This Bombshell Could Be The Truth That Gets You To Change Your Mind About What You Think You Know About The Medical Professions.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

You're about to read the most controversial subject on a private briefing in world history about Hillary Clinton and the final desperate attack against the American people that you will EVER READ.  If you're over 55, and know that there is truth yet to come to light in this world, please read this brief writing and protect yourself from the convolution that you may or may not ever know about, before you judge me for writing this out.  People voted out her lies and now she is still working on a devastating attack against the American people.  This is sick and is going to be crooked in it's finest form of what crooked means.  Just Read On!

Learn the truth behind the 2016 election and help me expose the corrupt conspiracy involving the Clinton's, their secret society of gangsters, among other high ranking government officials, that's remained a total secret from the people for over 23 years.  

TO BE CLEAR: They never expected the inner-working of their plans of their secrets to be exposed to the light of day, until now, we can see the truth unfolding as it should have, all these many years.  If not for one mistake they made, it could have remained buried forever.  So, if you're ready to learn the truth - KEEP READING.  But, if you don't think you can handle it, then close this report now because what I'm about to say is going to be one of the only things online that might just protect yourself and your family from what's to come.  

Hillary Clinton might have rigged the 2016 election from all the way back in 1993?  And, in exchange also got to kill 31,000 seniors that year, and more following every year after that.  You might think this is impossible, or wrong - but with what I've uncovered through studies is going to be the bombshell that will silence all the liberals from thinking that they know anything at all about the criminals behind the lies that are being spread as disinformation over the truth.  It's a crooked plan that's been created by Hillary, as known as, "Executive Plan 5."  It's a scheme so elaborate and so far reaching that it can only be defined as high treason on the American people.  

Here was the plan:  "On January 20th 2017, Hillary was supposed to place her hand on the Bible, and take the presidential oath of office."  But, not as the victor of a fair and honest election, she's created 230,000 votes for her uncovered from dead people.  She's also a liar, a conspiracy mastermind, and a traitor to this country, and to the American people who voted for her.  Thankfully, you and I both know how her story ended with this, and how her plan to become the president failed, and how she's now running scared of the truth that will bind to her in the face of God.  

While Trump was watching his electoral votes flood in, Hillary was running scared, practically disappearing off the face of the map.  She knows that she lost, and that it wasn't just a simple case of, "He won, she lost," sort of ordeal, because it was more then that.  She thought she had the game so rigged that she thought she already had this election in her pocket.  But, she didn't, and thank God for that.

Just know that there's more to the story then that, and that the treason goes even deeper then you or I could ever imagine.  But, while some people are breathing a sigh of relief that Trump has become our next president, there is still a lot of convolution going on, and what the other 99% plus people won't know is the uncomfortable truth.  The outcome of this election was actually planned a total of 23 years ago, and behind closed doors in a secret location.  And, even though Hillary and the Clinton's have all been disappearing, her plot is still unfolding over the American people.  And, some of us know the truth, and just the facts, that there is more truth to be uncovered.  They are placing millions of American lives in jeopardy, everyday.  Worse yet, Trump, Pence or anyone else that sees clear through the plans can do almost nothing to stop her.  How do I know this?  Because, I've been collecting intelligence about this sort of thing for over a year, and studying corruption fervently along with many Americans wondering where their freedoms are going and why they are hurting so bad while living in a "FREE" country.  We want to know the truth.

I found THIS information from a Dr. Allen Spreen, who works for an organization just outside of Washington, D.C. and a patriotic group that monitors our government for exactly this type of information.  They get information from insider sources who cannot be revealed for safety reasons of splitting this thing open might affect the lives of the people exposing this kind of information.  They've uncovered a lot of dirt over the last so many years, but nothing as MIND-BLOWING as you'll find that this is.  And, I might even be putting myself at risk for even writing this report, and the sites and information that I've strung across for the last while, since I've personally been studying these things, have been being buried almost as quickly as I come across it.  So, don't think that your internet, and news organizations are convoluted in the attempt to bring you disinformation?  They are.  It's all based on; lies, manipulation, and greed.  I've actually been tracking this story for years, and have been gathering insurmountable amounts of information, following paper-trails, checking facts other people bring up, and gathering insurmountable evidence of the Clinton's corruption from the beginning of 2015 or even before.  I was, just like anyone else, and didn't want to believe that people could be so horrible as the information that I was finding, and at the same time - watching the news sources completely disappear off the internet, and I'm fairly savvy online, and I couldn't even find these articles, stories or videos myself that were seemingly being swallowed by the internet monster.  I had no idea what to do.  I knew that I had to say something though, as a lot of people were being kept in the dark by having not enough money, no time to spend with their families or loved ones and was working on my own ways to create massive income online, which failed me.  I failed miserably!  I even thought that at one point that it was me, and something was wrong with me, and that I wasn't working hard enough or doing the right things as my teachers were telling me - but I was just being tricked into these poncy schemes as anyone else was, and though I still have faith in online marketing and the online reality that people can become millionaires and get the things they want, it just wasn't going to happen the way that I thought it was going to happen.  I was being targeted through covert harassment, because I was knowingly uncovering the truth, and had it all stuck in my mind.  My computers were hacked, my information was even hacked, and there was some people that were definitely out to stop me from exposing their corrupt and relentless plans to hurt a million more of you, and all for money.  I wasn't about to act like that, and I knew that I ran into truth that needed to be heard, and not only heard, but felt.  It was hard for my spirit to obtain.  I was having a hard time with realizing that there are high-crime criminals that were out to silence me, and stop me from opening my mouth about what I knew.  But, I knew that I needed to tell it to people - even if they weren't willing to listen.

I just didn't want to believe that this kind of thing could actually happen in America.  I threw myself in denial, just as others were denying me the kind of love and support to listen to me, because they simply didn't want to listen to how they've been marked for death by a bunch of silly people with only one objective in mind, and that was their own greed and their own evils from never being found out about.  I felt as though, I should have been an actor in a movie for how my life was unfolding and just wanted to make it so.  I needed that kind of protection as I've stated in other blogs prior to this one, but again - no one wanted to think that I had anything credible to tell.  But, I did!

When I saw Hillary's speech  for the Democratic nomination, it was through her smug smile and how she waved her hand like a queen at the crowd through the sleeves of her $12,000 suite she was wearing, she thought she had already won this election, and I could see it in how things played out.  Trump on the other hand was more humble in quite a few of his expressions and I trusted his speeches were true, and that there was a lot of corruption on Capitol Hill and how they needed to be exposed for what they truly were.  Criminals!

I knew right then and there I wasn't going to believe anything that she had to say, and if you were me, in all these facts that I've found - I knew that you wouldn't either.  But, I didn't even vote.  I left it in the hands of God and prayed for the right person to become president and that I had to trust in God to make it so - and I did.  I trusted God has a plan for everything, and everything was in His plan.  

The truth however is that even the most craziest of left-wing liberals won't be able to uncover the undeniable proof that I am about to uncover in this writing here today...  and that is, that Hillary has co-signed the most devastating scandal this world in America has ever known about.  You read it right, she was a co-singer to one of the most devastating scandals that has ever been brought to the light of day and you're about to learn all about it.  Even though, I've always believed Hillary and the Clinton's in general are a great force of evil against this nation, she isn't in this thing alone.  In fact, during my investigations and writing I uncovered a lot of shadowy organizations which were operating strategically behind the scenes for a long time and manipulating her full career and with her full capacity and knowledge of these truths.  

Dr. Allen Spreen and his colleagues call that organization, "The Clinton Cartel," and they are all just as despicable and power hungry as Hillary is herself.  They all care about money, and not people what-so-ever.  Since 1993, The Clinton Cartel has been on her side through every rung of her political climb to the top of American politics, and it's all been evil from the beginning moving all the right players in the rigged game to basically buy her the election, knowing that in 2017, with Queen Hillary in office, that she'd be returning the favor.  So delivering her presidency on a silver platter, that she'd be willing to look the other way while letting the Cartel get full access to run our convoluted government for limitless power and income.  

Here was the plan:  "When Hillary's scheme would take affect in 2017, the Cartel would have unlimited access to the government, in a direct plan to your healthcare, and incomes.  That's your money and your well being folks.  And with this plan already in motion, she was guarantee'd to win.  GUARANTEE'D, only they didn't pull it off.  And, now the Cartel, still hungrier then ever for their fat kick-backs, still wants to be paid back, even if it's at the expense of the American people and their lives.  And, I'm going to explain exactly what I mean.

Even though Clinton swore up and down that the Cartel was her enemy, but, she's absolutely shameless.  She publicly denounced them and says they're out to take full-advantage of the middle-class Americans (an they are!)...  although greedily behind closed doors she's been gladly accepting their money and their help for decades.  

Reader, you're going to see here why she was never fit to become the president of the United States of America, and why you should have never allowed her to even remotely get the chance to become the president in the White House.  

Here are the facts:  When Bill Clinton first agree'd to allow Hillary to lead his Task Force on National Health Care Reform in 1993 - she immediately put 33 corporate power players on her team.  She knew that these guys were some heavy hitters, and would get things done in Washington D.C.  and weren't afraid to get their hands dirty in the process.  It was a real deal with the devil, just to be sure, but this group stood to make a killing, because with the approval with the new Health Care Reform bill, they were promised a kick-back in the tune of $10,000,000,000 Dollars.  That's $10 Billion Dollars with a capitol B.  Fortunately you and I know how that ended.  The bill was destroyed before it ever got off the ground, and now Hillary's team-mates never got to cash their checks.  But, failure has never stopped Hillary beforehand, and certainly didn't stop her this time around either as the lust for power gets even more hungrier and desperate.  Desperate times calls for desperate measures, and this is where you come in.  You lives, and your healthcare, and your incomes.  That's right - they are still in play here and want your money now too.  She knew that in our great America, that money buys power, but you need lots of it.  So she decided to create a secret alliance with this group of corporate fat cats, and with nothing more then a brief meeting and secret handshakes to steal their pact, The Clinton's Cartel was born out of the lust for more, and killing a whole lot of people.  They vowed to never speak of their secret arrangement again, but I along with Dr. Allen Spreen and his patriotic movement are all watching these people in their corrupt social lust for power and greed.  We're all watching, it's just a matter of what we're willing to continue watching, or continue to read.  I for one, gave up on television, I loved rock and roll, but ever since, I've been listening to a whole lot less music, and reading my Bible more and more.

What you're about to read next here is a matter of public record, and the undeniable proof of the Clinton Cartel's work:   In the 2000's Senate bid, the Cartel funneled $86,875 Dollars in cash to her campaign, ensuring her victory.  During her re-election in 2006, they upped that amount with $157,015 Dollars into her campaign, and again - she won.  Then came the 2008 election and the Cartel gave her another $174,000 in cash.  They didn't even care if Hillary lost in the primaries, because they had their sights set on 2017 this whole time.  Now, in 2015, when Hillary announced that she was running for President in this election, and the cartel went all in - to the tune of $7,054,871 but, they didn't stop there either.  Trying not to draw much attention to their partnership behind closed doors and their agreements, they privately made additional contributions to the Clinton Foundation in the tune of $1 Million to $5 Million each, to make her seem even that much more special.  

In total, the Clinton's Foundation accepted over $10.8 Million Dollars in Cartels dirty money since the year 2000...  and that's only what's shown publicly on her books.  With that kind of money to buy all the votes she needed was practically fool-proof.  Until her carefully laid out plan was outed in late in the election.  Hillary lost, and the cartel was left again with their pockets empty, and they came up and lost.  And, this just made them even angrier because they all thought they had some idiot proof plan to rig the elections, and who is this faceless Cartel anyways, and why should we still be afraid of them even after Donald Trump won the election?  More importantly, how can we protect our loved ones from this dirty Cartel?  From my education and experiences, I've found that the Clinton's Cartel and the Clinton's Foundation to be completely dangerous, and nothing to be messed around with, but I just don't care anymore.  They can have all this greed in their pockets while the American people and the America we all used to be able to love more dearly then we can today, suffer, at the expenses of these Cartel's?  Why?  How?  And, why would we settle for this?

Thy work in teams and consist of highly influential figures, lobbyists and even corporate executives.  That might not sound all that bad at first glance but they've already launched "Executive Plan 5," and this plan is all with one simple goal in mind.  That is to... "Manipulate American politics, and the American people, for BILLIONS in pharmaceutical drug profits."  Their goal is to make sure that no one is ever to catch on...  turning off their televisions, and stop buying into all the corrupt media and fascism.  

What's even more scary is that this group is not made up of politicians.  Look, President Trump promised to "Drain the Swamp" in Washington D.C.... but these folks think they are too powerful to be touched.  In fact, they're untouchable in a lot of senses of the word.  So, even without Hillary Clinton on their side, they can still influence our governments Health Care policies and laws which regulate the pharmaceutical industry at large. 

Take the F.D.A. for an example:  The Cartel has been funding this group for many, many years and practically own it, in it's entirety.  In the year 2015 alone, they funded the F.D.A. with $97,605,000 in just "standard fee's" just from the Cartel itself, and all to allow more prescription drugs to fill the market, in turn, making BILLIONS MORE for the Cartel.  And, it's only said to increase a lot.  And, well, it's almost unstoppable as everyone has become so solely dependent upon the information that our news sources are telling us without ever questioning any of it.  

In fact, it's said to go up $100 Million or more each year that goes straight to the F.D.A. allowing the Cartel to push their poisonous pills for BILLIONS MORE in PROFIT.  That's the poncy scheme we're looking at here folks.  And, the worst part is, they are selling us out, by selling us prescription medications that are completely unnecessary, while many of these drugs are deadly.  

Did you know that the F.D.A. receives over 2 Million consumer complaints every year regarding prescription pills and drugs every year!?  And, it get's worse.  It's estimated that over 350 Americans are dropping dead every single day from taking their own prescribed medications.    That means that by the time you're done reading this information that 2 or more people are said to have died from just taking their own prescribed medications, and to tell you the truth, seniors are at the most risk, because they are sick of reading up on much anything, and they want to live out the rest of their lives comfortably without worry and added stress, and this is just a bombshell here where every American, and everywhere else in the world should be paying close attention to numbers and facts regarding these matters as they are serious and costly, when they are sacrificing peoples lives for mere profit over us.  And, most of these profits are coming directly from their own Medical Care to begin with, so they don't care where the money comes from, as long as you are taking their deadly medications, they don't care, because the money revolves right around the door and back into their own well planned up process and back into their own luxurious lifestyles.  Don't want to believe me, check your own resources and do a little investigation of your own.  I am 100% confident that you'll find the same information as I am about these, beginning to become, well-known facts.  

Maybe you're sitting here and thinking, that won't ever be me!  They can't possibly do this to you!  Could they?  They can and do this all day long, every day.  

So, let me ask you, are you over the age of 55 and taking a prescription drug or does your spouse take medications?  Do you have a loved one that is taking a prescribed medication?  

Now, let me tell you that there are over 31,000 seniors alone that will die this year from taking their legally prescribed medications.  And, you think, what can I do?  Your well meaning doctor prescribes them for your high blood pressure, cholesterol, or diabetes, and whatever their reasons are - they got you believing that you need them, right?  Well, this is exactly what the Clinton's Cartel want you to believe...  that you NEED them.  And they've done a great job at tricking people into taking these medications with also being able to neurally monitor you, your heart and your mood changes.  They can manipulate almost any state that they want for you, and create you to come back to them asking for help anytime you want to.  You can call 911 and an emergency vehicle will be rushed to your door with E.M.T.'s and a ambulance and you get taken into an emergency room visit, and all these people get paid at this time with your health in mind, right?  Am I right?  Is this what you think is going on?  WRONG!

Today we're going to be exposing you to one of the worlds most dangerous lies out there.  And, you're going to be in for a real treat with this information.  In fact, hold onto your glasses tight, because it's going to be a freaky filled day of information, coming to you for free.  I don't make money by telling you this, or writing this really... like I've said before, all I want to do is get my story somewhere where it cannot be censored or buried in the blur of information that you see all over through mainstream news channels and on social media sites.  

The organization that I am collecting a lot of intelligence from is called the Health Sciences Institute or (HSI.)  They are a think tank of independent American patriotic Doctors, Scientists and researchers and we are choosing to fight back against Hillary and her slimy Cartel, by exposing the biggest lie ever known to man starting with five words they never want you to hear, EVER.  And, that is - "YOU DON'T NEED PRESCRIPTION DRUGS!" 

You don't need these prescription drugs, not when there are already 100% cures for all of the diseases that plague us, including; Alzheimer's disease, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart Disease and even Cancer.  Cures they actively covered up for the last 23 years.  And today, we're exposing every single disease and cure for these diseases so that you can heal, and the Cartel loses the war on your health, and you win.  Like, the Cancer cure that beats chemotherapy, and starts killing Cancer cells within just hours...  and covered up by our own government, you just won't want to believe this huge scandal is true - but it is.  These people want you dead, and are working on a slow kill killing machine to get you all to die, and keep funding their operation.  It's sick!  I know!  The easy secret to rolling back Alzheimer's and dementia, and even rolling back your brains "clock" an additional 12 years, and making your brain and altogether health function more as it should.  How does all this truth get buried?  The truth comes out today, and the lies have GOT to stop!

There is a solution that takes away Arthritis pain and actually rebuilds arthritic joints.  Pain that vanishes in as little as 7 days.  SO are you ready for a whole new outlook on life, and ZERO pain?  Do you want restful sleep, night after night, without the dangers of deadly prescription sleeping pills to help you get to sleep better and more comfortably?  You'd be amazed at just hoe great that your sleep could be and how dangerous this big pharmaceutical reality really is.  There's a deadly symptom of heart failure that your own doctor doesn't even know about.  This is a MUST READ to stop you from having a fatal heart attack.  Plus there are simple solutions to protect your heart as well, if you know where to look.  There are true, cures, from all over the world that work better then prescription medications that work better, and without all the nasty side-effects.  In fact, in many other countries around the world, these therapies are prescribed by doctors instead of giving you some pharmaceutical drug to try.  Not to mention their pills are linked to cause addiction and addictive behaviors as well; from gambling to being promiscuous and other harmful mind altering ways that these pills can negatively affect you or a loved one from having to go through.  

There are great reports from all over the world today, how we are able to cure Cancer and other known diseases 100% from the body, and they are coming from all over the world, even right here - in America as well, but these are sadly being covered up, and people are being killed for spreading these facts to others.  You simply don't need to go see a doctor that is going to spread these pills into your body and hurt you, hurt your mind and hurt your families as well, as people die off and are left alone and not being on the same page.  It's truly hard to live knowing that cures are being suppressed, for these criminal money conspirators, and all to kill people without them even knowing about it.  

So, why don't we have cures in the "greatest" country in the world?  Because it would kill the Cartels money machine, and these people are criminals.  They don't want you to know their plan, because it's only given and handed down to certain people and certain families to know these cures are real, and that their families don't have to worry about their health as much as mine or yours does.  These people have money, and a lot of it, to protect them and to protect their many years of corruption and scandal.  

You see, these are all NATURAL treatments that were discovered right here of God's greed earth.  But, you can't patent a plant extract or an herbal treatment, and if you can't patent it, it can't be sold for profits by these big pharmaceutical companies and you wouldn't ever get so sick in the first place.  So, why would the Cartel even waste their time?  I can tell you why, and it's because it is WAY more profitable for them to replicate a cure with something artificial and not real, so that this next THING whatever it is, will become their next cash cow in their golden plan to keep people in the dark about the truth.  But, the truth is out there, and the truth my friends, will and should set you free from tyranny.  You don't need to die anymore, and not so often be hurting and in pain, or dealing with all those pains.  You could be 100% cured and healing, instead of being pushed by the government to take their corrupt medications.  They don't want you to be free from them which is also why they have people court ordered to take them, or go to jail.  And, what do they do to people in jail that want to not take these pills?  They hurt these people, and hurt them badly.  They can't allow you to let your mind become free from their mental imaging of their next and newest form of slavery that this system has become.  All collusion and slavery built up on the greed these people love, with their nice homes, nice cars and expensive lavish lifestyles, and they don't want you to get a taste of it - so they won't possibly allow you to it where you can be like better, and have a reputation that is trusting of dealing with this kind of information.

Think about it though, you didn't need a transcript that told someone else that you can be a doctor after many years of schooling before this new age super model for education and training came into play.  It's supposed to be a government, governed by the people, and you are supposed to write these laws with your mouths, but these people aren't even allowing you to talk.  They will shut you up and silence you any chance they get.  They just don't care about you like you think they do, or see on television that they do.  They just don't care at all about you.

So, the Cartel basically bullies the F.D.A. into making sure that natural cures are suppressed and stay a secret.  They utilize your television and news media as well to do so.  This is how they keep you so well informed on the next consumer ready product for depression, or anxiety - since every feeling under the sun now has a diagnosis and a treatment plan, because these people can't believe in God and sure as hell can't believe that God would give these people a cure while they are working on a plan to kill a whole lot of people each and every single year.  It's against their super cash machine, which is why, once you know these things - you're also all of a sudden attacked on from every angle of the law, because they and the Cartel are all involved with each other.  

While also not letting you be exposed to any truth in these matters, you're also sealed away from ever learning about the deadly side-effects that affect you and are kept sealed away from your eyes.  They don't want you to know a thing about them, which in turn, keeps America coming back to these deadly pharmaceutical drugs over and over, year after year, though their lives progressively get a little bit worse every year as well.  They don't even intend to make your life get better every year, only more difficult and more horrendous.  But, finally THAT ALL ENDS TODAY, with standing up for God, and the cures that I've discovered over and over, again and again.  I'm not even a Doctor, but I've just done a lot of reading and researching to get this information out to the public, as well as what I've undergone because of it.  I'm scared!  I don't even like America anymore, because too many police and people are all in it for money, and I feel scared that these people are going to kill me for what I know in my heart to be true.  I believe in God, and believe what God showed me many doors to, and that is the cures. 

I'll even give you 100% FREE truth of what these cures can do for you and your entire family, and I said FREE.  I mean FREE.  Education wasn't ever meant to be a paid for program to get truth, it was just reading and information and people were led to believe that the only truth out there is what schools and government can give you.  This is simply not the truth here.  You are worth more then that transcript, and are worth whatever kind of education that you find necessary for yourselves.  And yes, I mean 100% cures for the deadliest diseases known to mankind.  There have been many hopeless people that this onslaught of information had changed the lives of forever as well.  You can even see the results from rock-solid scientists from all over the world that stand by these cures, and use these treatments instead of operating for the mainstream ways that you know of as good medical professionals use today.  But, these medical professionals are just trying to get you tricked into thinking that somehow they know the answers more then anyone else could ever know.  They'll even tell you, that these people went to school and that they are paid professionals that know what's best for you, when they don't care anything about your safety in health at all.  Most importantly, I'll show you how you can get your hands on all of these cures for FREE, with absolutely no cost to you.  After all, isn't that what health is supposed to be about - you and your actual longevity in health?  This means your income too.  

I want to personally make sure that you don't fall victim to any of the Cartel's lies.  There's a book called, "The Insiders Book of Secrets:  The Real Cures Buried By Clinton's Cartel."  The people who created this information are ready to mail it to you today, at no cost to you, and they feel it's their duty as American patriots to mail this book to you and feel it's the only way to stop the Clinton's cartel from carrying out their final phase of their attempt at destroying American's lives and placing you and your families lives in jeopardy.  

Just to fairly warn you, that the information is so explosive, and the information that I'm about to share with you is so powerful that they might be able to wipe away this blog and all traces of this information from the internet at any given moment, just like all the other information that is being buried as well.  This might be the only opportunity to read this information and get it in full, so I advise you to keep reading.  

I'll put the details in how you can claim your FREE report below, but - let me tell you what you will get, while we jump right into #5 and it's an extreme shocker.  That is that, for the first time ever known, Cancer is a completely curable disease.  It's been created as well as created for their monopoly over peoples lives.  Colo-rectal Cancer; Pancreatic Cancer, Breast Cancer, Skin Cancer, Lung Cancer, Leukemia, even inoperable brain tumors and more... they are all NO MATCH to this NATURAL CURE.  It's all thanks to this breakthrough that comes from one of the strangest places on earth, found from a rare type of sour honey.  

Allow me to explain...  Cancer in it of itself, will make anyone's heart drop in fear.  Maybe you have a loved one right now who is going through treatment and you know personally how devastating the treatments can be, and the disease itself.  Maybe you've worried about it yourself, wondering how it might impact your own life, a friend, or a family members life...  It's a completely natural fear with there being over 14,000,000 Americans living with some form of Cancer right now, and 1.6 Million new cases expected to be added before the end of this year alone.

It's not even the fear of the disease itself, but the fear of dying from it, and the horrible feeling that it gives people just thinking about it.  The Chemotherapy, the radiation or it's disfiguring surgeries, and then death...  There are more then half a million Americans per year that die from this horrible disease.  Imagine how angry their families would be, if they saw some of the things that I've been discovering for a long time now.  Cancer is curable, cancer is more then treatable, and it can be stopped in its tracks before it takes someone you love away from you.

Emails where the government was sending through private email exchanges that claims the natural treatment of Cancer is the best available to mankind.  So why are they still covering up these facts when they even know the cures, and treat themselves if need be, and don't ever share the truth with regular everyday folks like you or I?  I managed to get my hands on the information provided with a direct quote from the emails themselves that reads, "[sour honey] is the only effective therapeutic available on the market so far."  Think of all the deaths that could have been prevented had the government just issued that quote for a cure on cancer had they not been so convoluted with the lies that our industry is holding out on us?  This is an unprecedented truth.  They didn't want to let anyone see the "truth" or make any of their Cartels "investors" angry, so they kept this a secret from the public for a long long time, and all for killing a whole lot of people with this horrific disease alone.

This admission from their email server was dated all the way back to 2013.  They've known about these cures for a long time.  Imagine if the 1.7 million people who have already died, would have known that, and imagine all the families lives that could have struggled a lot less with one more person alive, a loved one, in their families today for a while longer or a lot longer to enjoy their lives together with today.  Just think of how convoluted the system truly is.  But, instead of telling the American people the truth, they want to feed you the same lie the Cartel wants to shove down the throats of the average person these days so that they don't know the truth, and that there is a cure at all.  People still can't believe it, because of the massive amounts of deaths that have occurred, but I believe in the cures, because I believe there is nothing that is impossible to God, if you're willing to ask Him, and ask in Jesus' name and say Amen.  I was led to a whole series of truths which is why I feel I'm under attack by the government now.  And, anyone that was experiencing the same things I have been would side with me on that fact.  They're a bunch of fat cash cows that want to keep paying for their custom Mercedes, and all with your money, and over the lives of countless Millions of people.  

They will tell you, "chemotherapy, surgery and radiation treatments are the only way."  This is a bold faced lie to keep their money flowing in.  They sure don't want you to know about a potent natural cancer cure that's as easy as adding a spoon-full of honey to your tea.  Well, that's just absurd that they would hide this from the people.  But, I can't tell you enough, that it's true.  And, I wouldn't want to drive a pricey car or make money off of anyone by spreading the truth about Cancer and it's cures, and I personally believe that it would be wrong, especially knowing how people are in crisis and looking for the cure today.  

In the heart of the Brazilian Jungle there are some special bee's that create some of the most rarest honey on the face of the earth.  It's a type of sour honey that has remained untouched for thousands of years, until it was delivered to a lab, and we got some amazing and miraculous results from our findings.  Within 24 hours, sour honey was shown to kill breast cancer in just one day alone it killed more then 13% of the cancer.  On two separate aggressive types of prostate cancer cells, sour honey was shown in vitro to not only kill the cancer cells 75% but speed up the killing of that cancer.  So, how does it work so fast and effectively?  Allow me to explain, as with chemotherapy and radiation treatments that not only kill the cancer cells within the body, they also destroy the regular cells within the body as well, so while it kills the good cells with the bad cells, this rare sour honey works on a whole other level.  It teams up with your own bodies natural chemistry to significantly target what are called "grow" signals that cancer cells put out as they multiply and spread.  Next, it marks all those tiny cells a lot like a label maker, letting the body know that they are bad news.  Then, it swoops into action on the "marked cells," thus destroying cancer cells and only cancer cells.  So, your normal healthy cells, remain untouched and survive.  The sour honey is so effective, but that's not all - because it has a dual mechanism for killing cancer cells.    Meaning, in addition to killing cancer cells directly, it's even been proven with science to drive these cancer cells away from your other cells so badly, that the cancer cells kill themselves.  

Remember that "grow" signal I mentioned earlier?  In the medical field, it's called PAK1 or Protein Activated Kinase.  More then 70% of all cancers rely on this to invade and spread throughout your body.  So sour honey's direct impact on cancer is amazing, because it not only KILLS the cancer cells, but it also cuts off cancer from the source leaving your regular body and healthy cells untouched.  Isn't that amazing!?  Cancer wiped out clean from the body, without radiation, and without chemotherapy and the disfiguring surgeries?  In easy terms, the parts that cause the cancer to grow within the body are jammed up with sour honey, and cause the cancer cells that don't die on contact to be pushed out of the cells that are fine and cause the cancer to self-destruct.  From early stages of cancer to later stages of cancer, there is virtually nothing that is untouchable due to this sour honey.

There are about 300 lab studies with sour honey and cancer that are producing multiple, remarkable results.  Results are proving that we finally have yet another natural remedy to beat Cancer.  Cancer has been being treated by a few unorthodox doctors and with a father that wants to see his only grand daughter go through college, all they did was send him off with this sour honey treatment, and they were both shocked from the miracle that happened by their next visit.  The cancer was gone completely.  Cancer was 100% cured from the source and from the body.  Cancer was beatable, and he knew it, and people are spreading this information like wildfire, because Cancer is killing way too many people alone.  Just imagine what other diseases that are 100% curable and can be healed?  Like the one's I've mentioned before?

There are many countries around the world that are using sour honey as a treatment and a cure for cancer, and yet, right here in America Doctors have to tip-toe around the Cartel, even though it's 100% legal.  The people that are running these Cartels are even killing doctors worldwide who know this truth, and they want to stop it dead in their tracks.  Legal cures that they don't want people to know about, because it would stop their cash from flowing in.  Wouldn't that be a sight worth seeing?  A day where no diseases are made to manifest or spread throughout our human kind?  What would that create for us to work on then?  I can't even imagine the kinds of musicals and plays and arts that people could work on if they didn't have to be so forced down by these people that want to keep you and I in the dark and taking their murderous drugs for profits.  I can't tell you enough how much I pray for that day to come - and come soon!  I'm sick of all the pain that I see, and find it completely unnatural while everyone else walks around as though this is life.  It's not a life we should have to fear where we want to help ourselves be made better, and it's not something that we should have to worry about going to jail, or being beat up or even killed by some Cartel police or thugs.  

Sour honey is rare and hard to find, and after scientists have all tried to create an artificial form of this honey, they've all given up.  There's simply nothing in the world like the real thing.  

The root of all dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and other memory loss diseases are the fact that it comes from nerve cells that are deteriorating.  And with them, there goes your brain power, memories and the will to take care of yourself... and even your will to live.  So, if you can build the membrane back up and protect it, you can build those brain cells back up, the brain thrives and you can live as healthy as one can be.  Luckily, the solution is safe as can be, and as easy as eating a salad.  Only you won't have to choke down a single vegetable to make this solution work for you.  Scientists extracted mega-amounts of PDS from other places in nature, and began running a series of tests on senior volunteers, and they recorded that the changes were so dramatic to the brains health that it was as if they were rolling back a persons brains' "clocks 12 years.  And it was amazing to researchers saying that it acted like our bodies own PDS, only it was a supercharged version.  

Do you have a loved one that has suffered through Alzheimer's disease?  What would it mean to you if you were able to give that person all their memories back and be able to give all of them back?  Wouldn't it be something for them to be able to remember the names and faces of all their children, grandchildren and other memories back?  I'm betting that even my grandpa would have lived a lot longer had this treatment been made possible over whatever else they were using back when my grandpa was in the hospital.  So, you see why these studies have become so important to me.  I've wanted to watch the light return to his eyes as the memories of me and other people had come back, but I suffered along with many other people as they watched their grandparents die from diseases that could have been curable.  If they only had the truth about these NATURAL CURES that they've been suppressing for many years.  I suffered along with my family as we all starved ourselves from the painful predicament that it left us all with.  It's unbearable and no one should ever have to go through the feeling that something is 100% curable though it isn't being offered to you.  

The fact is, is that PDS doesn't just stop with remembering the names and faces of your loved ones.  It was said that even after the treatment with PDS, that people with dementia or Alzheimer's disease could also remain clear headed even after taking it.  In a second group of patients suffering from dementia could regain in just 12 weeks a lot of their memories and even word vocabulary.  Even after they left the lab and were checked on 6 months to a year later, the patients were still as healthy and as strong as when they left from these medical studies.  So, even though continued use of the PDS protocol on their own, their minds were just as sharp as they were before they left, with continued vocabulary and skills as they felt they should have.  The fact that they didn't have to keep taking it, and still saw the same results as if they had been taking it, this could mean that dementia finally was curable.  And with doing the PDS protocol, since your body already naturally produces PDS, there are no harmful side-effects like many of the prescribed drugs we see on the market today.  

Have you ever known someone suffering from pain in their life?  What if it was completely naturally curable?  Did you know there are over 301 treatments for arthritis pain on the prescriptions list of pharmaceuticals they give patients?  What if I told you that it was 100% curable?  Wouldn't you want to know more, even if this wasn't for yourself, but for someone you know?  When you're in constant pain and the Cartel wants to keep you uninformed of NATURAL remedies and cures for these diseases that it wants to keep pushing poison down peoples throats for profits, and stealing all your joy away, for most cases leaving you in more pain, and with side-effects as bad as confusion and even some prescriptions say dying.  Why would you want to take something that tells you, you might die from their medication when there are natural cures out there for everything?  Why would you want to suffer any longer then you have to, and be confused into thinking that these medical professionals are actually caring about you when they aren't.  It's been proven just with the countless deaths that continue to go on in this country because of these same people that want to cover up the truth.  You have to know that something isn't quite right in the world today, unless you have your head buried in the sand, there is something not right.  These people are suppressing cures for profit and even willing to snuff people out for trying to get these cures to you and for free.  People are so sick of seeing it go on day in and day out that they are really working hard on putting people in front of the right information though these people just are choosing to listen to their corrupt media broadcast or television shows and hope that one day these people are going to care.  These news broadcasters can't even keep their silly jobs if they speak out of line of what it is they're supposed to say on a teleprompter.  So why would you want to listen to their garbage media, as if they are telling you and showing you truth?  They aren't!  And, frankly - it upsets me to no end.  And so should it, you.  These drugs they are giving people are pure poison, and every day, painkillers alone take more lives then it would take to fill a football teams roster.  That's sad.  Just think about how many others are suffering through opiate abuse and chemical dependency caused also by these chemicals they claim are normal and healthy.  They aren't!

Not to mention that these are just people taking their medications as prescribed by the medical professionals, and this doesn't include all the junkies and pill poppers and drug abusers, as these people are dying way more often then that.  Just picture an entire NFL team being wiped off the face of the map, without explanation.  Just gone.  And tomorrow, another one gone, and everyday after that, ALL GONE from taking their medications as prescribed by the medical professionals.  You see the point I'm making don't you!?  There should be round the clock coverage on the news in America today, but they can't even give us real news, over the fake things that they are showing people, like the happy puppies and the sports news for entertainment.  This isn't news.  Just like the terror attacks are also probably psychological operations as well, hired by your own army friendly environment who hires for these kinds of actors, and pays them well.  These are the truths on how these Hillary's and Cartels can fill their entire closet with Leather Loafers and lavish things.  It's all from the idiocy of the American people believing everything they read and not doing any studies of their own, or checking the facts they are getting to find out they are lies or misdirected truths.  They want you to believe that they are on your side while they aren't.

In 2010, the Center for Disease Control estimated that enough prescriptions were being written for painkillers alone to medicate every single America around the clock for an entire month.  While Consumer Reports found that 300% more prescriptions are being given out today as compared to just one decade ago.  The truth that they'll never tell you is that if you're dealing with chronic pain, there's a 90% chance your were prescribed something that the Cartel KNEW you wouldn't benefit from in the long term.  Studies have shown that when dealing with chronic pain, like arthritis, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis that these painkillers offer ZERO relief in the battle long-term.  Why?  Because they are only designed to help with short-term pain, like having a tooth pulled or experiencing a break in a bone.  They don't go to the root source of the pain or what's causing the pain, instead they only mask the symptoms.  And, these pills are highly addictive, so you keep going to them more and more to keep the pain at bay, while they hurt your immune system and hurt you further in the long term, until it's too late.  And, with so many people dependent on them, it's no wonder why so many people with Clinton's Cartel that they want to keep us on these pills, instead of actually healing our pains from the source, because they would be furious to lose all that cash.  In fact, they'll probably have to put their mega yachts up for sale once word of this gets around, because no one should be buying into the death machine that these cash cows want you and I bought up on and cashing in on our misfortunes.  A TRUE arthritis solution exists where it can do what pain prescriptions can't.  And there is also a cure for all of what causes your pain, and makes sure that it doesn't come back.   This wonder substance is called EG-M, and it holds mega amounts of Collagen, plus more then a dozen amino acids, essential proteins, and healing minerals... all things that causes your body to be healthy, and pain free. 

So, when researchers were able to extract EG-M and put it to the test in a lab, they were amazed at the results that they could get rid of all the pain experienced in as little as a week.  And, in the study, all of the patients that tried this out, said their pain dropped an average of 72.5% pain levels decreased, 75.9% reduction in range of motion pain, and even a 43.7% increase in flexibility, and again this was all just starting in one week after the EG-M.  What would it mean to you to wake up with all of your pain practically gone?  EG-M is said to relieve wide-spread pain while also working fast.  And on the next study of 44 individuals they gave 800mg to patients for 8 weeks, and though the treatment was supposed to go for a total of 8 weeks, the patients on day 10 were already feeling immense relief from the EG-M treatment, and by day 60 they experienced a 35% decrease in pain and a 29% relief from stiffness.  The way EG-M works is genius, because the second you start using it, it starts to go to work immediately in a couple different ways.  First it erases pain and stiffness, and also starts to rebuild the connective tissues and cartilage as well, so that you can live a happy and pain free, you.  So you can look forward to a pain free life in as little as 7 days of treatment.  So, can pain pills do all that?  No, they can't because they aren't rebuilding or repairing tissues inside your body, instead they just mask the pain, and cause people to become addicted to them while hurting them in the long-term.  EG-M is not a pill, or a diet, a drink or an intense protocol, it is however a chewy candy with a cherry flavor.  So eat a piece of candy a day, and say so-long to pain for good?  Yes, it's really that easy.  So, if you want extreme pain relief from things as we've mentioned here, you must use only this source.  There is a lot of information online that is crawling with impostors posing to have the same type of EG-M products, but they are all as fake as a $3 dollar bill.  Don't buy into it.


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