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RE: Fraternity Membership Increases Earnings 36%, Drops GPA .25; Beer Off The Hook - (aka) "He Tried This One Trick And Gained 36% Income While Drinking Whatever He Wanted!"

in #news7 years ago


One of the great college movies, I first saw that while doing university (college in Australia) as a mature age student and it struck a chord.

Seriously though, we are pretty far removed from being a meritocracy. It is all about who you know and what you can do for others in a great big game of horse trading. It's been that way for quite some time and getting worse. It's a natural result of cronyism amongst our leadership - that's trickle down for you!

"Trickle Down Cronyism" Yep, I just made that up.


"One of the great college movies,"

It's got a special place in my memory, too. Still an enjoyable movie to me, as long as you don't expect too much out of it.

Jeremy Piven is a nice include as the dean.

"Seriously though, we are pretty far removed from being a meritocracy."

I can't argue with you there...I guess, ultimately, that's why I'm here, writing on Steemit.