Is BitConnect Going to Receive Some Negan-style Justice!?!??

in #news7 years ago

Pissing our pants yet? Boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close. It's gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon.

In AMC's The Walking Dead, viewers watched with dread as Negan took out two beloved characters from the show. But imagine a situation where the founders and the paid-promoters of #crypto scam #Bitconnect got their brains bashed out...would you care?

I certainly wouldn't give a crap; you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

If you are such a piece of human excrement that scamming others for profit causes you no shame, you have to expect that some people will take out their revenge.

That's the predicament that many BitConnect founders and promoters face, according to this recent Bloomberg article, here.

The scammed investors sound pissed.

And who knows? Maybe one of them, or somebody, will pull a Negan on these con artists.

I'd rather see some House Bolton justice. "Lucille" would finish things far to quick.

@bullishmoney Because I know that you are a Christian, I'm going to ask WWJD in this matter? ;+)...

I'm reminded of the woman found in adultery...when all wanted to stone her. Jesus remained silent, then said: Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone.

None was left know...not funny, but imagine being in that crowd...tsk...tsk...tsk...)

That said, there are laws which man is subject to. But, do you know that Jesus admonishes Christians to not sue other Christians; but, leave the Vengeance to God?

The case for not suing non-Christians would fall under the 'weightier matters' of mercy and grace (Matthew 23:23). This is definitely the most difficult thing to do.

As I stand on the sideline, with no dog in the hunt, I'm able to ponder what I'd do if my mortgage was on the line; and, hopes for retribution rested on the decision of a jury of my peers. Would I sue? Let's say, I'm thankful this is not an answer I have to supply.

This bad business deal is going to cost some in ways that will change their lives forever.

I guess, I will take this long story and make it short: Let's not seek vengeance. Let's leave that to God. Instead, let's pray for God's MERCY and GRACE to resolve this in accordance with His Plan. Then, there's no need to risk being judged as we've judged others.

I leave you with this popular thought that I've heard many an elder say:


The crypto world is full of scams and scammers, just as the real world. If a person is foolish enough to fall for the okie-doke' it might be a good time to ask why? Perhaps, 100% GREED?

Lastly, on a lighter note: I'm reminded of the Tortoise and the Hare...Slow and steady wins the race.


Although I appreciate your support of my channel, I would ask that you a) not patronize me, and b) not use false accusations. I did not say I will take vengeance, I said that if you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

I would kindly ask that in the future, you carefully read my post before setting up a strawman argument, and putting me undeservedly in a negative light.

I would ask that you a) not patronize me,

I didn’t mean to patronize you @bullishmoney. My apologies!!! Sometimes, when I discuss matters of the Word, it comes off a bit ‘teachy/preachy’. Of course, t I don’t apologize for sharing the Word; it’s what believers are called to do.

If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

"Return your sword to its place, for all who will take up the sword, will die by the sword." (Matthew 26:52)

It’s interesting that you’d use this quote. Clearly, Jesus was against this eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth attack.

This type of musing is counter to what Jesus would recommend. If Christians genuinely lived by the Spirit, then, vengeance would belong to the LORD. For God says, Vengeance is Mine; I shall repay. (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12: 17-19)

and b) not use false accusations…. putting me undeservedly in a negative light.

It is/was not my attention to falsely accuse you. Only God knows the intentions of our hearts. I would be foolish to do that. If my comment was received as judgmental; instead of sharing the Holy Word, again, my sincerest apologies.


I appreciate your comments, but I'd really like for you to understand why I used this Biblical quote. What I meant was this: if somebody chooses to live by the sword (in this case, scam people), you have to expect that the scammed (who are probably not believers, in many cases), will take out their vengeance, and thus, the scammers may die by the sword (in this case, literally).

My point is that I don't care if the scammers fall by their own sword which they wielded to hurt others.

Let's use another example -- disgraced medical doctor Larry Nassar will likely face "street justice" when he goes to prison. This likely means he will be gangraped to death.

Do I care? Nope!

He lived by the sword (in this case, his penis), and he will die by the sword (in this case, other men's penises).

The Christian message in both these instances is not that you should forgive; rather, don't live by the sword, lest you face the consequences of living by the sword.

I hope that makes sense. I wasn't saying anything about taking vengeance...I merely stated that I don't care that other people will face street justice for their crimes. Everybody, including Christians, are responsible for their own actions and may bear the consequences of them.

Do I care? Nope!...

I tried not to laugh; but,...I get it.

rather, don't live by the sword, lest you face the consequences of living by the sword.


Everybody, including Christians, are responsible for their own actions and may bear the consequences of them.


Best regards!

And, for this clear explanation, I offer a tip! of an olive branch.


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