Demonstrably False Statements - False Character & Unconscionable Actions Through Government Factions! I Can't Believe What I'm Seeing!

in #news7 years ago

False statements made, and get the least knowledgeable person in congress to write the letter.  They can't be held accountable, in defense for guns are being walked.  This is the "fast and furious" where nearly 2,000 firearms from the program went missing where some of these guns turned up in killings in Mexico.  

The report cited "a series of misguided strategies, tactics, errors in judgment, and management failures that permeated ATF headquarters and the Phoenix Field Division, as well as the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Arizona." 

There are 100's of folks dying unjustly while your government is going to do something where debt crisis and where another trillion dollars goes missing, because congress can't make good justifiable conversation about the role of certain government officials, because of the roles of certain people are being protected.

So here we are in the middle of another act of generational embezzlement.  And, instead of coming up with a better solution we are about to sign another trillion dollar deficit because we can't muster up the courage to make hard decisions.  We are on the verge of another 16 trillion dollars in debt because we can't learn how to say no.  We are on the verge of a 16 trillion dollar debt because we can't have a decent conversation about the roles of government apposed to the role of the individual.

At times like this when moral courage and leadership is more needed, we get slogans of a more befitting of a student body president race, than that of which it can to be the president of the free world.

This administration says it wants a balanced approach.  But a balanced approach somehow can't approve of a balanced budget.  I guess congress doesn't like to work on that sort of thing.  This administration says it wants a grand bargain, a big trans formative deal, but the trans-formative of this approach would fit nicely on the back-side of a postage stamp.  This administration want the so-called rich to pay their fair share.  But, they never get around to defining who the rich are, and can't define it, and can't also define the word fair, which might be the most subjective word in the human language.  I hope the rich are just as happy as the poor are because this congress have suited up with timidity and greed.

They claim that congress is underpaid, when they are better off than 99.9% of any of the people that they are working for.  They think that it's right to get a pay increase to do their jobs when they can't settle for having 2/3 the money on the map, what would be good, or more befitting for them?  Do you want half?  Do you want 3 quarters of the income?  All they are is increasing debt for the average American worker, because of liquidity of our rights and greed over the American people.  This isn't a free country anymore when all it is doing is wasting time with passing things that should never be passed!  How they get away with what they do on Washington, I'll never understand.  It's a system in favor of themselves and FUCK the American people, and FUCK your families.  You're all a slave if you think that they are doing anything on the congress that should be liquidated into something that sounds like this... "They are doing such a great job, protecting my rights and making me go through these motions in life."  

They are doing a fumble doubling back on making America Great at all.  They hate Trump.  They hate non-timid people to stand up for their fucking rights, and they hate people that know about their evil that they are clearly getting away with because most people, MOST PEOPLE just worry about their own television shows and their own entertainment rather than worrying or caring about other people.

Where people can care, don't.  Where some people should care, simply do not care.  And, where people WOULD care, just don't know a damn thing about what's going on in this country, and it's going to leave our children and grandchildren with peanuts while most people simply don't have the gall to stand up anymore and be accountable for their own pay, while they are stuck in a timeless shell of hypocrisy.  They don't want to get their hands dirty and don't want to speak out!  I am sick and tired of people that don't know what is going to happen to their own grandchildren if they don't start getting mad about it.  We have to write legislatures and write letters to congress, and go down there if we ought to to straighten out the mistakes that the current administration is making over the people.  If we don't, I'm afraid that we are going to suffer the consequences worse then they are already doing with the curent wikileaks and vault7 that opened up, that people don't even take into consideration.

What are we stupid?  What do you think a bad person is going to be willing to do to you and your families lives, knowing that they can fuck it all to hell and back for all they care to make a simple dollar on the backs of hurting people and letting people suffer and die?  What will it take?  What's it going to take?  God forbid whatever is going on with all the lies and partisan behavior that is going on in the government.  We deserved better then and we sure as hell deserve better now.

You want evil people listening in on your children's lives, just so that when they wake up about the evil that is going on that they too can be wiped off the face of the map either through poverty, jail time or being otherwise pushed out of a fair deal by their government?  Whatever!  I'm fucking riled up!  And, it scares me how little people truly care about ANYTHING that is happening by people willing to collect data on its citizens and breaking laws that are hurting people so badly.  SO BADLY that it kills me to think that this is even possible!?  What are we some Nazi run government where we aren't supposed to know the facts while you get to do whatever evil that you want to do to us just trying to stand on our citizen rights?  You already fucked up natural rights and the natural progress of living.  what more do we have to take!?  WAKE THE FUCK UP!

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