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RE: Australia's Job Network Problem | A Bully Culture?

in #news7 years ago

SNAFU - Situation Normal; All Fucked Up.

You are confusing what the govern-cement "said" that the administration was for, and what it IS for. They have stated that they are there to "help", and we assume that they meant "help the people". But that assumption is false.

What the govern-cement wants, the govern-cement gets.
Always remember this. Watch what they do, not what they say.

The Un-jobs-(completely) un-networked is there to create havoc in the world. To simultaneously get people to rely upon them and then destroy their lives if ever they rely upon them.

Remember this when the govern-cement pushes for a cashless society.
They will not only fuck up every now and then with your money, they will go out of their way to fuck you over.

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