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in #news7 years ago


I remember first hearing this album, and this song reached out and grabbed me. I still repeat this line to myself when I am feeling lazy. Occasionally when I find myself distracted by idle crap it is the other line from the song, "I'm scorching, I'm torching, got no time for front-porching."

Great music for lifting, too.

I DO have time for front porching because I enjoy it, and nothing matters beyond that.

Tv party tonight.

Front-porching is basically meditation for me. Toss in a sunset, beers, and some music and there is nowhere else I would rather be.

Where I was born people sit outside the house and just chat to friends and people. When I came to Britain I would sit outside the house in the small front garden and try to talk to people, thinking it was a good way to get to know people.

It turns out that in London, these are both things only mad people do. It is hard to explain how weird it is to sit in front of your house here.

I've recently failed one of the biggest exams of my life and am currently facing the resit. I'm petrified. It feels like my dream of becoming a doctor is slipping through my fingers. Reading this, however, motivates me to be the best I can be. I can wallow in my failure but I should seize this second chance and be the best I can be. It's crazy how just a few words can be so uplifting.

It's a tough one. Nothing I enjoy more than laying about. Bowls, TV, Movies, Video Games. Really just a life of entertainment. And I enjoy it. If Michelangelo and other passed away artists were alive today, they would make movies, or even video games. They would revel in the thought provoking and captivating entertainment we have created and can craft.

But I really feel like it's going to hit a lot of people from my generation and the next one (I'm 30) like a shittonne of bricks when we're facing our deaths.

"I was going to do amazing things, but I got caught up watching tv and video games and forgot to." ... And what do I really get from the Entertainment? How much of it am I even going to remember when it's time to go?

And god damn do video games and TV shows nowadays take up a lot of hours. (100s per entertainment source sometimes)

And I know for a fact there's moments out there that we experience that are beautiful and amazing and make us feel alive and bring is to a higher level of self during a few brief moments than any hours of time wasted entertaining ourselves with the next episode of whatever we're watching can ever hit.

So it's kind of messed up. Sometimes I feel like I've trained myself to be a zombie and watch other lives and storylines play out rather than paying any attention or care to my own.

Just wait til wearable VR/AR devices. Holy shit.

Hey, wait a minute! My TV doesn't work! It's broken!

:( if your in the southern states visiting pm me. We can fire up the grill and drink some beers.

I loved Rollins and looked up to him a bunch until I saw a video of him bash electronic music on a speaking tour/stand up thing he did. I couldn't believe this was the same guy who fronted black flag putting down such a wide array of music. I had put so much time, love and care into my music and for him to put it down in that way really turned me off from him. I still love black flag but I can never look at him the same. I'm sure older musicians looked at his music the same way so I guess its just him being an old man.

I still respect the guy and his tough love, "raw power" approach, but he does not understand depression. Like, at all.

His brute force approach is pretty inspiring, and it works for some people, but he just doesn't seem to understand that the method does not work for everyone. And yes, suicide sucks, and we all hope it would stop, but when a human being defies their most primal need - survival, staying alive at all costs - there's something else going on there that you can't just explain with a "fuck you."

Sorry Rollins, it's great that you have life by the balls, but it doesn't make you necessarily the smartest dude around.

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