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RE: Keiser Report: Bitcoin Drama (E1106)

in #news7 years ago

I have a suspicion that this dude has been paid to play dumb. But then again i always have a conspiracy theory on things. In fact i am finalizing a philosophical theory in my head that i am about to put into a blog post the next week that has a click bait title: "Why Satoshi Nakamoto could be a government" :)


No, he is most certainly not paid to play dumb — he made a career in the centralized systems, where he got to be of some importance. In decentralized world he would have to start all over again, and learning new rules of the game. He doesn't want to do that. As a banker, he is searching a way to save his status and his little centralized world. The only chance to save it, is a return to the gold standard. That's why he is so adamant about gold and anti-bitcoin oriented. But I do not worry about him. Gold will always have a value, and he has it.

Thanks for your support and contribution @bescouted.

That is just another reason why i think he is playing dumb. Anyone who has brains to climb the ladder that high also understands the importance of blockchain technology and new paradigm. He does not have to start all over again, he just needs to buy in which he probably already did. Banks can not save their status and they know this too well that is why they are investing into blockchain technology heavily. How do you think where does more than 100 billion market capitalization came from. Guys like you and me? :))) Gold has value as utility but not as financial security or financial instrument anymore and for a long time and it will continue to as total value of gold mined ever sits at around 8 trillion evaluation. with the global economy somewhere in a range of 750 trillion. If only banking syndicates wanted they could buy all the cryptos in one single day. 99% of wealth is owned by 1% population. The only part of the population thinking that gold is still playing any role in financial sector is brainwashed. And he certainly does not look one of those to me:) This is a part of a longer discussion that i will try to put in text and offer to anybody interested at some point next week.

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