
They can deny all they want but, all of the evidence of the M.S.M. staging & faking stories is to easy to dig up & share with the slumbering masses. The M.S.M. has ruined their own credibility to the point that even the most dumbed down normie knows better than trust them...well some still do but their mentaly comatose. That's where you come in Ms. Wedler. Keep driving those nails into their coffin with every truthful story you put out there. Keep it up & watch the M.S.M. dig their own grave.

How do you stop a rapist or murderer? Kumbaya?

Well I mean you posed the question but evaded answering it because metaphysically doesn't matter/no pun.

Yeah, lets dilute the idea that events are staged, using similar trigger words and go into proposed left/right dichotomy... Same tactics are used with a general label "fake news".

What I would of asked that group of kids is what are you doing in your home town to change things? Are you respecting yourself and others or are you part of the problem? There is a lot of bullying in schools, now the bulling follows victims to their homes , thanks to cell phones and computer’s. So what are you doing to make the world a better place?

I disagree with the idea that something that you can turn of and that doesnt even inflict physical violence qualifies as bullying.

Tell it to the families that lost kids to suicide because of bullying they got on their iPhones and computers.

That would require for that to happen. Thus far, not even a correlation has been demonsrated. Yes, many who did commit suicide received negative messages online. As soon as you demonstrate that the general population isnt or is at far lower levels, you have a correlation. Which might just be causaly related to actual bullying aka assault and battery.

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