Maybe the Most Important Press Release EversteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago

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Timothy Holmseth's Press Release

Transcript of the video:

Hello Q-anon patriots!
If you're watching one of these Q-anon videos, you’re probably one of the good guys.

My name is Timothy Charles Holmseth, and I am hereby issuing a press release. So this press release is by Timothy Charles Holmselth, on this 3rd day of February, 2018.

I, Timothy Charles Holmseth, have been approached, and am now engaged in strategic communications and planning, regarding legal council, with high level strategists associated with US intelligence. I am preparing for a major law firm to file a lawsuit that will expose elements of the international network that comprises the Luciferian phenomenon known as Pedogate.

On December 13, 2017, the 9th Minnesota judicial district court vacated prior orders that were restricting my investigative journalism and publishing. The court vacated orders upon receiving evidence I submitted that exposed an international CIA, FBI baby sales and child trafficking operation. I am presently preparing a formal presentation of evidence I obtained as a journalist, which was provided to the United States Department of Justice, FBI, and which included in-person interviews with the FBI and other judicial officers during the terms of: Jeff Sessions, Eric H. Holder, Loretta E. Lynch, Robert S. Mueller III, James B. Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Christopher Wray.

In 2009 I began submitting information to the law enforcement regarding CIA/FBI baby sales that occurred throughout the United States and internationally through US embassies. The presentation that I’m developing will detail:

Kidnapping and sales of infants and children by CIA and FBI operatives.
The kidnapping operation’s connection to Jeffery Epstein, Hillary Clinton, Gloria Allred, and others.
the connection to: Haiti, Russia, Mexico, and many other dynamics to the operation
the massive 9 year cover-up of the operation by the FBI, CIA, and other government agencies
the massive government sponsored defamation, disinformation, and terror campaign launched against me and my family.

My task has been made very difficult and cumbersome because elements of the shadow government based out of Indiana and Florida, which were connected to the US Air Force, conspired with the Minnesota Pine to Prairie Drug and Gang Task Force to seize my computer, and destroy my hard drive, which contained thousands upon thousands of files.

But I have recovered all the files, and I can do it.
Once filed by the law firm, the subpoenas go out.

Donations: I am inviting my fellow Americans and Patriots to join me and financially assist me in this colossal and historic endeavor to expose these monsters - monsters of Biblical proportions.

You will find my PayPal link below where you can make a one-time donation.

Below you will also find my physical mailing address if you would like to make a donation through the mail.

To research me and my work product, please visit I’ll put that link below as well.

Thank you, Patriots.

Timothy Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
Unit 17
East Grand Forks, MN

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