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RE: Gov't Forcing Couple to Tear Down Amazing Treehouse On Their Property—Or Else

in #news7 years ago

My friend is in a similar situation in California. She and her ex husband decided to build an adobe home at the end of a dirt road in a remote area of San Diego county. They began construction in 1982. They did not apply for permits, but built the structure to the codes in force at the time. The marriage broke up and the house was never finished. My friend's husband lived in the temporary trailer until the whole area burned up in a firestorm in 2003. The adobe structure was unscathed. Her ex-husband moved on.

My friend got another trailer and pulled it onto her property in hopes of finishing the adobe. Even though the adobe was not damaged by the fire, the county would not issue her permits. She couldn't get permits because some bureaucrat had managed to change the earthquake danger assessment and now, no adobe structures are allowed in San Diego county, even though no adobe structure has ever collapsed in an earthquake in San Diego, including the original Spanish mission that dates back to 1769. And so her adobe home sat unfinished.

In 2010 two lawyers bought an adjacent 10 acre parcel out of foreclosure. They immediately turned her into the county, which has now put pressure on her to remove the structure, a structure that is not only fireproof, it's been standing roofless for 34 years and is virtually unchanged from the day construction ceased. The lawyers have now sued her to have the trailer removed as well.

How can it be that we cannot enjoy our property without government interference and neighbors who think their property extends beyond it's legal boundaries, in this case opportunistic leaches who have the legal resources to persecute an old lady who simply wants to live out the rest of her life on the property she bought 51 years ago?

Government is supposed to protect our freedoms and provide an environment where we can live peacefully, not persecute us for not paying them extortion fees or exerting pressure based on misguided policies and construction industry lobbying. What recourse does she have?


California is pretty much a Communist State. And soon to be hopefully it's own Country. Let's see how well they do with that.

More like a fascist dictatorship.

California will never be its own country. The "60 mile circle" that surrounds the LA civic center is the 13th largest economy in the world. Ya think Uncle $am will all let that go without killing everybody involved? Dream on.

To be honest I do not think we (The United States) needs Californias economy and/or all it's deficits we will be better off with out them and to be honest I do not think California could survive very long as it's own country. I can agree with Fascist Dictatorship...Fascism and Communism are very closely related.

You're right. We (the people) don't need California and would be better off without it. The government, however, needs all those Californians who work and pay taxes, own houses, drive cars, etc. The government's needs directly oppose the needs of the people. Read this post and you'll know where I'm coming from. :)

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