Hawaii Ballistic Missile Warning - Retractions HAVE TO BE Faster Than 38 Minutes - Blockchain Solutions Can Help

in #news7 years ago (edited)

So, you've probably heard about the false alarm in Hawaii, where mass texts were sent to phones warning of the potential of a Ballistic Missile Strike in the area. Residents were warned to take cover. This was extremely scary; my long-time girlfriend's sister is a resident of Hawaii. The exact message was:


The initial false warning was sent out at about 8:07 am, Local Time (Hawaii). "It wasn't until 38 minutes after the first warning — at 8:45 a.m. — that Hawaii's EMA alerted mobile devices across the islands that that initial alert was a false alarm." (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/01/14/hawaiis-false-missile-threat-worker-feels-terrible-after-pushing-wrong-button.html). It turned out to be user error on the part of a worker, but the real news is that it took so long to push a notification via the same mechanism that it was a false alarm. Although some Gov't Twitters and Gov't Officials tweeted almost immediately after, you can't expect everyone (or even a large amount of people) to be following/watching for those tweets after the fact. This caused a lot of panic and it could have been a lot worse than it was.

A system like GainingSteem.Com's Boolean, which constantly watches trending news topics utilizing Learning Web Crawlers, consolidates and provides information like this to users in a Transparent and Permanent way, allowing the capture of the notification of the False Alarm via Twitter and the pushing to those users who have Boolean on their phone. Now, it could have been a lot worse and their time frame for getting a notification could have been a lot worse, but the ability for news from multiple sources to come together and be provided to News Consumers in a fast, reliable way can be VITAL in situations like this. Governments need a solution to increase speed; they need fail-safes and strategies for situations like this!

When there is breaking news that pertains to safety, Boolean's ability to sift through the garbage, provide metrics regarding the issue, and provide updates is extremely important. I understand why there has been so much support this far, from all over the world, quite a few of our ICO Investors being from South America and Russia. The Ethereum Blockchain's transparency and permanency allows a platform like this to be trusted, since information and data (and the accuracy, validity of) are open to public scrutiny. I'm glad everyone is okay and that this was a false alarm! Be vigilant and prepared! :)



Well , I can’t imagine what my reaction would have been. Truth is that can be a reality at any point. I do have faith in our defense!

Bitcoins blockchain would have took 39 minutes...

:) yes we need steemit blockchain

lol yeah, bitcoin's would have for sure. haha

Yeah, that or Ethereum; both are fast and versatile, great for many different use cases! :)

Ha, when i heard about that fake alarm, it reminds me Boolean's ability

I can only imagine how scary it was for the people when they received this warning. It must've caused quite a lot of panic. Hopefully such things won't repeat again!

Yeah, seriously. I heard some stories after the fact that a lot of people were scared and confused, many running around to find their loved ones. It adds to the fear, the fact that many homes don't have basements there!

I wouldn't know what to do either in such situation. Finding your loved one's sounds like the only thing to do when you're in such a panic...

Agreed; that would definitely be my immediate reaction.

When people get such news, people have a very bad situation. This is the scene that is not seen and seen everywhere.

This is such a big serious issue hope this isse gets resolved as soon as possible and many people don't get affected by this...... Surely hawaii will find a solution @biddle thanks for letting me know about this issue!!

I can't imagine how scary it must have been in Hawaii earlier today. I hate to say it, but I feel like this false alert was done accidentally on-purpose. Just to see how people would react.

Scary thought, but a very real possibility (especially considering recent foreign relations with certain countries)!

such mistakes make the one very terrifying.

Upvote & comment done @biddle

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