Watching what the police are doing in Australia is maddening

in #news4 years ago

I am a big believer in personal responsibility and freedom. I think that a person should be able to do whatever they want provided it doesn't directly harm another person and this is where the Covid measures become a bit of a grey area. It all kind of depends on if you believe that the extremely small opportunity that the virus has of harming another person justifies the draconian measures that some countries are putting their countries through.

Some countries have been kinder than others but when I look at how the authorities are treating their population in Australia, I think that except for countries that have pretty oppressive governments all the time anyway, that they might be the worst in the world as far as violating their citizenry's rights.


By now you are probably almost certainly aware of the pregnant woman who was arrested n her jammies simply for posting something on Facebook about an anti-lockdown rally and the video of it is just so frustrating to watch. I know a few police but I know very few that act as condescending and untouchable as these two pricks. Were the handcuffs really necessary? She was going to comply and what is she going to do? Assault and overpower both of them? She's not Angelina Jolie in Salt.

I admit I don't know a great deal about Australia, but I wouldn't have ever guessed that they would end up being the country with the most tyrannical government on the planet. What they are going through makes what is happening here in North Carolina look like a walk in the park.

Protests are not seeing great attendance numbers in Australia despite massive online support because the Australian authorities are going by and questioning or detaining people in their homes before they even have a chance to commit the "crime" of speaking out against the the government.


There was a movie made not too terribly long ago about the government arresting people for crimes they have yet to commit. Perhaps you saw it, it was called Minority Report and it is definitely worth seeing. He says in the film "They are always right, until they come for you."

Australia, from what I can tell from the little bit of looking I have done have really intense restrictions that have just been extended until October. They include the usual mask and social distancing stuff, but also include curfews and rather intense restrictions on how far you are allowed to travel from your own house. Failure to comply results in massive fines. One person was arrested, charged, and sentenced to 6 months in jail even though after being tested it was shown that she doesn't have Covid and therefore didn't transfer it to anyone. So what crime is she guilty of that is deserving of a 6 month prison sentence? The crime of not obeying the government.


Asher Faye Vander Sanden was merely trying to get home after being trapped in another part of the country. She didn't have the money to pay the $2500 quarantine fee if she wanted to fly back so she smuggled herself in a car that was being transported on a truck. She then stayed away from other people while hiding in her boyfriend's house back home. The police found her and made an example out of her to show the peasantry what happens if you don't completely comply with the state.

One government representative is calling out the government for being so harsh on this group of people, while they stood idly by when tens of thousands took to the streets to protest Black Lives Matter. Covid was very alive and well at that time also. They were protesting something that happened on the other side of the Earth and that was ok, but protesting against something that is actually happening in their own country....nah... ya can't do that.

I for one sincerely hope that more people rise up and fight against this tyranny. If you can't do anything else at least vote out every single leader that you currently have in power... the same thing I would like to see happen in most USA and global elections. Our leaders have proven themselves incompetent for the most part and it is time that they, and not just us, face consequences for this.


I had not heard that story about Asher Faye Vander Sanden. Incredible! I live in NYS and have two daughters who live out of state. Neither of them can visit me because the one in Tennessee is not allowed in NYS without submitting to contact traced 14 days of quarantine, and the other is not allowed back into Vermont unless she submits to the same when she gets home.

Essentially, we are not allowed to cross state lines. And a great many of us think all this is perfectly reasonable. Tyranny it is, and nothing less.

Thank you for doing this work.

I had heard some snippets about that happening in NY but didn't realize it was so extreme. How do they enforce it? Are there checkpoint charlies on the highway or something?

By phone. They call constantly to make sure where you are, and you are expected to answer it.

Music clubs are not allowed to advertise their bands or to charge cover charges, and comedy has been banned in any establishment that serves alcohol.

Good grief, that must make it really hard to remain open pal, I hope you are able to make it through this. I saw a harrowing report the other day about how 60% of bars and restaurants that had to close due to Covid are not going to reopen. :(

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