Wild Asteroids and Intense Earthquake!
This weekend, a very large (yet still extremely small in reality) mile wide asteroid flew by Earth this weekend. While at the distance 13 times away from the Earth to the Moon, NASA declared it a near earth object and some articles went a little bananas on the danger of this thing. While this asteroid was big enough to have its own "moon" the object posed no threat to the Earth and is not scheduled to collide in the near future. CBS reported:
The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Minor Planet Center has classified 1999 KW4 as a "potentially hazardous asteroid" because it will travel relatively close to Earth. Even so, the asteroid will only pass as close as 3.2 million miles from Earth — roughly 13 times the distance between the Earth and the moon.
On Saturday evening, 1999 KW4 will make its closest approach to Earth. It will be visible until May 27. Because it carries a large moon along with it, the asteroid is technically designated as a binary system.
Reportedly, at the same time, Peru was hit by a large 8.0 earthquake which some are saying was caused by this asteroid. For such a small object to cause an earthquake seems a bit silly considering a mile long object compared to the size and scale of the Earth does seem a bit out there. Especially at such a distance of 3.2 million miles. While some believe it was due to electromagnetics, it's a bit of a stretch but still slightly possible, although I'll leave that up to actual experts, it seems unlikely something so small can effect such a large mass. This theory came from MrMBB333, while sometimes having strange theories or inaccurate video/information, he gets a bit more right than wrong, if you're interested in his video, check this out.
Also, over the last week, a car-sized fireball lit up the skies of Australia! Here is some excellent footage of the fireball!
While it is not uncommon for fireballs to be seen in the sky, they have been being reported more and more over the years and it is all part of Revelation and the warning from the returned Christ Lord RayEl as he promised he would rain fire from the sky should his words not be met with repentance and obedience. What are your thoughts on these events? Leave your thoughts below!!
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But I do look forward to a time when an asteroid might wake the sleeping masses... albeit for a split second.
That was a pretty big asteroid, but at least it was far enough away.
Extremely far, barely an inconvenience.
Fireballs continue to light up the sky!