Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Videos Capture White Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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The videos below shows over a dozen occasions where the White Helmets are directly operating alongside armed terrorist groups in Syria. It also features the Saudi cleric leader of al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) stating on record that the White Helmets (civil defence) are mujahideen (Islamic jihadists). Additionally, it features videos of the White Helmets lead propaganda disseminator Hadi Abadallah working alongside numerous radical Islamic terrorist groups. At the conclusion of the post, some of the best western voices reveal the truth about the US and UK support for the FSA terrorists in Syria.

Direct collusion.....

White Helmets Caught On Camera Celebrating Al-Nusra Front (Al-Qaeda) Takeover of Idlib, Syria in 2015 - (Note: Californiastars is my official Clarity of Signal Live Leak account used for caching material as a backup)

White Helmets Caught Celebrating On Camera With Al-Nusra Front Terrorist Group (Al-Qaeda in Syria) :

White Helmets Caught Celebrating On Camera With Al-Nusra Front Terrorist Group (Al-Qaeda in Syria)

Abdullah al-Muhaysini,, the Saudi cleric leader of al-Nusra Front in Syria declares that the White Helmets (civil Defense) are Mujahideen (Islamic jihadists) brothers in holy war.

Abdullah al-Muhaysini, the Saudi cleric leader of al-Nusra Front in Syria asks ISIS to join him in jihad (holy war).

John Cantle who was captured by ISIS and held in Islamic State territory is shown on video with White Helmets in the background.

Additional link to John Cantle’s pro-ISIS video here: John Cantle in ISIS Video Proves White Helmets Work for ISIS

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White Helmets meeting held at FSA HQ directly links them to Free Syrian Army which is comprised of dozens of terrorist groups and has been filmed on camera on numerous occasions conducting atrocities and working directly in conjunction with al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) terrorists.

Video of Hadi Abdallah, the lead propaganda disseminator for the White Helmets directly colluding with al-Nusra Front terrorists….

Video below shows that Hadi Abdallah was also involved with the White Helmets for the chemical event in Idlib, Syria on April 4, 2017.

Additional Clarity of Signal links on Hadi Abdullah:

False Flagger: Al-Nusra Front Terrorist ‘Reporter’ Hadi Abdallah First Responder to Chemical Massacre in Idlib, Syria on April 4th, 2017

Father of Invention: Media Portrayed Grief Stricken Dad Turns Out To Be al-Nusra Front Terrorist

Additional videos linking Hadi Abdallah to al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria):

Hadi Abdallah embraces al-Nusra Front jihadists

Live Leak Links to White Helmets videos linking them to FSA and terror groups

Video Links White Helmets Who Received Oscar Directly to FSA Terror Groups

New Footage of White Helmets Caught on Camera Working with Terrorists and Western NGO

Reality Check: Ben Swann's Channel Goes Dark After Exposing Syrian Rebels Are Saudi Backed Jihadists

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos reveals the truth about the White Helmets on the BBC

US Congressional Representative Tulsi Gabbard conducts interview with Mumina, a victim of the FSA who beheaded members of her family.

Tyranny Unmasked Uncovers the true face of the White Helmets

White Helmets filmed colluding with al- Nusra terrorist’s disposing of corpses in shovel of a tractor in 2015.

Final video shows White Helmets attending an August 2016 rally led by Abdullah al-Muhaysini the Saudi cleric leader of al-Nusra Front terrorist group (al-Qaeda in Syria).

New video has been uploaded that feature a White Helmets member participating in unloading a truck filled with beheaded Syrian soldiers. Shown below are two videos of the truck. The 1st video is from Twitter and shows a blue shirted White Helmet member with the group logo on the back unloading beheaded corpses. The 2nd video shows the same truck at the time of the loading of the bodies.

White Helmets Film Themselves Participating in Beheading of Syrian Soldiers

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Pt 1 Beheaded soliders in truck. Note broken rear window, center brake light, broken left tail light verifies it as the same truck with SAA bodies.

The 2nd video of the truckload of dead and beheaded Syrian soldiers has now been removed from You Tube, fortunately I downloaded and copied it to Live Leak. The same video can now be found here:

Truckload of Beheaded Syrian Soldiers Transported By White Helmet Associated Terrorists

Link to original Clarity of Signal post which includes the Twitter videos to the still shots above -


White Helmets are #FakeNews propaganda.

#FakeNews CNN reports this disinformation as fact.

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