Harsh Contrast: The New York Times Caught Providing Blatant Terrorist Propaganda - Comparison of Clarity of Signal Evidentiary Material on FSA Propagandist Hadi Abdullah With New York Times Promotional Video

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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On December 13, 2016 the New York Times uploaded and presented the following video featuring White Helmets and FSA lead propagandist Hadi Abdullah to their official You Tube account. Hadi Abdullah is the main disseminator of video material related to the White Helmets and other groups associated with the Free Syrian Army operating in Syria.

This post will present evidentiary material that clearly shows that the FSA was infiltrated by al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) as early as 2013 (as reported by the Guardian UK) and that Hadi Abdullah works in direct correlation with the terrorist groups operating in Syria, including-Nusra Front, Ahrar-al-Sham, al-Qaeda and ISIS, by providing them a channel to spread their message. The post will also show that You Tube allows terrorist supporters such as Hadi Abdullah to operate unimpeded (no censorship).

This evidence will be provided via Hadi Abdullah's own uploaded videos that were collated at the Clarity of Signal website. The material shows quite clearly that Hadi Abdullah is not the heroic bringer of truth that is portrayed in the New York Times emotionally portrayed propaganda piece, but is instead working directly as a propaganda mouthpiece for the terrorist groups taking lives in Syria, in conjunction with the FSA and White Helmets.

The New York Times

The following post includes a number of videos and images that were uploaded by Hadi Abdullah while he was working alongside the terror groups. I leave it up to discerning citizens to compare the material within the post with The New York Times propaganda video presented above. Doing such will reveal a harsh contrast in what is presented as the truth by The New York Times and what is actually taking place regarding the actions of Hadi Abdullah and his relationship to terrorist groups operating in Syria.

The evidence will show quite clearly that The New York Times has, whether knowingly or unintentionally, mislead its public audience about this nefarious individual. Considering that I was able to easily ascertain the information on Hadi Abdallah by simply examining, archiving and screen capturing his own uploaded videos, its stands to reason that The New York Times either did not conduct due diligence in regards to their 'reporting' or they intentionally chose to mislead their public audience. My personal belief is that the latter is the case, particularly considering other New York Times misreporting on the Syrian war over the last half decade and its blatant support for the Deep State that plays the lead role in propagating misleading narratives on the war in Syria and financing nefarious groups.

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False Flagger: Al-Nusra Front Terrorist ‘Reporter’ Hadi Abdallah First Responder to Chemical Massacre in Idlib, Syria on April 4th, 2017


In this second Clarity of Signal post showing how the western mainstream media misreported events surrounding a 'grieving' father in Syria we also see that Hadi Abdullah played a direct roll in keeping the ruse afloat and the wool pulled over the publics eyes as to the real background of the individual presented as a victim.

Father of Invention: Media Portrayed Grief Stricken Dad Turns Out To Be al-Nusra Front Terrorist


In the following video over 25 examples of Hadi Abdullah working directly with terrorist groups is provided and juxtaposed with his videos (all uploaded by himself and others) showing him working alongside the White Helmets who have ties to multiple terror groups as evidenced by their own uploaded videos.

Hadi and The White Helmet Boys - Hero's by Day, Terrorists by Night!

Bitchute version - https://www.bitchute.com/video/HRF4UFmonXxK/

The following video highlights Hadi Abdullah's actions working with Saudi cleric Abdullah al-Muhaysini who is the leader of al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria). It also reveals how Hadi Abudallah is associated with Bana Alabed the young girl from Aleppo who was used as a propaganda tool by Hollywood and western media, amongst other deceptions related to propaganda for the Syrian war. (Note: children are continually exploited by the terrorists and by western mainstream media and Hollywood).

All of this important info is completely overlooked by the New York Times in their propaganda video made to portray Hadi Abdullah as an example of a hero for all of humanity. The fact they choose to omit this evidentiary material on Hadi Abdullah comes as no surprise as they were also huge promoters of the White Helmets in Syria. Extensive evidence proving the White Helmets are also terrorists posing as rescuers will be included at the conclusion of this post.

Tapestry of Terror - White Helmets Exposed As FSA Terrorists Linked With ISIS


Huge Cache of White Helmets Exposed Links All In One Massive Volume For Sharing and Red Pilling - Over 400 Images in 22 Files


Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group


Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Videos Capture White Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups in Syria


Intertwined – The White Helmets and FSA Terrorist Groups – Evidence of Collusion -Part 1


The White Helmets Terrorists – Further Extensive Evidence of Direct Collusion with Islamic Terrorist Groups – (Set 4)


“Now You See Me” – Over 100 White Helmet Self-Posted Facebook Images Expose Fake Humanitarian Group as FSA Terrorists Linked with Al-Qaeda


Considering all the evidentiary material presented above and the links, images, videos and articles to prove these assertions, it should have been relatively easy for The New York Times 'reporter' to come to the same conclusion that I have here. Alas, that is quite obviously not the case. As further proof of a lack of due diligence on their part I present the following link and screenshots taken from an article from the Guardian UK which clearly shows that the FSA was infiltrated by al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) in 2013. The New York Times quite clearly fails to include this important factual data from its 2016 propaganda piece on Hadi Abdullah, and they also neglect to report on his relationship/support with and for the FSA.


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I leave it up to diligent citizens to examine the material related to all of the above and determine what is factual. It is noteworthy that many people in the comment section at the New York Times You Tube video also see that the terrible truth of the matter is that the US government has supported terrorists operating in Syria. May the truth guide your way.


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The NYT pushing pro-terrorist propaganda - how shocking - they would never do such a thing! haha, excellent post @clarityofsignal.

With all the craziness going on in Syria recently, it will be interesting to see how the future of US troop presence there plays out now that the US has publicly announced their new official policy of staying in the war-torn nation indefinitely.

And still no false flag in Idlib yet - kinda surprised about that myself, maybe all the independent media attention and Russia making all kinds of noise about it helped stave it off. Or maybe it's just b/c SAA is holding off on Idlib offensive for now... Of course now that ISIS has jacked the chlorine from HTS intended to be used for the provocation, things could get really interesting.

One thing is for sure, people keep waking up in droves & it's only a matter of time before the numbers of the awakened are enough to force positive change in one way or another. I'm just waiting for the day we finally pull all troops out of Syria and let them have their country back - not sure why but for some reason I have this feeling that with Syria unlike Iraq & Libya, the NWO is not going to win in the long run...

Keep up the good work & take care.

Thanks Jason. Indeed it will be interesting to see. The fact that people keep waking up and seeing through the media lies makes me think you are probably right. The NWO is not gonna win in Syria. I think the Syrian war and their support for terrorists is their "Bridge Too Far". As more and more people put the puzzle together and the insanity continues to occur across the global stage it becomes more and more clear that Zionists whether in Hollywood, the media, the government and/or the elite are playing a lead role behind all the chaos that is being implemented.

Caveat: Its not really about Zionism that's all just an excuse for them, the same as Israel is just another excuse for them, a tool on their way to complete control. Its really simply about control over all humanity. Their Greater Israel project is not simply about expanding across the Middle East, its about controlling the entire globe.....that is what Greater Israel really is to them...….a control mechanism.

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