Don't you dare threaten my daughter.

in #news8 years ago

My wife's Jewish. So is my daughter. I'm not.

Last week, we took Ellie to a special Friday night sabbath service at a synagogue to officially receive her Hebrew name. If you're unfamiliar with the practice, it's similar to when Catholics receive a confirmation name - though in Judaism it's a moment of becoming a recognized member of the community, a celebration of your incipient faith and the beginning of your journey as a Jew.

My daughter's Hebrew name is Tziporah Meira Havah. She's partly named after my wife's grandmother; she also partly chose it herself. It roughly translates to "Little Bird of Light and Life." She loves it; it's part of her, and it makes her happy.

My daughter was standing on that altar.

Ellie received her official Hebrew name at Temple Beth El in Charlotte, North Carolina, on the Shalom Park campus, where my wife's parents now live. Just one week later on February 27th, so-called "telephone terrorists" targeted Shalom Park, and other Jewish communities around the US, by issuing an anonymous bomb threat against them.

There's always a level of detachment when you hear about bomb threats in the news. It's always some part of the country that's far away from you. Even when they take place in big cities, they might as well be places like Hogsnatch, Iowa or Kettlebutt, South Dakota - they simply don't affect you directly. Especially since nobody was hurt. "Well, it was just a bomb threat," you tell yourself. "Nobody was actually in danger. Just some asshole trying to stir up trouble."

Well, it's different when you've got a connection to the place. When you were watching your child run down the aisle dressed in her finest at a synagogue that, just a week later, would be threatened with a bombing, it sure as shit matters.

I'm not afraid, though. I'm mad.

In fact, I'm beyond mad. I'm incensed. Furious. Enraged. Don't you dare threaten my daughter. Not for anything. And certainly not for a circumstance of her birth.

This is my child we're talking about. But for a small change in scheduling, we might have been down there as it happened.

This idiot who made that call thinks nothing about putting my child in danger. About putting other children in danger. Those children's friends, their parents, and their grandparents.

These people haven't done anything wrong. All they are is happen to be Jewish. Apparently that's a crime punishable with terror.

Well fuck you, telephone terrorist assholes. You don't scare me. You don't scare my wife. And we won't let you scare my daughter.


@beowulfoflegend, I'd like to congratulate you for joining the family of hate crimes victims. I am not being cynical. As you will discover once it will settle down a little, it's a very sobering and humbling experience. Like you said, nobody really cares until it hits one's self or someone close.

As you probably know, we just entered the Hebrew month of Adar, in which Jews commemorate the events that were described in the book of Ester. Reading this two and a half millennia old story, one cannot escape the notion that so little have changed. Hate crimes (and not just against Jews) are the same old shit.

So what we can do about it? In short run, not much except for protecting ourselves. But in the long run, maybe we should do more to make people see that this is everybody's problem.

So thank you for the courage to share this. It is very important.

Thank you for responding, @orenshani7. It's heartening know we're not alone in our experiences.

Excellent article. It has reminded me not to tolerate antisemitism wherever I see or hear it. Be safe.

Thank you, @alexbeyman. We'll do our best.


And a personal note, while I have the best wishes for you and your family, NOW is the time to train in firearms use and acquire a gun, if you haven't already.

In addition, study and go over with your family: emergency drills (what IF THIS and what happens IF THAT) and situational awareness.

Stay Safe!

Thank you! And way ahead of you. While we live in NY - with some of the most ill-conceived firearms restrictions in the US - I am a gun owner. Let's hope I'll never have an opportunity to use it to defend myself or my family.

Agreed, it's a bad place emotionally for most folks to have to hurt other people, which is why the criminally inclined have an advantage over you

Racism should not be tolerated. Period. Good luck with those events, and congratulations to your daughter. Let's indeed end with the fun :)

I'm incensed as well! It is inexcusable... What Steve says is true and I'm glad he posted it (I'm lazy and he saved me from saying much the same stuff). Congratulations to your daughter, you should be proud (of her and your heritage). I'm from Boston and have had many Jewish friends over the years. Also thanks for picking on Iowa and South Dakota...I live in Arkansas and we always seem to get the Country MF flak! Upvoted & followed!

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