Harry Potter and the Deathly Donald. Don't you wish... Yes it's a real Study!

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Reading Harry Potter lowers Americans' opinions of Donald Trump. Who comes up with these study ideas? Because they're geniuses!

"Because Trump's political views are widely viewed as opposed to the values espoused in the Harry Potter series," Mutz writes in the study, "exposure to the Potter series may play an influential role in influencing how Americans respond to Donald Trump."

Firstly love the name Mutz, almost as though it was meant to be and I wonder how you really measure this type of data?

In each case, Mutz points out, Donald Trump's messages are opposed to the lessons conveyed in Harry Potter and closer to that of his enemy, Lord Voldemort. Examples abound throughout the series:

  • Harry and his friends advocate for oppressed house-elves and oppose Lord Voldemort's quest for blood purity among wizards. Harry himself is of mixed wizard/muggle (non-wizard) ancestry. Trump, by contrast, has called for a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration and made offensive comments about outgroups of all kinds, including women, Mexicans, Asians, and those with disabilities.
  • The Harry Potter series promotes non-violent means of conflict resolution; while Voldemort is willing to kill many times, the books' protagonists consistently avoid unnecessary curses for killing, torture, or controlling others. Harry even saves the life of his Voldemort-aligned nemesis, Draco Malfoy. Trump, by contrast, has spoken widely about his fondness for waterboarding, and advocates the killing of terrorists' families as a means of deterrence. He has praised his followers' acts of violence against protesters at his rallies.
  • The Harry Potter protagonists work against authoritarian characters in the books. "As does Voldemort," Mutz writes, "Trump portrays himself as a strongman who can bend others to his will, be they the Chinese government or terrorists."

I'm sure this will spread over the internet & News like wildfire! Harry Potter being such a big deal world wide I expect this to keep some fire under TRUMP for a while... but then again, he usually uses that to his advantage.

Expected Trump Quote - Possibly on twitter: "Harry Who? I never liked books and I will never watch the movies, And I love Movies!"

I suggest you give the study at least a glance. I expect lots of funny headlines to come. Enjoy.
Full Article Here: http://phys.org/news/2016-07-harry-potter-lowers-americans-opinions.html

Oh and that image is original (Created by @blueorgy) ;)


This is definitely going to trend

Hopefully. It's a good article, and make sure to check out the Full Study!
It's defiantly going to be out there in the HYPO NEWS WORLD, all over the place.

Thank you Blue, you are the Champ


Damn that's some interesting post right here

Haha that's a funny way of viewing it all. :D

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