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RE: The friendship of George W. Bush and Michelle Obama (CNN)

in #news8 years ago

@bmwrider your "links" are from highly suspect, partisan sources. Sorry, I'm not going to trust random Steemer typing behind random name, linking random partisan people who profit from stirring up the pot, rather than multiple independent investigators from numerous different organizations. Yes, yes, it's all a conspiracy, and no one can ever refute you because that's just more conspiracy stuff, people trying to trick BMWrider.

Pulling out of a country you already invaded isn't so simple. You have some sort of responsibility to those people to at least attempt to provide security, stability, etc. Bush should be charged for war crimes. In hindsight, independent investigations have found that Bush had a very personal vendetta against Iraq, and wanted to invade from his first day in office. The vast majority of companies that benefited from the war in Iraq were also Republican shill companies. There is no evidence, and no motive to suggest that Al Gore would have invaded Iraq.

The huge gap between Iraq and Libya owes to A) our involvement [ singlehandedly starting the war, boots on the ground, occupation] vs [trying to ride the wave of the arab spring, providing limited support during and after the war in coalition with an international community]

Instead of engaging the issue directly, you try to use a misdirection with the morality of lives of the citizens. This is the same type of crap the media pulls, our politicians pull, and everyone else.


Ahh, the logical fallacy of genetics, I am done. You showed that you are unaware of the sources when you used the term partisan, Dr. Thomas Woods is an independent party and loathes both political parties. Nice try though.

Why you are bringing up Bush is beyond me, it appears in the world of brinkerbd there is an allowable 3X5 card of opinion, anyone not on his side is obviously on the other. People like me who equally loathe both parties don't make sense to you. I get it Obama and Hillary Democrat - Good. Bush and Trump Republican - bad. In my opinion they are all bad.

The death of native lives may not concern a Democrat in America, but they certainly concern the people in the nations that your guy meddles in. There is a reason why the last two administrations are loathed throughout the world, the Bush/Obama foreign policy is a policy of death and destruction. Good job for your guy, he outdid his predecessor. Stop excusing the behavior of one by claiming the other was worse.

BTW, you may be a steemer, I certainly am not.

@bmwrider LOL, yes you certainly are done. You were done the moment you tried to throw a term back in my face that you don't understand. Go look up the word "partisan".

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