World Trade Center 7: A False Flag Within a False Flag

in #news6 years ago (edited)

In 2008, a Dutch TV crew went to investigate the 9/11 attacks. They brought a controlled demolition expert on the show by the name of Danny Jowenko. According to Jowenko, the WTC7 building must have been a controlled demolition, brought down by explosions. I do not contest this. But in this article, I want to point out that the Dutch tv-show itself was a false flag operation, namely to put the blame for WTC7's collapse on "them", i.e. Muslim terrorists (who had nothing to do with it).

1 Did This Fall in a Different Way Than the WTC?


Jowenko claimed the WTC7 collapse was "different from that of the Twin Towers". He meant to say that, in his view, the Twin Towers had collapsed as a result of being hit by planes and fires on the top floors. Jowenko never denied the official 9/11 story. But it is a provable falsehood that the Twin Towers supposedly collapsed, from top to bottom, due to fires.

As researcher Tony Szamboti has shown, the Twin Towers fell with almost no resistance. In other words, there was no "pancaking" of floors falling onto each other, which would have to slow down the towers' collapse. Instead, Szamboti proved the towers fell at a steady rate. The floors did not pancake, but rather fell down at the same time, a truth which does not support the official 9/11 story.


The Twin Towers, too, were brought down in a controlled demolition. Yet, demolition expert Jowenko specifically denied this (or didn't want anyone to doubt the official 9/11 story). If demolition expert Jowenko claimed the WTC7 drop was "different" from that of WTC1 and WC2, he was either lying or not an expert.

2 Jowenko Actually Believed a "Team of Experts" Snuck Into WTC7 on 9/11 to Place Explosives


In the TV interview, Jowenko repeatedly expressed his disbelief at the fact that WTC7 had come down just 7 hours after WTC1 and WTC2. He then suggested a "team of experts" must have entered WTC7 building to place explosives. Though he never specified who "they" were, from the context we can infer he meant "Muslim terrorists" (or wanted his audience to think so). According to Jowenko, this team of experts must have "worked hard".

3 An Easy Job?


Luckily, they didn't have to be so precise because so much else in the neighborhood had already been destroyed. Based on a blueprint of the building, Jowenko stressed that it would have been "easy" to bring the building down with explosives, and that it "was possible to do it with packet charges" rather than "cutter charges" (which require more work).

However, if we do the math, we see it could not have been easy. The original WTC7 was 47 stories tall, carried by 24 on each floor columns, the blueprint shows. This means a demolition team would have had to place 47*24=1128 charges, each powerful enough for their intended purpose. Of course, no "team of experts" could have done that within seven hours after the Twin Towers collapsed.

Jowenko then claims "they " could have targeted only 12 columns per floor, in an "H-formation", but this would still have required 564 packet charges.

4 False Flag

In conclusion, Jowenko's interview was meant to convince audiences that "they" placed "packet charges" and brought down WTC7 within 7 hours after the 9/11 attacks. Jowenko never once suggested that such work, with actual cutter charges, must have been put into place days if not weeks or even months before. Yet, Jowenko spent a good deal of the interview emphasizing "how fast" and "how easily" it could be done.

In other words, he was pushing a narrative. At this point, obviouly, we know that Jowenko was a Dutch secret service asset. The interview showed an actor portraying the role of a demolition expert. The actor wanted his audience to believe a team of expert terrorists had placed hundreds of explosive charges on all floors inside WTC7 on the day of 9/11 and got away with it undetected.

That didn't happen. It is much more realistic to assume any explosive charges were placed there weeks if not months before the attacks--evidence of a false flag.

5 Untimely Death

Jowenko supposedly died in a car crash three days after an interview with Iran's PressTV, in which he reiterated his beliefs about WTC7. Still, despite a genuine obituary published in a Dutch newspaper, it is unlikely "Danny Jowenko" was a real person. I believe he was an actor portraying a demolition expert. His mission was not to expose an Israeli-American conspiracy but rather to make you believe "they" (i.e. Muslim terrorists) had done it.

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