
Only recently have I discovered your specific channel on Youtube, perhaps a 6 months ago, but have long known of the impending tribulation we are entering. Studied climate and science my whole waking life as a passion, earned a degree in Earth Sci from a Uni here in Lancaster PA. With all that indoctrination I can still see the truth thru the bullshit.

Quit my big pharma job about 9 months ago (working for the devil fuck that) and began a farm to prepare for the food shortage.

Im all in on the Sun driving our climate, and cycles of the Sun. But I take it a step further in my theory as to what is causing the cycles of the Sun, because something has to be causing the cycles of the Sun right?... and that theory is Planet X, or Nemesis is returning once more..... thoughts?

Perhaps I am deluded, but the drip feed from all the MSM outlets of planetary bodies.. makes you wonder if there is validity ..

That's an interesting concept, my thoughts are that our true history has been hidden from us, we have clearly had lots of past civilizations whitewashed from our history, check out the recent Malta video from the newearth channel on YouTube

(there is also some evidence for past civilizations on the moon and mars as well),

does something like a large planet cause this? Interesting

I thought it was perhaps just the sun doing its thing going through its cycles, I at first dismissed the planet X stories, but your right something is affecting our sun, which causes it to have cycles.

I agree with the ancient civilization theories and such as well. I mean c'mon.. Atlantis and what not being in every ancient culture's myth book. And that our history is most certainly being hidden from us deliberately.. just look what garbage they teach our kids now in school.. yikes.

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