
Because he died of a mysterious undefined illness that caused neurological damage, in cases like these all sorts of experts are called in to try and solve them, your allegation would have to mean that every expert in the field is dishonest.

Oh that. Go and read about vaccine damage.
Then read my post on organ donor organs being harvested while alive.
In the video linked, it tells about some of the tests these supposed "experts" used.

This is not speculation. This is me saying, as many other do, that these symptoms are AWFULLY similar to those symptoms. Not very undefined except by those "experts" (who will deny vaccine damage to their dying day.)

There's no way they are going to harvest and use organs of a person with a undefined underlying diagnosis, if the person/people receiving the organs became ill it would open them up for millions in liability.

Most people are aware of the debate on vaccines. Let's just assume (because we are not the experts) they are right and a small segment of the population can become ill versus what?...millions of people dying annually from the diseases that these vaccines eradicated?

Do you know that there are tests that can be done to see whether a child will be susceptible to vaccine damage before they vaccinate? They don't do them because they are "expensive". Do you think we should put a child's life over money?

Who was talking about money. I was talking about the millions of kids who died each year from diseases that have been eradicated by the use of vaccines.

I was merely asking questions. For someone who's child has been damaged or killed by vaccines, it's just as devastating for them, as having a child die from the disease the vaccine should eradicate.

a small segment of the population can become ill

My point was, should even that small section of the population be put at risk of a bad reaction if they can test for susceptibility? I was wondering if you knew it was possible to test for that and eliminate the risk?

No I didn't know they could test for risk. Do you have some information on that subject I could learn from?

I'll see if I can find it again.

This is the first thing that alerted me to it. The article itself is fiction, but the scientist that wrote it, suesa, was refereeing to factual information. In the comments section there is a conversation between kafkanarchy84 and suesa on the risk if a child has a mitochondrial disorder. The link kafkanarchy84 gives talks about testing for the chances of autism in this case, but I'm sure this is where my trail started. It's fascinating stuff

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