RE: List of suspicious events on September 10th, 2001
Mind if I add a few to your list?
-Sept 10 2001, Secretary of Defense Donalds Rumsfeld calls a press conference on the pentagon lawn where he announces that 2.3 trillion dollars are missing/unaccounted for in the pentagon budget (you already mentioned this one but it helps add extra context to the points I share below so I wanted to reiterate this one).
-Sept 10 2001, a multi-month long "bomb mitigation" renovations is officially completed at the pentagon. The multi million dollar renovation was done specifically to the area that would be impacted the next day (renovations done to the exterior walls of the bottom floors of the west face of wedge 1, as well as the internal walls of the Office of Naval Intelligence within wedge 2 of the building (again both are said to of been directly impacted during the next days attacks). As an interesting sidenote, the pentagon budget computers with the records for the mission trillions announced the same day were held in the same area of the pentagon that would be destoryed the following day, destorying any paper trail of the missing money. To expand further, the OFFSITE backup records for the pentagon budget records were held on a secure server inside none other then... WTC7, which were also destoryed the following day. To expand even further the same company that did the pentagon bomb mitigation renovations (AMEC) also did a series of large scale renovations to various sections of WTC7 in the months leading up to the 9/11 attacks, were the sole company tasked with cleaning up the pentagon attack in the aftermath, were the sole company tasked with rebuilding the damaged pentagon in the aftermath, and were the primary company in charge of the WTC 1 & 2 debris removal in NYC in the aftermath of the attack (specifically tasked with the steel removal aspects of the cleanup operation).
-On Sept 10 2001, the newly acquired WTC complex owner Larry Silverstein canceled a meeting he had scheduled for the morning on Sept 11 on the 88th floor of the North tower (bottom section of the first impact zone). "Coincidentally" this scheduled meeting that he himself setup and then canceled just prior to the attacks was setup specifically to discuss "what to do in the event of a terrorist attack".
Anyways, keep up the good fight, and NEVER FORGET!
Also for anyone interesting in understanding exactly what took place at the pentagon that day, check out the post I recently made below (Did you know that the US NAVY played a MAJOR role in that element of the attack? If not make sure to read this post, will take ~5 mins but I think you will find it well worth the time.)