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RE: DTube - One World Government Is Now INEVITABLE - The UN Global Migration Compact EXPOSED!

in #news6 years ago

Lol yet another argument about immaginary lines someone somewhere draw up and people just agreed it made sense. Honestly humans should be free to move around if and when they please without legal documentation.

The world worked like that for literally billions of years, don't see why it can't continue to work. What is this obsession with controlling and limiting what people can do and where they can go on this planet?


I agree with you to a large degree, but when we are forced to contribute to a system like here in the UK, which apparently pays for services such as roads, schools, healthcare etc... unless the infrastructure is upgraded before mass immigration (and proportionally to the additional number of people), it puts enormous pressure on the existing services. As it currently stands, some governments incentivise mass immigration to the detriment of the taxpayers they're supposed to be representing the interests of.

Also, in terms of sustainability, there seems to be a tendency for people to migrate north which has an increased energy burden associated with it, especially in the colder months of the year.
In addition, here in the UK, we're chewing up huge swaths of our agricultural land here to build more houses, going from being over 80% self-reliant in terms of food production to less than 60% in a decade, which to me seems insane.

But yeah, I'm pro-migration when it's not forced/incentivised, but when it's being incentivised and manipulated by other forces to the detriment of society and it's long-term sustainability, then I'm more inclined​ to look for better solutions.

100% mate, spot on! Regulations like these are going to result in choas and unrest as competition for resources heats up in a specific area it can quickly become unsustainable and lead to anarchy

Unfortunatly we've given up so much of our own thinking and "outsourced" it to government so we can become sheeple, thinking inside these boxes can only get us so far when it comes to solutions that can "please everyone"

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