Cardinal George Pell Charged With Sex Offenses - Child Sex Crimes of the Global Elite Exposed

in #news7 years ago (edited)

This is the headline today in Australia. Its about time these types of crimes are being looked into. When it comes to child sex crimes the global elite and people in position's of high power have been given way too much leeway.

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The following post exposes the recent revelations of Dutch global banker Ronald Bernard who states on camera that, as a financial assets trader for the most powerful families in the world, he attended orgies where children were subjected to sexual molestation. The mainstream media has dared not touch this subject and has even gone so far as to label sites that delve into it as 'fake news'. It is well past time that this sensitive subject saw the full light of day so that elitists that conduct molestation of children no longer feel empowered to get away with their crimes.

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Newly Released Video: On-Camera Confessions of Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Reveals Terrible Crimes of the Global Elite

The following videos feature Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard providing emotional testimony as to the debauched lifestyle he led while working in the most elite branches of the worlds banking system. His revelations prove to be incredibly revealing as to the practices of high level financial elitists. I will let the videos speak for themselves. They are incredibly powerful and moving to watch.

Caveat: This particular subject of (child sexual abuse by the global elite) is not one that I have delved into here at Clarity of Signal previously. My primary focus is on war, terrorism and geopolitics, particularly terrorist ruses in Syria and fascist war crimes in Ukraine, however, I do think there is something nefarious going on when it comes to the disturbing subject matter discussed in these videos, and the issue should be investigated much more thoroughly, thus, my reason for putting together this post to offer the opportunity for others to see all these videos in one specific location.

Screenshots of 2 part video series at link:

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Full post including videos plus additional links at the Clarity of Signal site:


At least they don't call you crazy for telling people about this in June. I've been trying since February.

Don't give up hope. It takes time to break through walls of propaganda that are put in place to distract and coverup these crimes. The foxes are in charge of the hen house but I never stop believing we will win against these evil people. I have no doubt about it. The more they try to cover up their global crimes the harder I will work to expose them. Thanks for your comment and desire to do good by attempting to expose these criminals best you can.

The elites love sex orgies with underage children. Reminds me of Pizzagate. IT does not surprise me. Thanks for sharing.

very interesting, funny the more i read the more that comes revealed the less crazy i think Alex Jones is crazy.

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