Mossad Complicity: MSM Articles and Videos Reveal That Israel Supports ISIS Terrorists in Syria

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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Efraim Halevy is a lawyer and an Israeli intelligence expert. He was the ninth director of Mossad and the 4th head of the Israeli National Security Council. He admitted that Israel is treating wounded ISIS fighters in Israeli Hospitals




Hezbollah chief Nasrallah meets Russian deputy foreign minister in Beirut
Head of Syrian army after alleged airstrikes: Israel working with ISIS and al-Qaida

The new documents show that Israel has been doing more than simply treating wounded Syrian civilians in hospitals.

NEW YORK – The Syrian ambassador to the UN has long complained of a Zionist conspiracy working with the Syrian rebels to overthrow President Bashar Assad.

Now, a report from the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) reveals that Israel has been working closely with Syrian rebels in the Golan Heights and have kept close contact over the past 18 months. The report was submitted to the UN Security Council at the beginning of the month.

The documents show that Israel has been doing more than simply treating wounded Syrian civilians in hospitals. This and a few past reports have described transfer of unspecified supplies from Israel to the Syrian rebels, and sightings of IDF soldiers meeting with the Syrian opposition east of the green zone, as well as incidents when Israeli soldiers opened up the fence to allow Syrians through who did not appear to be injured.

Official link to UN Report –

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 20 November 2014 to 3 March 2015

Additional articles proving such:


Syrian UN envoy claims Israel is directly supporting ISIS by bombing regime sites
Bashar al-Jaafari said an Israeli attack in March indirectly benefited ISIS
Israel claimed it was targeting a weapons haul destined for Hezbollah in Lebanon
Jaafari claimed Israel was also treating injured al-Qaeda terrorists

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Saving their sworn enemy: Heartstopping footage shows Israeli commandos rescuing wounded men from Syrian warzone – but WHY are they risking their lives for Islamic militants?

*Elite Israeli troops rescue wounded Syrians from the world’s worst war almost every night
*They have saved more than 2,000 people since 2013, at a cost of 50 million shekels (£8.7million)
*Many are enemies of Israel and some may even be fighters for groups affiliated to Al Qaeda
*MailOnline embedded with Israeli commandos stationed on the border between Israel and Syria
*Dramatic video filmed by MailOnline and the Israeli army shows these operations taking place
*Israel says that the operation is purely humanitarian but analysts believe Israel also has strategic reasons


ISIS fighters APOLOGISED after launching an attack on Israeli soldiers, former defence minister reveals
Former Israeli minister Moshe Ya’alon was referring to a skirmish in November
Four Islamic State-affiliated fighters were killed by tank and plane fire


UN Report: Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS
Members of ISIS and Nusra front also have been treated in Israeli hospitals.

A report submitted to the United Nations Security Council by UN observers in the Golan Heights over the past 18 months shows that Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have been in regular contact with Syrian rebels, including Islamic State (ISIS) militants.

Citing the UN report, Haaretz noted that there have been several instances detailed in the report that shows close ties between Syrian armed rebels and Israeli army.


The Syrian conflict continues to develop into a proxy war, pitting various foreign ‘national interests’ against one another, including US vs. Syria, US vs Iran, Saudi Arabia vs Syria, Qatar vs. Syria, Turkey vs. Kurdistan and Iran vs. Israel – to name only a few.

Upon closer examination, the real truth begins to emerge: that the support network behind Washington’s ‘Moderate Rebels’ and terrorist groups fighting to depose the Assad government in Syria – is an inter-agency network , comprised of many contributing covert intelligence agencies, including the CIA, MI5/6, Mossad, France, NATO, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

21WIRE reported back in December 2014 and again in January 2015, how the State of Israel has consistently provided both material, medical relief and IDF airstrike support to various terrorist and ‘rebel’ insurgents fighting in Syria.



Israel is secretly supporting Syrian rebels operating near its occupied Golan Heights territory, providing money, food, fuel and medical supplies, according to fighters who claim to receive the aid.

Israel has previously treated wounded Syrian rebels in its hospitals but interviews with rebels conducted by the Wall Street Journal suggest that Israel is directly supporting opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the six-year-long civil war.

UN: Israel interacting with rebels on Syrian borderUNDOF peacekeepers detail cooperation between IDF troops and insurgents in the Golan Heights


Reports presented to the United Nations Security Council reveal numerous interactions between Israeli troops and rebel groups on the Israel-Syrian border over the past year and a half.

UN observers in the Golan Heights meticulously detailed instances of contact between IDF soldiers and rebels, including Syrians being sent into Israel for medical treatment, and the transfer of items and containers, according to records maintained by the UN disengagement force in the Golan demilitarized zone.

Link to full UN Disengagement Observer Force documentation :

UNDOF – United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

Essential viewing –

September 2014 Corbett Report explains clearly who is behind ISIS……..

Tyranny Unmasked and Syriana Analysis explain Israel’s collusion with ISIS…..

To know fully what is going on in Syria, Ukraine and the Middle East, I highly recommend following and supporting Tyranny Unmasked on Steemit. He has put in hundreds of hours of research and hard work exposing the lies about the global wars and deserves a much larger audience and credit for his true patriotism and hard work.

Latest post:

Link to Clarity of Signal Wordpress site post:

Latest Clarity of Signal post on US Senator John McCain and White Helmets terrorists in Syria:



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