Cryptocurrency is the future

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Solving real problems

When I first became introduced to the crypto world it was with Bitcoin and Ethereum. I thought that this new idea of digital currency could just be a fad, something with very little applications to the economy and society in general. It took me a while to discover alt coins and to fully understand blockchain technology as a whole. It was then that I had realized how powerful this technology could be in today's world. The blockchain can't just solve economic problems, it can solve all kinds of real world problems. For example, Foldingcoin (which helps raise money for disease research), Golem (which allows people to share computer power), Siacoin (which allows for cheaper and larger data storage), and even Steemit (which allows bloggers to get paid for their content). These are not just made up currencies to become money-grabbers. The technology they are using is actually helping tons of people across the globe.

What's next

I suppose the next question to ask is, "Where is all of this headed?". Any crypto-enthusiest will tell you that this technology will be around forever, that it is not going away anytime soon. Well, it would be hard to disagree with them. This stuff is the greatest technological advancement since the internet itself, and each day more and more money is poured into it. Its value keeps climbing, with the market cap already over $100 billion. I like to call it the "Millenial's Stock Market". Essentially that's really what it is. With time, I cannot deny my beliefs that the Crypto market will eventually overtake the NY Stock Exchange, in terms of volume and cash flow. While that is a very hefty claim, I have strong beliefs that it will one day happen, based on its performance today, and I think many others might agree.


The World's Future

Whether you believe in Nostradamus, The Bible, or any other propheters, you must know that the World has an inevitable future which will lead to an inevitable end. And in most future predictions, the world runs on a "one-world currency". I never used to know what that could be. But now I feel like I may have a good idea. Cryptocurrency! While this is a stretch, and my statement is not based on facts and solely on personal opinion, I think it makes a whole lot of sense. You have currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, which act similar to gold and silver. Then you have all the alt coins, which work to solve many other economic and societal issues. If I am right about this, it is a great thing! Anyone reading this is already a part of the crypto world! We are the early birds! If the world ever does rely just on cryptocurrency (which would be a long way down the road), we will be ahead the game. We will have already known everything there is to know about the space.

I hope you enjoyed my two cents on this topic. Let me know what you think and share your opinions by commenting below!

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I tell everyone I know that cryptocurrency is the future :) We are all ahead of the curve here

Blockchain, probably the best invention in the world! blockchain.gif

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