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RE: Amazon Ring Doorbell Camera to Build Watchlist of “Suspicious” Neighbors for Police

in #news5 years ago

While there are some valid points in what you say, it has little to do with what is reality already today.
And yes, corporations (like Amazon, Apple, Google ect.) cannot be trusted, since they always put their agenda (making money) before anything else. That doesn't mean, that they are unable to provide a useful service - if it serves to achieve their goals, as I said. The same goes for the government.

Sure there is a lot of reason to be concerned, regarding personal freedom, privacy and such things.
However, we don't live in the 18th century anymore, and ideas and concepts of personal freedom from that time just don't work any longer.

Anyway, I prefer to work with what is, not with what I wish things to be. Whatever is coming, you and I won't change it.


"Whatever is coming, you and I won't change it."

Individuals just like you and are today and absolutely will.

" ...ideas and concepts of personal freedom from that time just don't work any longer."

The fact that you existing makes you both responsible and to have authority for effecting, your personal security has not changed one bit. Neither has the fact that you have no authority to delegate that personal responsibility to anyone else changed. All the other rights that derive from this inherent sovereignty are neither altered in the slightest.

I have already changed the world you live in, though you may not know it. I recommend expanding your concept of the nature of living things, which you are one, and recall that the unbroken chain of living cells that connects you to that original cell from which all life stems will never change, which makes you no less responsible for continuing that chain than for eating dinner your personal self.

Basic principles proven without exception to pertain to men ten thousand years ago and to men today continue to effect our sovereignty, no less than the responsiblity of beavers, mice, and birds for thier personal safety, and reveal why that safety must remain thier own purview. No delegation of it, no claim of responsibility for it, supercedes or invalidates it.

This is what is, and what will continue to existentially impact surveillance and police states in particular.

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