Puerto Rico In Darkness

in #news7 years ago

Darkness still covers Puerto Rico several months after Hurricane Maria.

In September of 2017, category 4 hurricane Maria tore through Puerto Rico. The outcome left the area in darkness, with over a million people without power. They were in a dire situation with little food and little water pleading to the world for help after they were left a destroyed civilization.

With people referring to the event being similar to a nuke, this was only the start of their turmoil. Just a few days after, the Guajataca Dam burst which called for the evacuation of 70,000. Hurricane Maria was the single biggest hurricane catastrophe of the US, also known as Babylon. San Juan Mayor went as far to say that this was something close to a genocide. And over a month into the crisis, public health concerns continued to rise as surgeries were being performed with cell phone lights and flashlights, and the bacteria problem in their water was only making situations worse. While reports of a rare infectious disease called leptospirosis, began to cause concern.


In November, power was starting to look like it would start to make a recovery, however, mechanical failure on one of its power lines ended up thrusting over a million people back into darkness. Over a quarter of the island being back where they were almost two months ago. While this was going on, the Mayor of San Juan had begun to make arguments that the death toll from the Hurricane was a lie. While news agencies were only reporting a little over 60, she had made claims that it was in the thousands! Some online data even estimated that 1,085 people should have died. The final number actually given was 547, but why was this number reduced by almost 90%?!

In December, two notable news lines to pop up, were the fact that there were still about a million people without power, and more importantly, the honeybee population may have been doomed by Hurricane Maria destroying Puerto Rico!! It's a long story so I'll try and sum it up as short as I can, but the honey bees in Puerto Rico had evolved to the point that they could fight the deadly Varroa mites that spread disease among bees and is a major cause of the die-offs of the bees in North America. This hurricane destroyed nearly 90% of the island's bee population, as well as destroyed all of the research done. You can read the full article here.


Now, five months after the deadly hurricane, an explosion in the power supply has caused yet another blackout, throwing the northern parts of Puerto Rico back into darkness. Why is Puerto Rico experience so much turmoil? Some quotes from the Imperial Regent Angelus Domini:

We have spoken of his anger against them before, for the evil, crime and destruction they have produced, but we just released two threads of tweets describing the recent hurricane chastisements upon the Caribbean and specifically America's Puerto Rico, and how the newspapers are declaring that 'the people of Puerto Rico are dying'... And Lord RayEl responded with a very understandable video tweet...


Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominica, Barbuda, etc... Why does it seem like Lord RayEl is attacking places that are black and hispanic? Because he said he would "judge the nations" (population groups), and "remove all evil from The Kingdom"... Both blacks and hispanics have contributed to the destruction of civilized society at a staggeringly disproportionate rate.
Based on government crime statistics, if New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent. In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent... These percentages reflect a truth found everywhere in the world with concentrations of blacks and hispanics, but the numbers don't account for those crimes/criminals not reported or identified, so in reality, it's even worse.
Obviously there are individuals worthy of salvation in every race, and they can expect fair judgment, but the vast majority of non-white people are about to be eradicated... Along with any white people judged to be evil.


It's clear where the Lord stands on this, and Puerto Rico is being made an example of to the rest of the world. Fitting that they are considered a part of Babylon's territory. With events taking place all around the globe, faster now than ever before, the time to repent is running out.

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This is pretty intense! I hope they see the light soon. Those poor bees too :(

If they repent and come to the Lord, then electricity will be restored and everything can go back to being somewhat normal... but without repentance they will continue to suffer for their own actions

How Could anyone deny Lord RayEl's judgment? Repent while you still can!!!

All of this will be coming to America VERY soon...Repent while you can, the curtain is closing!!!

...and he is still angry with them also.

I don't envy a single one of them.

The Lord will not relent with earthlings until they repent and turn to him ! Puerto Rico is only an example of what will soon happen to the world!

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