Broad Perspective News - Stories you Won't Hear on the Television

in #news7 years ago

There are several videos I would like to bring to everyone's attention, as they contain some very important information you won't hear on the evening news or in the weekend papers.

Catherine Austin Fitts on Economic manipulation...

Federal Reserve Hearing - Trillions Unaccounted for...

The Vampire Squid Owns the Government

Sarah Westall on Timothy Holmseth

Corbet Report with FBI Whistle Blower Sibel Edmonds

Jan Irvin & Holly Seeliger uncover secret American History

Current Events make it very clear that many different levels of the political and economic structure have been fatally corrupted and infiltrated by one or multiple criminal organizations. For centuries there has been a malevolent and parasitic power structure which has expanded it's reach and influence behind the curtain of monarchies, governments, & religious groups. These same groups are responsible for teaching nearly everything our society believes to be true. They are hypocrites and liars, as are the minions they financially prop up as politicians.

All of the vile discoveries within the Vatican upper clergy are proof of this.

The blatant treason of Obama using Special Access Programs to spy and sabotage Trump's campaign and initial Presidency is proof of this.

The lack of prosecution against HRC compromising hundreds of classified emails is proof of this.

The coverup of proven lies used by Bush to start war in the Middle East is also proof of this.

History is much different than we are told. Entire chapters of our collective Human story have been concealed and hidden by those same groups of evil people pointed out above.

Why are there pyramids all over the world? Similar megalithic buildings are found in South America, Africa, Europe, Middle East, China, even Antarctica has pyramids on it. This is a sign of a global civilization that existed worldwide sometime in our past. Yet any historical discussion that travels this line of thought is attacked and ridiculed as Conspiracy or Fantasy.

Our history is critical for understanding and clear forethought. If we make economic decisions based upon lies, we'll likely have economic trouble in the future once those lies unravel and the consequences of our decisions are revealed.

Government intervention did not stop the great depression of last century. Government intervention was the reason we had such an economic catastrophe in the first place. Government bail outs did not save the financial system in 2008 / 2009, they were a symptom of the corruption devastating our economic system. The very fact that the regulators and law makers have allowed and even steered our national economy to become reliant on the Financial Industry for operation is Treasonous.

We, the American People have been fed lies for our whole lives. It's time for this to stop, and only We have the power to stop it. We know the lies are there, it takes effort and determination to remove the lie and see what evidence actually suggests.

There is evidence the Smithsonian has a habit of destroying historical artifacts that don't correspond with their fake news description of our history. We the People may be well served to focus some of our collective energy in demanding they release all information they have previously withheld or classified from the public. Immediately. This will help us figure out what the actual history of this country world is.

There is evidence our government has withheld and fabricated very significant information from our recent history. We the People may be well served to focus our collective energy in demanding the government release all classified information to the public. Immediately. Our state secrets were offered to the world for sale by the previous 4 administrations at the very least. Our state secrets were available to the whole world on Yahoo email servers, none of it is safe or secret anymore. We the People need to see all of it before we can decide whether or not we place our trust in the government or politicians. Whether we dedicate our lives working in a rigged economy for a rigged form of money.

These are all matters of enormous consequence. Without knowing the truth, we can't properly choose our direction for the future. The whole web of lies needs to be torched so we can move on and move forward. The whole world over people desire peaceful and prosperous lives for themselves and their future descendants. Anything that drives our collective energy and focus from this goal is a hindrance towards the better future we're trying to build.


In all what do we do

Build and use the systems that cut the corrupt stuff out of our lives to the greatest extent possible.

Stuff like Open Source Ecology is a good place to start. Permaculture is an all encompassing term that offers many solutions like this.

Amma check that out.

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