Slave labor camps in the united states

in #news6 years ago

The President of the united states, the place where I live, has kidnapped roughly 2000 children(1). He is holding them hostage,forcefully, in order to secure funding for his purposed border wall(2), which would cost us 21.6 billion dollars(3).

Look at it




He is holding children for ransom, quite literally, in order to fulfill his authoritarian agenda.

The Republicans who are supposed to be the party of christian morals and fiscal responsibility, are doing this. Yet, the old cliche still rings true, that actions speak louder then words.

My moral repugnance aside, what does this mean?

Well to understand anything, we must understand the context in which this is taking place.

So, why would so many people be fleeing central america, and coming to the united states in the first place? This is a question i haven't seen the holier then thou elitist democrats asking, but it is vital to get the real picture.

According to the justice for immigrants website(5) there are four main causes for the mass immigration that we are seeing.

  1. War, violence and persecution

  2. Poor wages, and lack of jobs

  3. Crop failure, pollution and natural disasters

  4. Limited opportunity

The majority of these people aren't violent gang members, as the sitting president wants you to think, but rather people fleeing the horrid conditions which they find themselves in. So, to put this bluntly, this immigration crisis, should rather be called a refugee crisis.

It is a reaction, to their very real material conditions.

"They're heading out of the old dust bowl, they think they're headed to a sugar bowl, but here is what they find"

and what do they find? The horrors of the work camps.(7)They find literal slavery. Gulags. Indentured servitude. Give it what ever name you please.

This is the state of politics in the united states, it's not new, the united states has been a force for overtly authoritarian sentiments in the past.

To give a few examples. the Iranian coup(8), the banana massacre(9), the genocide of the natives(10), and the Japanese(11) interment camps.

this list could go on for a long time, these are just a few examples.

So what does this mean?

Victims of horrible material conditions are seeking to flee from them, and in return, the united states government is turning these people into slaves.

This isn't a simple disagreement on how loose or strict the immigration laws should be. No! This is a much broader issue. It's not simple morals. It's an question of the model in which our society is structured.

What should be our concerns as a people?

What does this mean?

We're seeing a rise of an overtly authoritarian, inhumane, model of capitalist governance.

This policy has caused the United Nations to ask the united states to immediately halt(11) this practice of separating families, jailing them, forcing them work, etc.

So the trump administration, in response to this, withdrew The United States out of the United Nations Human Rights Council.(12)

So what has happened? How has The United States gotten here?

Well, I think, that this is because the Left has failed to offer an alternative. The working class has become disillusioned with the liberal elites, right? Haven't we all? The issue, is that once they became disillusioned with the liberals,with the social justice warriors, with the moral absolutism, and vulgar quasi-leftist rhetoric of the liberals, they were looking for something else, and the legitimate left(meaning the socialists) have failed to offer them a solution.

Yes, we had the social democrat Bernie Sanders run, but the elites saw too he wasn't elected.

So the working class had nowhere to turn but to the far right, because, the workers want better for themselves. I know I do, and Trump promised to deliver this. His slogans revolved around this idea. His promise to have a situation where america wouldn't be losers anymore,his promises that we will be returned to past glory, was a promise to improve the lives of the workers. he plays the propaganda game better then anyone I've ever seen.

This is the unity of the conflict of the opposites. The liberal ruling class waged a war against the working class.
This conflict, has made enough quantitative changes to negate the old liberal capitalist society. The number of racist sentiment has increase, the number xenophobics has increased, and other false consciousnesses. This rise of false consciousness has suddenly changed the quality of our society.

To what?

I'm not too sure, from the looks of it, some sort of quasi-fascism. The beginning stages of fascism maybe. Idk what to call it honestly, but it certainly isn't very good.

Call me alarmist, as I'm sure you will, but this isn't me trying to sound the alarm, but rather make sense of the whole thing.

So what is there to do?

The democratic socialists of america tell me that we must wait for the election cycle, vote blue, and all our problems will disappear.

I don't know if that will work, what if the democrats don't win a majority? are they even worth voting for at this point?

What happens if this blue wave doesn't happen? That's all every person is banking on. I've heard it a hundred times now. Every leftist tells me that the house and the senate are going to go democrat, but they also told me that trump wasn't ever going to win, so don't even worry about it.

They were wrong then, what if they're wrong now?

What happens when the prophets are wrong?

You can hold your signs up, but what will you do? When the ICE starts coming for you?

I welcome you, to the end.


1 )

2 )

3 )

4 )

5 )

6 ) This is a quote from a Wood Guthrie song


Thank the Flyin' Dutchman that there are Leftists that don't play the waiting game to get shit done. Some like my friend "Kaz" helped organize and strung up Leftist coalitions to protest against Trump and help other protests get going in the New York City area. Also other protests liken to and lead by actual revolutionary Communist parties like the Worker's World Party (WWP) who plan extensively for things do exist, as seen below:

(I got the screen from a friend that helped planned the coalition event with the WWP and Moratorium NOW. His name is "Jack" and they're planning to protest near an ICE building; he'll have a video on the ULF posted about this fairly soon.)

But there also exist critics, like Zizek, of those "leftists" that get called "Leftist Fukuyamists" for their upheld Utopian beliefs with Bourgeois Democracy being the means to bring about Socialism. While also that same crop, inclusive of actual revolutionary Communist parties as well, urge new developments of theory in this day and age as to counter Neo Liberal Capitalism.

However our problem is the fact that the EduSys (Education System) is geared towards making these "Leftist Fukuyamists" for any "nonconforming Liberal" and they get the biggest microphone for the Left post-USSR dissolution. And now since they had failed in providing the dream and the Rightists had seen their opportunity to swoop in for a steal, we are caught in contemporary times of NeoConservatism and refreshed senses of NeoLiberalism.

For the Left that actually is Revolutionary, they got swept to the aside and are know only truly recovering after the constant lies of our contemporary EduSys keeps propagating, but also the secret wars internally in the '60s and '70s to take down any genuine Leftist opposition while also spreading the myth that the USSR's dissolution meant the "End of History" had arrived as Fukuyama had predicted. (Which Fukuyama would take back later.)

Truly now do we see a genuine, and disingenuous, rise of Leftist politics after years of NeoLiberalism and "Leftist Fukuyamists." At the same time, they truly face an uphill battle after their resurrection, a farce to the tragedy the 20th century Left had to face in the turn of the century. So time will tell us if the Revolutionaries can win the battlefield or not. Yet with each contingency retroactively presupposing its necessities reveals to us that we are ever so better than the last day in our struggles to grow and consolidate our ranks. But ever so more do we see the threats beyond our perceptual judgement and our insight ever so more increasing to change our attitudes on actually solving the problems we face today.

I agree that we need an updated theory. In my view Democratic Centralizism creates a situation where the party will be prone to splits.

In my city, the psl has a strong presents in the protest movement. Which, ironically, the psl come from a split in the WWP and the WWP is a split from SWP.

History has shown that this is the case.

Democratic Centralizisms rejection of factionalism naturally leads here, but the organizational principles of the DSA is too open for subversion from police infiltration.

Some new synthesis is needed in organizational principles.

The only way we will get anywhere election wise would be to unify the parties.

If I recall correctly, Marx said one of the few place socialism could come about through elections is the United States, but the ruling class has seen to crushing any hope of that.

So what's left?

Well, we need, desperately a United front.

That won't be the end, but it might be one of the means.

DemCon doesn’t have an inherent characteristic to split, since it doesn’t get established ‘til the revolution comes about. The best yah got in organizational standards is a highly developed vanguard that is ready to flip itself forward into a party when revolution comes. Regardless, splitting comes about thanks to Trotskyism, entryism (any ideology can pull this off) or, as yah said but should include, factionalism between principled and unprincipled members.

Now unto the “evolutionary” tactics Marx could’ve said. Marx and Engels did made a prediction for the Advanced Industrial Countries, yes, that revolution can happen there. The only time they really mention going to elections would suffice only to local elections and never provincial/state and federal elections. Since locally we can do more than on the state/provincial and federal level. Otherwise, yah can’t elect Socialism into power and Marx and Engels knew that very well. Only Bernsteinian “evolutionary” socialist think otherwise and revise Marx as to convienently fit him in their Programme. (Which I am not surprised they hadn’t read the Gotha Programme.)

And I would agree on a United Front, but all its members being principled at the very least. For we need more principled people than ever before and we need to actively agitate, educate and organize the people. We need to combat the degradation that Capitalist Realism had brought upon the Superstructure and counter it by being at first everything that is an undifferentiated Horror for it.

Don't trots support democratic centralism?

I've literally read nothing the man ever wrote, but I have had conversations with a few of them and they always tell me that they are Leninists. Maybe, I'm wrong,all the information I've gotten is second hand.

Anyway, Bookchin postulated something similar, with his concept of the libertarian municipality. What Bookchin thought, was that we need to forget about the nation arena(at least for now) and focus on gaining power in our local municipalities. Like winning local elections and all that, ironically, this is what eventually lead to his split with anarchism. The anarchists of his day, wouldn't accept that participation is the political bodies is necessary. So he quit the ideology entirely.

What bookchin thinks we should do, is not try and fight the state, or capitalism, or whatever else, but instead create parallel systems inside of the old system, in order to eventually replace the old system with.

He goes so far as to postulate creating a new political system, based on local assemblies, in order to redirect political power away from the nation state.

I don't know if that is pragmatic though. That's my growing issue with bookchin, he's utopian, he admits it. That's not what we need right now. Utopian dreams are nice, but if we can't implement a model, what's even the point?

The part of bookchin, which is really important, is that we need to look to the future and not the past, in order to formulate what to do.

So what is being born right now, in terms of leftism?

Well, Bolivia seems to be doing quite well. Colombia, even though Gustavo Petro lost, seems to be moving to the left as well.

Right, and these people are very pragmatic, but also legitimate(in my view anyway) in their socialism.

We need a pragmatic, authentic, rational, materialistic left. Sanders is a fucking sell out, so we can't look to him or the DSA. We must look to ourselves to provide an answer to this.

There is no vanguard, there is no revolution, there is only us, for better, or for worse.

Trots abandoned and denounced DemCen (Democratic Centralism) as soon Trotsky was voted to be kicked out of the Central Committee. Ever since then, with the multiplicity of Trots, it's hard to tell but most denounce Democratic Centralism. Also yah might hear some Trots say they're Leninists, but they never read the heavy-handed and denouncing letters between Trotsky and Lenin whenever they talked about each other - even post-1917 it just got heavier in volume, not lighter.

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