instigated the extreme violence they were sent there to conduct. The video shows large swaths of violent young people throwing stones, destroying property, setting fires, making molotovs, and eventually burning the building. It is a 1 hour and 17 minute long pure joyride of New Ukraine.

At the 2:29 mark- Right sector moving through the crowd on their way to conduct chaos and murder.

At the 4:08 mark- children (most of them are under 26) performing the "Seig Heil" nazi salute with their right arms raised and palms outstretched.

At the 4:50 mark- new military issue helmets and uniforms that don't fit very well.

At the 19:32 mark- "leader" talking to the chief of police while attempting to get authorization from higher up to have permissions.

At the 46:31 mark- making of molotov cocktails to throw at people.

At the 1:12:36 mark- little boy and women in the window of the building these neo-nazi thugs are about to set fire to.

The Russian government has identified the on the ground leader of the Odessa Massacre...filmed at the 13:10 , 13:25 and 19:32 mark in the HD Odessa video I have included here.....the man's name is Captain Mykola Nikolaevich Volkov.....he is what the Right Sector refers to as a Galacian SS Centurian....he is wanted on arrest warrants.....the Russian press is saying that during the phone call with the Chief of Police, where he is trying to influence the police chief, he is calling Kiev for authorization.....they are writing that they believe he is on the phone to Andriy Parubiy, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, appointed after leading the anti-government protests in the 2014 Ukrainian revolution.

Here's the link to original Russian Vesti story:

In the full Odessa HD video at the 2:29 mark and 4:50 mark we can see Right Sector units wearing new military fatigues and helmets....this would lend credence to the theory that the government supplied the uniforms and that Mykola Volkov, who is seen directing those Right Sector units and individuals, was working directly for that government. If this is the case, as the Russian government suspects, as shown above, then it lends strong credence to the theory that the Kiev coup government is responsible for sending those individuals to Odessa and murdering 46 Ukrainian citizens......citizens that the US falsely implied were not Ukrainian....but from neighboring Transnistria.

The US media also blatantly mislead the American people in regards to the fighting itself and the nature of the fire. A simple glance at the Odessa HD video will prove beyond all doubt that the Right Sector and nationalists that attacked the building met no resistance.....they conducted all violence against primarily helpless women, men and even children as can verified by starting the video at the 1:08:14 mark.

This was murder by fascist nationalist neo-nazi's conducted by the coup Ukrainian government who our government is supporting. This is what we have paid for with our tax dollars as shown here.

Victims video published May 2, 2014:

Video of victims before they were attacked: victims are seen at the 6:52 and 14:40 marks.

Video of Odessa Remembrance Service....published May 18, 2014


mobs are funded by us government and other westren agencies that's kind of bitter and blood politics. @clarityofsignal you are doing a fantastic job some one needs to expose these MF

Recently read the conclusion of the next Ukrainian "expert" about the fact that the separatists burned themselves...This is complete nonsense, my remember how it really was, people just refuse to know the truth and recognize it...Thanks for your work...

You are very welcome Irina. I was following events in Odessa closely back in 2014 and was helping lead the charge at Democratic Underground to expose the fascists who came to power in Ukraine through such horrific violence. Ironically, I was constantly alerted upon and banned at Democratic Underground for doing such. Thus, I am no longer affiliated with any political party.

Good job geting this out there. Upvoted and Resteemed

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