Hey, Future Moms and Dads! I Can Predict Your Child's Future!

in #news6 years ago (edited)

If you have a child on the way, here's a growth chart you won't want to miss!

When I was growing up, I didn't know any kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder--none! Autism and Asperger's Syndrome were not exactly household words and I doubt those terms were even part of my family doctor's daily jargon. Now, I have a niece and a nephew who have been diagnosed with ASD and I know too many parents who have autistic children. As you look at the people in your world, how many of your family members, friends and colleagues have had their lives impacted by autism or Asperger's?

A staggering 1 in 59 kids born in America this year will be diagnosed with ASD, according to the Center for Disease Control. Given the CDC's scandalous history, that means the rate of ASD in toddlers is probably worse. How do you like those odds, new moms and dads, for the children about to enter your lives?

So what happened in the past two decades to make autism so prevalent in the western world?

Parents might want to consult this guy for an answer. Meet Dr. Andrew Zimmerman--a "world-renowned" pediatrician, neurologist and highly-influential expert on ASD:

When several parents with autistic children sued Merck, who manufactured the MMR vaccine, the government went to bat for the drug maker. During the Omnibus Autism Proceeding in 2002, they championed Dr. Zimmerman's "expert opinion" that there was no causal link between the vaccine and autism. They drew heavily upon Zimmerman's research to quash lawsuits brought by parents who had seen a dramatic change in their children's behavior following thimerisol-laced MMR injections. Our lawmakers also relied on Zimmerman's verdict when they created the "Vaccine Court" and subsequently passed legislation limiting the rights of parents to sue vaccine makers.


It turns out, however, that the government didn't tell parents everything that Dr. Zimmerman had said about vaccines and autism.

They left out this passage in Dr. Zimmerman's findings about Hannah Poling, a little girl who exhibited autistic behavior after her MMR vaccination:

On top of that, they sealed from public view Dr. Zimmerman's opinion that Hannah suffered an "autism injury" from the MMR vaccine. They also sealed Hannah's medical records--at least, poor Hannah and her parents were quietly awarded compensation from the Vaccine Court.

Thanks to the dogged work of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s World Mercury Project and the tireless efforts of reporter Sheryl Attkisson, the truth is finally starting to come out about what Zimmerman actually told Department of Justice lawyers: he did indeed find a causal link between the vaccine and autism--and Hannah Poling was not the only child who had incurred a brain injury from the MMR vaccine.

Kennedy tried valiantly to spread the word about the MMR vaccine to the general public, but his message was received with a deafening silence. Predictably, the mainstream press-titutes would not cover the story. The media did, however, give lots of air time and press coverage to the pharmaceutical industry's scientific shills who concocted flawed vaccine studies to confuse and mislead parents and pediatricians alike. A frustrated Kennedy finally issued a couple of provocative challenges in an attempt to make the news go "viral."

He publicly called out the CDC's Director of Immunization Safety Office, Dr. Frank DeStefano, as a "criminal" and accused the physician of "research fraud." He defiantly challenged DeStefano to sue him regarding these allegations, too--so far, the good doctor has declined to take on Kennedy in court.

Kennedy also enlisted Robert DeNiro to stand with him before reporters at the National Press Club, where they announced the "$100,000 Challenge:" the World Mercury Project would give $100,000 to the first researcher who could prove that thimerisol-based vaccines were safe for children. Again, very little media coverage was given to Kennedy's work on behalf of autistic children--and, so far, no researcher has claimed the $100,000 award for proving that these vaccines don't endanger children.

Now that Dr. Zimmerman has come forward with truth about his research, will the word get out to expecting parents and pediatricians about the vaccine? Will Americans pay attention this time or will they be distracted by shameful and bizarre vaccine propaganda like the "free vaccinations" we witnessed at the Golden Globes?

Will parents continue to pay more attention to interesting and important things like Madonna's latest medical procedures or will they actually start asking questions about the safety of vaccines?

I know parents who are more curious about the ingredients in dog food than they are about the contents of the syringe a nurse is about to jab into their children. So, what's it going to take, new moms and dads, before you step out of the vaccination line with your toddler and really examine this issue? How bad do the annual rates of autism have to become before you start asking questions about your child's future? Judging from the burgeoning occurrence of ASD in our children, if Americans don't start questioning Big Pharma's strangle-hold on our medical practitioners and lawmakers soon, the odds are definitely not working in favor of your flesh and blood.

For more on this issue, check out Sheryl Attkisson's "Full Measure: the VaccinationDebate:

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