
This is how the world works, unfortunately.
We had Xerxes, Darius, Alexander Macedonian, Tamerlane, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Putin
The imperialism and violence, war and terrorism is part of the world and it has always been so but in different formats.

If not US, then Russia, if not Russia then China, there will always be a giant who will want to control and rule the planet.

The next rising "star" on the world scene to challenge American dominance is Russia. Americans won't stand for being in second place. More bloodshed to follow.

When Bush was in office there was code pink a anti-war group. Than Obama came into office he was given the Noble Peace Price, but there was no peace and no code pink. What happened to code pink in the Obama years? If war was wrong during the Bush years it should be wrong during Obama's term. Now that Trump a Republican is in office I'm sure a anti-war movement should start up. All these wars should stop no matter who is in office, the Killing of innocent people is wrong. And we are hurting our own men and woman in the military most come back with PTSD. Fact, you are right, innocent people from home and abroad will continue to die.

Code Pink did not go away. Their support just disappeared because of starry-eyed Democrats.

What a barbaric act. They continue to slaughter without stopping. May the justice be immediately upheld. 😞😟

I posted this on my FB to get the liberal reaction. The amount of people that excused this away as "something that happens in war" was very high. They don't want their gun control narrative to be interfered with. They must hold the moral high ground.

Great article @careywedler! Just re-steemed and now following you!

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