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RE: Facebook and Reddit ban hate groups in wake of Charlottesville

in #news7 years ago

Nazis are murdering Americans in the streets, and you are attempting to deflect blame away from them. You go on to say that the anti-fascists, the people whose key organizing principle is opposition to Nazis, are somehow to blame for the terrorist attack that killed Heather Heyer. You also suggest that the entire religion of Islam, billions of them, should not be allowed on Facebook or Reddit. Seriously, how do you people sleep at night?


I am glad Steemit is a platform that cannot be censored.

Who issued the stand-down order to the police and allowed antifa to attack people who's constitutional rights had been affirmed by a federal court? Why did antifa come armed with weapons both physical, biological, and chemical? Who attacked the car prior to it accelerating away from the armed attackers? Simply because an organization claims to stand against something doesn't necessarily make it the case in practice. The people who were violently attacking peaceful, unarmed protesters will always be the ones taking the fascist/authoritarian action and are thus the greater threat to western society. I especially like how you just skip over the blatantly racist vice-mayor of that city. I suppose you're one of those who believe that racism against white people is justified or impossible. How do you people sleep at night?

I saw videos of James Alex Fields murdering Heather Heyer from several different angles. The police and FBI have seen even more footage, and they charged him with murder.
Being opposed to Nazis and KKK isn't being racist against white people, it is simply being a decent American.
Honestly, I don't sleep well these days. A con-man with the temperament of a toddler has the nuclear codes.

Typical leftist strawmanning and you've managed to avoid recognizing that the group which prevents by means of violence any other individual or group from exercising their right to free speech and association is the fascist group. It's going to be tough for the left to argue effectively against that point.

I also saw videos of the attack and there's no doubt his vehicle was struck by sticks in the midst of an angry armed mob. If it was you or anyone else of any political affiliation I'd argue there's little anyone in a situation like that can do but attempt to drive away. It's a tragedy but I'm really not sure what people expect when they attack a vehicle in an angry mob. If it was you, as strongly as we apparently disagree, I would still argue that there are very limited options for self-defense and when panic is accounted for as well it's not so cut and dry as anyone might like. Also, I can't help but notice yet another double standard from the left. Are you even aware that a person who was a member of BLM hijacked a truck violently from a man out with his young daughter by jamming a screwdriver in his neck and then running over three people and killing one? The media sure didn't seem to care. The left also isn't too wound up about the two car ramming attacks by algerian muslims in France over the past little while. Let me guess - the french girl and soldiers struck as the exited their barracks had it coming for the colonialism they weren't even around to potentially argue against? None of those groups have been collectively condemned by the left nor any of its typical leaders. I'm not hearing any of the press demanding any politician - of any stripe - condemn BLM (neither after one of them shot five cops in Dallas nor after this latest attack in Denver). A democrat in Maine was recorded saying he thinks it's a good thing white people are committing suicide in record numbers. I didn't hear the media asking Chuck Schumer or any other democrat to disavow him. The left needs to be aware of it's massive double standards right now and address them as well as their racist source and justification.

If the actions of a few define the many then the left are all communists since communist flags can be found at everywhere antifa goes. Communists killed 60 million people and the left just completely glosses over that fact and excuses antifa for bearing their banner but then turns around and demonizes the whole group because a few were carrying nazi flags. I doubt you'll be open to it but there's some evidence that may suggest they were plants.

The definition of nazi has been expanding rapidly over the past few months. What's your definition? I've seen some commentators on the left claiming that any conservative is a nazi. I used to be a liberal until the left came unhinged in response to losing an election and went overboard on identity politics. Maybe you can tell me why whites should be excluded from representing their identity group when the entire political discussion and the resulting laws now revolve around group identity. I'd love to hear a non-bigoted reason as to why that should be the case.

As far as the temperament of the one who holds the nuclear codes - Hillary's own campaign staff have said they were terrified to give her bad news and that she was prone to tantrums and those are people who liked her and wanted to work for her... I'm not sure either of us or anyone would necessarily be better off in that regard if she had won. Remember when she said she wanted to enact a no fly zone over Syria and leading generals pointed out that would lead to war with Russia? She's very much a warhawk. Part of the appeal of Trump's campaign was that he intended to stop with the constant foreign interventions. Which is a point the left has been arguing and hoping for for a long time.

Actually, I have heard several liberals compare the terrorist attack in Charlottesville to the terrorist attacks in France. I'm not using the Word Nazi loosely. They were carrying swastika flags and chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us."
According to USA Today and New York Times, James Alex Fields was a member of Vanguard America. Vanguard America is a white nationalist group that was providing security for Richard Spencer. These people are Nazis. I have done my research, now you do yours.
Philip DeFranco is notoriously neutral. Nobody can determine if he is liberal or conservative, and he pisses people off on both the left and right. I don't always agree with him, but his coverage of Charlottesville was solid.

Fuck you. I have done my research. I just didn't come the conclusions you'd prefer. Fuck you for not answering a single one of my questions and just avoiding every argument. I'll just have to assume that you know your positions either not logically supportable or you don't give a fuck about logic as long as you can get to position where whites are in the wrong. You didn't address that the mayor issued stand down orders which allowed all of the subsequent violence to occur, nor the fact that the protesters had their first and ninth amendment rights upheld by a federal court and then denied by violent armed leftists bearing communist flags (and by your own 'logic', that means that every single one of them supports an ideology which has killed far more people than nazism - but of course you switch that around again every time a muslim attacks in the west - you don't have principles on the matter it's just whichever position is most detrimental to white people because they deserve it right? Fuck you!). Nothing the fuck to say about the BLM truck attack? Nor why whites should be excluded from a political discourse that now operates solely on identity politics. Nor the cheering of an epidemic of white suicides by democrats or their refusal to disavow the same or that the press never asks them to do so (but tell me again that the press is on the side of white people). Didn't address the double standard on the left of group culpability for whites but not for BLM or muslims. Fuck philip defranco or anyone else (you would have someone else try to do your thinking and debating for you...) - I thought we might be able to have a discussion or an argument but you just keep refusing to actually address any of the left's massive double standards which always run against white people. Every single time I've raised an argument you've just avoided it almost entirely but I'm sure you'll think you've won the debate. You have to actually counter the opponent's points to do that. That's where the left is right now though. It refuses to engage in actual debate and skips right to violence.

I didn't address every single one of your ridiculous theories because I don't have time to write a manifesto. The bottom line is that Trump and his followers have a Nazi problem. You guys have Nazis and Confederates in your ranks. No amount of deflection and whataboutism can change that. Yes violence is bad and there is extremism on all sides. The point still stands. You guys have literal Nazis in your ranks, and you seem to be totally ok with that.
I hope you actually watched the DeFranco video. He says in 12 minutes what it would take me hours to type out here.
Sorry I'm not willing to devote more time to showing you how to get to Sesame Street, but I already have two children to educate. Thank God I don't have to undo years of fear-based right-wing brainwashing just to get them to understand that Nazis are bad people that shouldn't be associated with.

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