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RE: @MrWang Goes Is Now LIVE... on Pozible (Link In Post)

in #news8 years ago

I hadn't seen your first "episode" before just now... I'm really touched by it. I used to be very close to somebody like you. I kind of want to share that video on facebook just in the hope that he'll see it and maybe learn something from it idk... But even the fact that you were in the car while you were getting stressed pushed so many buttons for me... I was so often in the car with my ex partner when I would feel this tension from him and his resentment and I know now that he had his own issues he had to work on but at the time it used to kill me and I'd always blame myself. I hope you will keep documenting that side of you if you think it could help you or even others like you.


Thank you for sharing... Yes, it is my intention to dive further into these "episodes" I might have on occasion and document them if I feel I maybe in the midst of one. That was my original intention then I realized there was soo much more that could be shared and potentially help others who deal with something similar. Thanks for checking this out and please do share.. It's exactly what I meant for it to be

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