Asgardia: Your New Home

in #news6 years ago (edited)

When you hear "Asgard" most people either go to Norse mythology or Marvel. The sky city of the Norse Gods might become the home of Earthlings in the near future! Asgardia is planned to be a nation in space above the earth in a space station. Over 200,000 people have already applied for citizenship to this nation! Check it out here! Partnered with NASA, this is quite a possible thing, mostly Turkish and American residents have signed up to be a part of this nation and even a governing body! About 13 districts are being planned with different nationalities and bodies.



On November 12th, the Asgardia-1 satellite was launched by NASA. It contains 0.5 TB of data belonging to 18,000 of Asgardia's citizens, such as family photographs, as well as digital representations of the space nation's flag, coat of arms and constitution. Needless to say, this seems pretty real and extremely interesting! CNN's article states:

Russian scientist Dr Igor Ashurbeyli founded the world's first independent nation to operate in outer space in October 2016.
Named after a Norse mythological city of the skies, Asgardia is free to join and so far, about 114,000 people have signed up.
Ashurbeyli says the project's mission is to provide a "peaceful society", offer easier access to space technologies, and protect Earth from space threats, such as asteroids and man-made debris in space.
While Asgardia's citizens will -- for the time being -- remain based on earth, the satellite launch brings the nation one step closer to space. Turkey currently has the largest number of Asgardians, with over 16,500 residents.
Rayven Sin, an artist based in Hong Kong, told CNN that she signed up to become an Asgardian in November 2016 after hearing about it on a Chinese radio show while she was in Toronto.


Dr Igor Ashurbeylii

According to Asgardia's constitution, they hope to one day have colonies on the moon or other celestial bodies and their space ark orbiting our Earth! You can read their full constitution here. Sounds like a paradise of peace above the Earth! Being extremely interested in how all of this turns out, I've even signed up for residence. (because let's be real, there needs to be a RayElite there to monitor them) Sounds like a pretty harmonious place! What do you think? Leave your thoughts below!

We, the free people of
the first in the history of humanity
Space Kingdom
based on the birthright of a Human in the universe,
adopt this

  1. Asgardia is a free and unified Space Nation.

  2. The objectives of Asgardia are:

  • To ensure permanent peace in space;

  • To ensure equal opportunities in space for all Asgardians, currently residing on Earth, regardless of their Earthly citizenship;

  • To promote the welfare of the entire humankind.

3 Anyone can become a citizen of Asgardia, conditional on assenting to the Declaration, and abiding by the Constitution and the legislation of Asgardia.

4 All citizens of Asgardia are equal, irrespective of their Earthly country of origin, residence, citizenship, race, nationality, gender, religion, language, financial standing, or any other attribute.

5 Asgardia respects the laws of and international treaties concluded by the Earth’s States, and wishes to be recognised as having equal status as the Earth’s States.

6 Asgardia does not interfere in any affairs of the Earth’s States based on reciprocity.

7 Asgardia participates in the global events on Earth, similar to the Earth’s States, based on its membership in the respective international organisations.

8 Asgardia respects, complies with, and protects the rights of citizens of the Earth’s States, and protects Asgardia’s citizens in the exceptional nature of their space citizenship.

9 Asgardia has no place for political parties. However, every Asgardian can freely participate in the political life on Earth.

10 Asgardia mirrors the Earth without reflecting Earthly borders. Nevertheless, in the framework of Earthly laws, every Asgardian can freely live within the borders of any Earth State.

11 Asgardia is a nation of free spirit, science, internationalism. Every Asgardian can freely practice any religion of Earth in Asgardia.

12 There is no place for the history of Earthly conflicts in Asgardia. Asgardia creates a new peaceful history of the future space humankind.

We, the people of Asgardia, will do everything for the prosperity
of our new space nation created by us;
for the safeguarding of our motherland - planet Earth;
and the development of the entire humankind in space.
We are not the best, we are the future.
One humanity - one unity.
This Declaration is a primary document for the creation of the
Space Nation of Asgardia.

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Very interesting!

At the very least the information could ready the public for what is to be.
I think I've seen that logo somewhere before, also.

I believe they use the standard symbol for Asgard? I could be wrong, though.

The center I think is also the flower of life or sacred geometry. Or both ;)

I feel the Marvel movies have really sparked people's interest in these types of things.

Where did you find this? I've never seen it before super cool!

It certainly a concept that is preparing people for the future. However, I am not sure the Lord will allow just anyone with a big wallet to be a citizen in space...

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