What would happen if the Earth turned inside out? / curiosity

in #news6 years ago

For days I've been wondering, what would happen if the earth turned upside down? This question came from a child who asked me why the rotation of the earth and the climatic effects that cause, at first this question seemed simple enough to answer, but when I asked what would happen if the earth turned backwards? , this left me speechless since I did not expect such a question from a child

I gave myself the task of searching the web for this question and I was surprised by the amount of information and hypothesis that may exist in all these sources of information, but almost all agree with the same theory, so I decided to share this interesting information I got on the web

A team of researchers from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom and the Max Planck Institute of Meteorology in Germany, among others, has presented at the general assembly of the European Union of Geosciences, which has recently been held in Austria, a simulation that shows the global consequences at the climatic level. And it turns out that the world would be very different from the one we know today.


To begin with, one of the biggest changes is that the wide desert belt that stretches from West Africa to the Middle East would be replaced by an orchard, a green landscape with a humid and temperate climate. At the same time, the dunes would cover North and South America, to the point that southern Brazil and Argentina would become the largest deserts on Earth. Southern USA I would suffer a brutal climate change from humidity to absolute dryness. Meanwhile, in Western Europe, we would be frozen during the freezing winters.

In addition, according to the researchers, cyanobacteria, a group of bacteria that produce oxygen through photosynthesis, would appear where they had never before. They would dominate the north of the Indian Ocean. And the Southern Atlantic Return Circulation (AMOC), an important ocean current regulating the Atlantic climate, would vanish to resurface again in the North Pacific Ocean.

A greener planet

These completely new climatic conditions around the world would arise for thousands of years. Interestingly, the researchers discovered that an Earth that rotates backwards has its advantages. In general, it would be greener. The global coverage of the desert would be reduced to the negligible figure of 11 million square kilometers (from 42 million to about 31 million square kilometers). The grasslands would appear in more than half of the old desert areas, and the woody plants would sprout to cover the other half. The vegetation of this "backward" world would store more carbon than our current Earth. As a negative point, the deserts would arise where they have never done it: north of China, southeast of the US, southern Brazil and Argentina.

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fuente: https://elpais.com/elpais/2016/04/25/ciencia/1461594503_011618.html

In addition to the gravitational pulls of the Sun and the Moon, there is a range of factors that can also influence the speed of rotation, either increasing it or slowing it down. For example, the rise in sea level caused by melting glaciers or the atmosphere. In addition, there are researchers who believe that the presence of life has the ability to influence the speed of rotation of a planet by releasing gases such as oxygen. But is there anything that can cause it to turn upside down? The brutal impact of a giant asteroid. But surely we do not live to tell it.

source of information: https://www.abc.es/ciencia/abci-pasaria-si-tierra-girara-reves-201805041428_noticia.html

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