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RE: The friendship of George W. Bush and Michelle Obama (CNN)

in #news8 years ago (edited)

The Iraq War that was a bi-partisan boondoggle. Sitting it at the feet of either party is simply gamesmanship. The fact is that the CinC could have pulled American forces out of Iraq 7 years ago. Today there are American military forces in Iraq (as well as Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, and Northern Africa just to name a few places) but the American public is fed the myth that the war is over. Interesting because American military men and women are still dying there.

I think your opinions on Kosovo and Libya are based on incomplete information or on the misinformation that was perpetrated by the media prior to the conflict, hence the reason why I provided you links for further information. What the media tells us and truth are usually mutually exclusive.

If as you purport the idea was to have a seat at the table when the conflict was done, that did not work out at all. Your huge gap is simply seen as huge because the value of life between locals and Americans is huge, huge, huge. I am not saying you are right or wrong, but the deaths of Libyans at the hands of extremists who the American government funded and encouraged is criminal. It happens all over the world. The last two administrations have left a path of death and destruction internationally, the fact that a current candidate for the Presidency is the architect of much of that death and destruction tells me a lot about the party that nominated her and the people who support her.

I will conclude by stating I simply do not care that governments across the world endorsed war, the fact is that government is responsible for more murder than all other forces on earth combined. Just because the "international community" endorses it (the same international community that endorsed the Iraq War no less) does not justify it or make it right. Your willingness to believe the Clinton spinmeisters regarding Kosovo (which resulted in widespread atrocities committed by the ethnic Albanian forces) while rejecting the Bush spinmeisters is interesting. Me, I reject them all.

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